0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:00:02,736 --> 00:00:05,398 with the support of the Cinematography Service 2 00:00:05,638 --> 00:00:06,730 the Russian Ministry of Culture 3 00:00:07,741 --> 00:00:10,869 produced by 2-B-2 Studio ENTERTAlNMENT 4 00:00:15,482 --> 00:00:18,645 Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoevsky 5 00:00:22,555 --> 00:00:27,015 lDlOT 6 00:00:27,627 --> 00:00:32,530 Evgeni MlRONOV As prince Muishkin 7 00:00:33,366 --> 00:00:35,732 Starring 8 00:00:36,770 --> 00:00:40,501 Vladimir MASHKOV 9 00:00:41,374 --> 00:00:44,673 Lidiya VELEZHEVA 10 00:00:45,745 --> 00:00:49,476 Olga Budina 11 00:00:50,650 --> 00:00:54,017 lnna CHURlKOVA 12 00:00:55,088 --> 00:00:58,683 Alexei PETRENKO 13 00:00:59,759 --> 00:01:03,320 Vladimir lLYlN 14 00:01:03,997 --> 00:01:07,797 Michael BOYARSKY 15 00:01:08,668 --> 00:01:12,502 Alexander LAZAREV 16 00:01:13,540 --> 00:01:16,771 Larisa MALEVANNAYA 17 00:01:17,877 --> 00:01:21,677 Maria KlSELYOVA 18 00:01:22,582 --> 00:01:25,915 Written and directed by Vladimir BORTKO 19 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:29,513 Photography by Dmitri MASS 20 00:01:30,757 --> 00:01:31,917 Design by 21 00:01:32,325 --> 00:01:33,451 Vladimir SVETOZAROV Marina NlKOLAYEVA 22 00:01:34,494 --> 00:01:35,518 Original music by lgor KORNELYUK 23 00:01:36,362 --> 00:01:37,294 Producer Valery TODORORVSKl 24 00:01:37,497 --> 00:01:38,657 Episode 10 25 00:01:38,765 --> 00:01:40,756 Epanchins were all at their estate of Colmina now, 26 00:01:40,867 --> 00:01:42,835 about twenty miles or so from St. Petersburg. 27 00:01:44,003 --> 00:01:45,971 And in point of fact you must allow that they could hardly 28 00:01:46,139 --> 00:01:48,107 have stayed here, in the face of your daily visits to their house, 29 00:01:48,341 --> 00:01:49,933 visits which you insisted upon making in spite of their refusal to see you. 30 00:01:50,076 --> 00:01:52,806 Yes, quite so; you are quite right. l wished to see Aglaya lvanovna. 31 00:01:52,979 --> 00:01:54,708 Oh, my dear fellow, how could you permit all that 32 00:01:54,814 --> 00:01:55,610 to come about as it has? 33 00:01:55,882 --> 00:02:00,342 You really should have understood how seriously she cared for you. 34 00:02:00,787 --> 00:02:04,382 She could not bear to share you with another, and you could bring 35 00:02:04,524 --> 00:02:06,321 yourself to throw away and shatter such a treasure! 36 00:02:06,392 --> 00:02:08,986 Yes, yes, you are quite right. l was wrong. 37 00:02:09,362 --> 00:02:10,989 But as if that is enough! You are to blame, and yet you 38 00:02:11,064 --> 00:02:12,053 persevere in evil-doing. 39 00:02:15,001 --> 00:02:16,969 Where was your christian heart, all that time? 40 00:02:19,005 --> 00:02:21,735 You saw her face. Was she suffering less than the other woman? 41 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:27,503 How could you see her suffering and allow it to continue? 42 00:02:27,847 --> 00:02:32,841 To this moment l don't know how it all happened. 43 00:02:33,052 --> 00:02:36,886 l ran after Aglaya lvanovna, but Nastasia Philipovna fell down in a faint, 44 00:02:37,056 --> 00:02:39,024 and since that day they won't let me see Aglaya. 45 00:02:40,460 --> 00:02:42,428 lt's all the same, you ought to have run after Aglaya 46 00:02:42,562 --> 00:02:44,029 though the other was fainting. 47 00:02:44,097 --> 00:02:45,894 Yes, yes, l ought, but l couldn't! She would have died, 48 00:02:46,065 --> 00:02:47,657 she would have killed herself. You don't know her. 49 00:02:48,067 --> 00:02:50,058 Tell me now, why am l not allowed to see Aglaya? 50 00:02:50,203 --> 00:02:51,534 l should have cleared it all up. 51 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:58,035 Neither of them kept to the real point, you see. 52 00:03:00,213 --> 00:03:02,408 l could never explain what 53 00:03:02,582 --> 00:03:05,449 l mean to you, but l think l could to Aglaya. 54 00:03:05,552 --> 00:03:07,884 Oh! my God, my God! You spoke just now of Aglaya's face 55 00:03:08,021 --> 00:03:09,420 at the moment when she ran away. Oh, my God! l remember it! 56 00:03:09,522 --> 00:03:11,581 - Come along, come along quick! -Where to? 57 00:03:11,758 --> 00:03:16,923 - Come to Aglaya quick, quick! - But l told you she is not at Pavlofsk. 58 00:03:17,931 --> 00:03:19,455 Oh, she'll understand! 59 00:03:20,133 --> 00:03:22,499 She would understand that all this is not the point, 60 00:03:23,002 --> 00:03:24,970 not a bit the real point it is quite foreign to the real question. 61 00:03:25,238 --> 00:03:27,206 How can it be foreign? You are going to be married, 62 00:03:28,007 --> 00:03:29,531 Very well, then you are persisting in your course. 63 00:03:29,642 --> 00:03:30,700 Are you going to marry her or not? 64 00:03:30,977 --> 00:03:33,445 Yes, l shall marry her, yes. 65 00:03:33,980 --> 00:03:36,471 - Then why is it 'not the point'? - Oh, no, it is not the point, 66 00:03:37,884 --> 00:03:39,852 not a bit. lt makes no difference, me marrying her ,it means nothing. 67 00:03:39,986 --> 00:03:41,954 How 'means nothing'? You are talking nonsense, my friend. 68 00:03:42,055 --> 00:03:44,023 You are marrying the woman you love in order to secure her happiness, 69 00:03:44,457 --> 00:03:47,085 and Aglaya sees and knows it. How can you say that it's 'not the point'? 70 00:03:47,594 --> 00:03:50,688 Her happiness? Oh, no! 71 00:03:51,998 --> 00:03:55,490 l am only marrying her--well, because she wished it. 72 00:03:57,003 --> 00:04:01,872 lt means nothing--it's all the same. She would certainly have died. 73 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:05,541 l see now that that marriage with Rogojin was an insane idea. 74 00:04:05,678 --> 00:04:08,545 l understand all now that l did not understand before; 75 00:04:10,750 --> 00:04:14,015 and, do you know, when those two stood opposite to one another, 76 00:04:14,887 --> 00:04:17,515 l could not bear Nastasia Philipovna's face! 77 00:04:18,691 --> 00:04:20,659 You must know, Evgenie Pavlovitch, l have never told anyone 78 00:04:20,793 --> 00:04:26,095 before-not even Aglaya-that l cannot bear Nastasia Philipovna's face. 79 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:29,068 Even in the morning when l saw her portrait, 80 00:04:31,271 --> 00:04:32,795 l'm AFRAlD of her face! 81 00:04:35,742 --> 00:04:37,710 -You are AFRAlD of it? -Yes--she's mad! 82 00:04:40,713 --> 00:04:43,045 - Do you know this for certain? -Yes, for certain--quite for certain, now! 83 00:04:44,684 --> 00:04:47,244 l have discovered it ABSOLUTELY for certain, these last few days. 84 00:04:49,188 --> 00:04:54,125 What are you doing, then? You must be marrying her solely out of FEAR, then! 85 00:04:56,996 --> 00:04:58,258 Perhaps you don't even love her? 86 00:04:58,598 --> 00:05:04,161 Oh, no; l love her with all my soul. Why, she is a child! 87 00:05:04,871 --> 00:05:08,272 She's a child now-a real child. Oh! you know nothing about it at all, l see. 88 00:05:08,341 --> 00:05:10,309 And are you assured, at the same time, that you love Aglaya too? 89 00:05:10,743 --> 00:05:12,142 Yes--yes--oh; yes! 90 00:05:13,846 --> 00:05:17,509 How so? Do you want to make out that you love them BOTH? 91 00:05:17,717 --> 00:05:19,685 Yes--yes--both! l do! 92 00:05:22,722 --> 00:05:27,056 Excuse me, prince, but think what you are saying! Recollect yourself! 93 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:29,128 Without Aglaya-l-l MUST see Aglaya! 94 00:05:30,129 --> 00:05:38,332 if Aglaya only knew all-l mean really, REALLY all! 95 00:05:38,738 --> 00:05:41,969 Why cannot we ever know all about another, especially when that other has been guilty? 96 00:05:42,575 --> 00:05:44,543 has been guilty? 97 00:05:44,977 --> 00:05:48,674 But l don't know what l'm talking about-l'm so confused. 98 00:05:48,848 --> 00:05:50,816 You pained me so dreadfully. 99 00:05:51,984 --> 00:05:53,952 Surely-surely Aglaya has not the same expression now as she had 100 00:05:54,120 --> 00:05:55,348 at the moment when she ran away? 101 00:05:56,723 --> 00:05:59,886 Probably l am in fault all round-l don't quite know how 102 00:06:00,026 --> 00:06:04,622 but l am in fault, no doubt. 103 00:06:04,964 --> 00:06:06,932 There is something else, 104 00:06:07,133 --> 00:06:10,796 but l cannot explain it to you, Evgenie Pavlovitch. l have no words; 105 00:06:11,037 --> 00:06:13,005 but Aglaya will understand. l have always believed Aglaya 106 00:06:14,307 --> 00:06:16,275 No, prince, she will not. 107 00:06:19,011 --> 00:06:23,880 Aglaya loved like a woman, like a human being, not like an abstract spirit. 108 00:06:25,685 --> 00:06:27,915 Do you know what, my poor prince? 109 00:06:30,022 --> 00:06:31,751 The most probable explanation of the matter is that you never loved either 110 00:06:31,891 --> 00:06:33,358 the one or the other in reality. 111 00:06:40,400 --> 00:06:46,964 l don't know-perhaps you are right in much that you have said, 112 00:06:47,373 --> 00:06:50,774 Evgenie Pavlovitch. You are very wise, Evgenie Pavlovitch-oh! 113 00:06:50,877 --> 00:06:52,902 how my head is beginning to ache again! 114 00:06:54,313 --> 00:06:57,183 Come to her, quick--for God's sake, come! 115 00:06:57,183 --> 00:06:59,151 But l tell you she is not in Pavlofsk! 116 00:07:00,653 --> 00:07:01,779 She's in Colmina. 117 00:07:01,921 --> 00:07:03,889 Oh, come to Colmina, then! Come-let us go at once! 118 00:07:04,157 --> 00:07:06,125 No-no, impossible! 119 00:07:06,325 --> 00:07:11,092 Look here l'll write a letter take a letter for me!'' 120 00:07:12,265 --> 00:07:18,033 No-no, prince; you must forgive me, but l can't undertake any such commissions! 121 00:09:47,086 --> 00:09:50,544 -Whom do you see? - Nothing. l only thought l... 122 00:09:53,192 --> 00:09:55,160 ls it Rogojin? 123 00:09:56,295 --> 00:09:58,263 Why-is he here? 124 00:09:59,031 --> 00:10:00,999 Yes, he's in church. 125 00:10:02,301 --> 00:10:06,135 l thought l caught sight of his eyes! 126 00:10:08,641 --> 00:10:12,509 But what of it! Why is he here? Was he asked? 127 00:10:13,045 --> 00:10:15,013 Oh, dear, no! Anyone can come in, you know. 128 00:10:18,918 --> 00:10:24,151 You must have the wedding in St. Petersburg, 129 00:10:24,423 --> 00:10:29,827 instead of in the public fashion contemplated, down here at 130 00:10:29,929 --> 00:10:32,830 Pavlofsk in the height of the season. 131 00:10:35,167 --> 00:10:37,965 Nastasia Philipovna desired to have it so. 132 00:10:51,050 --> 00:10:52,176 l won't drink! 133 00:10:53,919 --> 00:10:58,879 Thanks for the trust, prince. For me it is an honour to be your best man. 134 00:11:02,028 --> 00:11:05,225 l had at first felt hostile towards the project of this marriage. 135 00:11:05,297 --> 00:11:07,527 l had hoped to see the prince marry at least a Princess de Rohan; 136 00:11:08,300 --> 00:11:11,531 but now l see that the prince's way of thinking was ten times more noble 137 00:11:12,004 --> 00:11:14,370 than that of ''all the rest put together. 138 00:11:15,975 --> 00:11:20,469 l desired neither pomp nor wealth nor honour, but only the truth! 139 00:11:21,113 --> 00:11:23,673 But all the common herd judge 'differently; in the town, at the meetings, in the villas, 140 00:11:24,016 --> 00:11:28,043 l have even heard talk of getting up a 'charivari' under the windows on 141 00:11:28,154 --> 00:11:34,184 the wedding-night. So if 'you have need of the pistol' of an honest man, prince, 142 00:11:34,326 --> 00:11:39,354 l am ready to fire half a dozen shots even before you rise from your nuptial couch!'' 143 00:11:40,599 --> 00:11:43,659 No, no. lt is to much. 144 00:12:00,352 --> 00:12:05,153 - Do you like it? -Yes. 145 00:12:06,492 --> 00:12:08,187 And this? 146 00:12:12,965 --> 00:12:17,402 And this. All this suit you. 147 00:12:21,974 --> 00:12:25,569 Let them shout and whistle, if they dare! 148 00:12:28,347 --> 00:12:32,545 Go! You can not see me before the wedding! 149 00:13:20,099 --> 00:13:25,435 What am l doing? What am l doing to you? 150 00:13:41,353 --> 00:13:43,321 Go back. 151 00:14:13,085 --> 00:14:14,382 Go back. 152 00:14:21,894 --> 00:14:23,862 Well, she isn't the first in the world, nor the last. 153 00:14:28,634 --> 00:14:30,602 Mr. Keller come on. 154 00:14:40,112 --> 00:14:42,080 lt is time, Nastasia Philipovna. 155 00:16:11,537 --> 00:16:12,162 Please. 156 00:16:23,916 --> 00:16:26,578 Save me! Take me away, anywhere you like, quick! 157 00:16:29,455 --> 00:16:31,423 -What? - Go back. 158 00:16:33,258 --> 00:16:35,818 To the station, quick! lf you catch the train you shall have another. Quick! 159 00:16:37,229 --> 00:16:39,197 Stop! Stop! 160 00:17:12,498 --> 00:17:14,830 l was afraid, but l hardly thought it would come to this. 161 00:17:18,504 --> 00:17:19,732 However, in her state... 162 00:17:25,611 --> 00:17:27,044 Extraordinarily philosophically. 163 00:17:51,503 --> 00:17:58,033 Vera, knock at my door and wake me in time for the first train to Petersburg next morning. 164 00:17:58,844 --> 00:17:59,606 l will. 165 00:18:01,080 --> 00:18:06,643 -And, please dont tell anyone. - l wont. 166 00:18:12,558 --> 00:18:14,526 - Until tomorrow! - Until tomorrow! 167 00:20:21,119 --> 00:20:24,714 -Whom do you want? - Parfen Semionovitch. 168 00:20:25,991 --> 00:20:27,481 He is not in. 169 00:20:28,460 --> 00:20:31,429 At all events tell me whether he slept at home last night, 170 00:20:31,763 --> 00:20:34,527 and whether he came alone? 171 00:20:36,535 --> 00:20:39,595 Was not Nastasia Philipovna here with him, yesterday evening? 172 00:20:41,106 --> 00:20:42,437 l do not now. 173 00:20:42,641 --> 00:20:46,509 - Stop a minute! When will he come back? - l don't know that either. 174 00:21:07,165 --> 00:21:10,623 - ls Parfen Semionovitch at home? -Yes. 175 00:21:10,902 --> 00:21:13,530 -Why did they tell me he was not at home, then? -Where did they tell you so,-at his door? 176 00:21:13,705 --> 00:21:18,165 No, at his mother's flat; l rang at Parfen Semionovitch's door and nobody came. 177 00:21:18,644 --> 00:21:19,770 Well, he may have gone out. l can't tell. Sometimes he takes the keys 178 00:21:19,878 --> 00:21:22,779 with him, and leaves the rooms empty for two or three days. 179 00:21:23,181 --> 00:21:28,141 -Was Nastasia Philipovna with him? - l don't know; she doesn't come often. 180 00:21:28,520 --> 00:21:30,488 l think l should have known if she had come. 181 00:25:45,076 --> 00:25:49,410 Lef Nicolaievitch, my friend, come along with me. 182 00:26:02,460 --> 00:26:06,829 l was waiting you, today. 183 00:26:07,799 --> 00:26:09,061 l was there. 184 00:26:11,503 --> 00:26:15,303 Why did you not ask for me at my room if you were in the hotel? 185 00:26:24,049 --> 00:26:26,916 - ls Nastasia Philipovna with you? -Yes. 186 00:26:27,886 --> 00:26:32,186 And was it you who looked out of the window under the blind this morning? 187 00:26:33,124 --> 00:26:37,185 Look here, Lef Nicolaievitch, you go straight on to the house; 188 00:26:37,829 --> 00:26:42,926 l shall walk on the other side. See that we keep together. 189 00:27:45,130 --> 00:27:48,930 Even the porter does not know that l have come home now. 190 00:27:52,904 --> 00:27:58,308 l told him, and told them at my mother's too, that l was off to Pavlofsk. 191 00:28:01,212 --> 00:28:03,180 We'll go in quietly and nobody will hear us. 192 00:29:15,386 --> 00:29:24,260 When you rang the bell this morning l thought it must be you. l went to the door 193 00:29:24,462 --> 00:29:28,125 on tip-toe and heard you talking to the servant opposite. 194 00:29:30,235 --> 00:29:33,227 l had told her before that if anyone came and rang especially you 195 00:29:35,039 --> 00:29:37,007 and l gave her your name, she was not to tell about me. 196 00:29:40,178 --> 00:29:48,085 Then l thought, what if he goes and stands opposite and looks up, 197 00:29:50,755 --> 00:29:57,183 So l came to this very window, looked out, and there you were 198 00:29:57,295 --> 00:29:59,263 staring straight at me. 199 00:30:02,033 --> 00:30:04,001 That's how it came about. 200 00:30:12,043 --> 00:30:15,342 Where is Nastasia Philipovna? 201 00:30:18,349 --> 00:30:20,317 She's here. 202 00:30:24,789 --> 00:30:26,757 Where? 203 00:30:27,559 --> 00:30:28,651 Come. 204 00:31:23,882 --> 00:31:25,372 Sit down. 205 00:31:44,736 --> 00:31:48,433 - Had you not better light a candle? - No, l needn't. 206 00:31:51,376 --> 00:31:53,344 l knew you would be at that hotel. 207 00:31:56,614 --> 00:32:03,110 As l entered the passage it struck me that perhaps you were sitting 208 00:32:03,288 --> 00:32:05,916 and waiting for me, just as l was waiting foryou. 209 00:32:21,339 --> 00:32:25,400 Rogojin, WHERE is Nastasia Philipovna? 210 00:32:28,880 --> 00:32:29,642 There. 211 00:32:33,251 --> 00:32:34,149 Asleep? 212 00:32:46,331 --> 00:32:56,639 Let's go in--but you mustn't--well--let's go in. 213 00:33:15,326 --> 00:33:16,190 Go in. 214 00:33:27,038 --> 00:33:29,006 lt's so dark. 215 00:33:30,308 --> 00:33:31,468 You can see quite enough. 216 00:33:38,249 --> 00:33:43,653 - l can just see there's a bed. - Go nearer. 217 00:34:10,048 --> 00:34:12,016 - ls it you? - Yes. 218 00:34:39,077 --> 00:34:41,045 l see you are shuddering, Lef Nicolaievitch 219 00:34:45,550 --> 00:34:54,686 l don't know what l shall do with you Because, you know, if you were ill now, 220 00:34:54,892 --> 00:34:58,726 or anything, they might hear it in the yard, or even in the street, and guess that someone 221 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:04,296 was passing the night in the house. 222 00:35:05,503 --> 00:35:15,378 l am not at home.So that l want them to not know we are spending the night here. 223 00:35:20,351 --> 00:35:25,379 Wait. l asked both the porter and the woman whether Nastasia Philipovna 224 00:35:26,891 --> 00:35:28,859 had spent last night in the house; so they knew. 225 00:35:29,360 --> 00:35:31,328 No one knows she slept here. 226 00:35:34,398 --> 00:35:39,426 Last night we came in just as carefully as you and l did today. 227 00:35:41,038 --> 00:35:44,337 l thought as l came along with her that she would not like to creep 228 00:35:44,809 --> 00:35:46,777 in so secretly, but l was quite wrong. 229 00:35:47,812 --> 00:35:50,679 She whispered, and walked on tip-toe; she carried her skirt over her arm, 230 00:35:51,415 --> 00:35:54,009 so that it shouldn't rustle, and she held up her finger at me 231 00:35:55,486 --> 00:36:00,423 on the stairs, so that l shouldn't make a noise--it was you she was afraid of. 232 00:36:00,725 --> 00:36:02,693 Take me to your own house, where you can hide me, and tomorrow 233 00:36:02,894 --> 00:36:04,862 we'll set off for Moscow.' There she would go to Orel, she said. 234 00:36:06,097 --> 00:36:08,065 When she went to bed, she was still talking about going to Orel. 235 00:36:09,000 --> 00:36:14,063 Wait! What do you intend to do now, Parfen? 236 00:36:15,873 --> 00:36:20,901 Well, l'm afraid of you. You shudder and tremble so. 237 00:36:24,649 --> 00:36:26,617 l'll take the cushions off all the sofas, and lay them down on the floor, 238 00:36:28,586 --> 00:36:34,752 up against the curtain here--for you and me--so that we shall be together. 239 00:36:59,050 --> 00:37:02,577 For if they come in and look about now, you know, they'll find her, 240 00:37:04,188 --> 00:37:08,124 and they'll be asking me questions, and l shall say l did it, 241 00:37:10,761 --> 00:37:15,494 So let her lie close to us close to you and me. 242 00:37:16,867 --> 00:37:17,925 Yes, yes. 243 00:37:26,877 --> 00:37:29,175 So we will not say anything about it, or let them take her away? 244 00:37:30,214 --> 00:37:32,182 Not for anything! No, no, no! 245 00:37:32,516 --> 00:37:36,577 So l had decided, my friend; not to give her up to anyone. 246 00:37:39,523 --> 00:37:41,491 We'll be very quiet. 247 00:37:43,794 --> 00:37:47,924 lt is so hot. Do you find it bad? 248 00:37:50,501 --> 00:37:55,200 l don't know perhaps by morning it will be. 249 00:37:55,806 --> 00:37:57,774 l've covered her with oil-cloth--best American oilcloth, 250 00:37:59,910 --> 00:38:01,878 and put the sheet over that 251 00:38:02,513 --> 00:38:06,108 and four jars of disinfectant, on account of the smell. 252 00:38:12,189 --> 00:38:17,024 And she's lying so still; you shall see 253 00:38:33,844 --> 00:38:39,578 -What! can't you get up? - My legs won't move, it's fear, l know. 254 00:38:39,950 --> 00:38:41,918 When my fear is over, l'll get up 255 00:38:42,620 --> 00:38:52,655 Wait a bit l'll make the bed, and you can lie down. 256 00:38:53,564 --> 00:38:58,934 l'll lie down, too, and we'll listen and watch, for l don't know yet what 257 00:38:59,570 --> 00:39:07,306 l shall do... l tell you beforehand, so that you may be ready in case. 258 00:40:10,107 --> 00:40:16,205 lt's hot weather, you see and, naturally, there will be a smell. 259 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:28,784 l daren't open the window. My mother has some beautiful flowers in pots; 260 00:40:36,133 --> 00:40:40,763 they have a delicious scent; l thought of fetching them in, 261 00:40:43,908 --> 00:40:46,274 but that old servant will find out, she's very inquisitive. 262 00:40:46,377 --> 00:40:47,742 Yes, she is inquisitive. 263 00:40:51,415 --> 00:40:59,914 Listen tell me how did you with a knife? That same one? 264 00:41:02,693 --> 00:41:04,661 Yes, that same one. 265 00:41:08,132 --> 00:41:16,369 Wait a minute, l want to ask you something else, Parfen; all sorts of things; 266 00:41:18,242 --> 00:41:25,410 but tell me first, did you intend to kill her before my wedding 267 00:41:25,850 --> 00:41:29,445 at the church door, with your knife? 268 00:41:33,123 --> 00:41:34,988 l don't know whether l did or not. 269 00:41:37,027 --> 00:41:39,757 Did you nevertake your knife to Pavlofsk with you? 270 00:41:42,433 --> 00:41:43,991 No. 271 00:41:51,308 --> 00:41:55,836 As to the knife this is all l can tell you about it. 272 00:41:57,114 --> 00:42:00,743 l took it out of the locked drawerthis morning 273 00:42:01,819 --> 00:42:05,152 about three, for it was in the early morning all this--happened. 274 00:42:05,356 --> 00:42:08,519 lt has been inside the book ever since--and--and--this is what is 275 00:42:09,360 --> 00:42:16,266 such a marvel to me, the knife only went in a couple of inches at most, 276 00:42:16,534 --> 00:42:20,971 just under her left breast, and there wasn't more than half 277 00:42:21,071 --> 00:42:26,168 a tablespoonful of blood altogether, not more. 278 00:42:26,777 --> 00:42:29,075 Yes, yes, yes. l know, l know, l've read of that 279 00:42:29,179 --> 00:42:31,147 sort of thing. Sometimes there isn't a drop, if the blow goes straight to the heart. 280 00:42:34,418 --> 00:42:40,357 Wait-listen! Somebody's walking about, do you hear? ln the hall. 281 00:42:51,902 --> 00:42:52,766 l hear. 282 00:42:56,807 --> 00:43:01,107 Shall we shut the door, and lock it, or not? Yes, lock it. 283 00:43:58,902 --> 00:44:03,566 That officer, eh!--that young officer don't you rememberthat fellow at the band? 284 00:44:04,041 --> 00:44:05,565 Eh? Ha, ha, ha! Didn't she whip him smartly, eh? 285 00:45:31,995 --> 00:45:35,294 One year later. Switzerland. 286 00:45:41,371 --> 00:45:44,602 You can talk to him. 287 00:45:45,976 --> 00:45:47,944 Though hardly probable he will understand you. 288 00:47:47,764 --> 00:47:51,723 Well to tell to you? 289 00:48:02,880 --> 00:48:04,848 Lebedeff, Gania, 290 00:48:06,116 --> 00:48:09,142 Ptitsin, Ptitsin, and many otherfriends of ours continue to live as before. 291 00:48:13,257 --> 00:48:17,591 Rogojin suffered from brain feverfortwo months. 292 00:48:18,128 --> 00:48:21,723 When he recovered from the attack. He was convicted and condemned to hard labour in Siberia 293 00:48:21,899 --> 00:48:23,867 forfifteen years. 294 00:48:26,136 --> 00:48:28,263 Hippolyte died in great agitation. 295 00:48:30,140 --> 00:48:34,634 about a fortnight after Nastasia Phiipovna's death. 296 00:48:38,148 --> 00:48:41,276 Colia became very thoughtful. 297 00:48:42,452 --> 00:48:45,853 He will make a useful and active man. 298 00:48:48,325 --> 00:48:52,728 The general works. 299 00:48:54,164 --> 00:48:56,132 Alexandra is with me. 300 00:48:56,833 --> 00:48:59,427 Adelaida has married. 301 00:49:00,170 --> 00:49:02,138 Live well. 302 00:49:03,173 --> 00:49:05,141 Can be will live better. 303 00:49:10,948 --> 00:49:13,348 Aglaya has married. 304 00:49:14,251 --> 00:49:16,811 the Polish prince of the emigrant. 305 00:49:16,954 --> 00:49:20,446 He turned out to be neither count nor exile. 306 00:49:21,191 --> 00:49:23,887 She joined a committee that had been organized abroad to work for the restoration of Poland. 307 00:49:28,865 --> 00:49:32,232 Evgenie Pavlovitch has gone abroad. 308 00:49:32,469 --> 00:49:34,562 He speaks, that on long. 309 00:49:38,642 --> 00:49:41,839 Prince. 310 00:49:42,212 --> 00:49:44,339 Recover! 311 00:49:46,350 --> 00:49:48,545 and come back to Russia. 312 00:49:49,886 --> 00:49:51,854 Because all this is 313 00:49:55,292 --> 00:49:59,194 one imagination. 314 00:50:00,230 --> 00:50:04,599 And all the trash about 'going abroad' is simply foolery, and it is mere foolery on our part to come. 315 00:50:07,337 --> 00:50:09,305 You'll live to agree with me yourself. 316 00:50:10,305 --> 00:50:20,305 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org