0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:00:02,736 --> 00:00:05,398 with the support of the Cinematography Service 2 00:00:05,638 --> 00:00:06,730 the Russian Ministry of Culture 3 00:00:07,741 --> 00:00:10,869 produced by 2-B-2 Studio ENTERTAlNMENT 4 00:00:15,482 --> 00:00:18,645 Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoevsky 5 00:00:22,555 --> 00:00:27,015 lDlOT 6 00:00:27,627 --> 00:00:32,530 Evgeni MlRONOV As prince Muishkin 7 00:00:33,366 --> 00:00:35,732 Starring 8 00:00:36,770 --> 00:00:40,501 Vladimir MASHKOV 9 00:00:41,374 --> 00:00:44,673 Lidiya VELEZHEVA 10 00:00:45,745 --> 00:00:49,476 Olga Budina 11 00:00:50,650 --> 00:00:54,017 lnna CHURlKOVA 12 00:00:55,088 --> 00:00:58,683 Alexei PETRENKO 13 00:00:59,759 --> 00:01:03,320 Vladimir lLYlN 14 00:01:03,997 --> 00:01:07,797 Michael BOYARSKY 15 00:01:08,668 --> 00:01:12,502 Alexander LAZAREV 16 00:01:13,540 --> 00:01:16,771 Larisa MALEVANNAYA 17 00:01:17,877 --> 00:01:21,677 Maria KlSELYOVA 18 00:01:22,582 --> 00:01:25,915 Written and directed by Vladimir BORTKO 19 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:30,514 Photography by Dmitri MASS 20 00:01:31,758 --> 00:01:32,918 Design by 21 00:01:33,326 --> 00:01:35,453 Vladimir SVETOZAROV Marina NlKOLAYEVA 22 00:01:36,496 --> 00:01:39,522 Original music by lgor KORNELYUK 23 00:01:50,376 --> 00:01:53,641 Producer Valery TODORORVSKl 24 00:01:56,082 --> 00:01:58,676 Episode 8 25 00:02:11,030 --> 00:02:13,464 When you open this letter 26 00:02:14,467 --> 00:02:16,662 look first at the signature. 27 00:02:18,805 --> 00:02:21,774 The signature will tell you all, 28 00:02:22,876 --> 00:02:27,643 so that l need explain nothing, nor attempt to justify myself. 29 00:02:33,786 --> 00:02:38,689 However, observe, that although l couple you with him, 30 00:02:40,593 --> 00:02:45,030 yet l have not once asked you whether you love him. 31 00:02:46,399 --> 00:02:49,630 He fell in love with you, though he saw you but once. 32 00:02:50,069 --> 00:02:55,939 He spoke of you as of 'the light.' These are his own words 33 00:02:57,177 --> 00:02:59,145 l heard him use them. 34 00:03:00,079 --> 00:03:02,411 But l understood without his saying it that you were 35 00:03:02,549 --> 00:03:04,517 all that light is to him. 36 00:03:05,151 --> 00:03:07,415 l lived near him for a whole month, 37 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:12,548 and l understood then that you, too, must love him. 38 00:03:13,660 --> 00:03:17,994 l think of you and him as one. 39 00:03:19,599 --> 00:03:23,592 How she has dared to write to her? 40 00:03:27,073 --> 00:03:29,041 How she could write about it? 41 00:03:32,779 --> 00:03:35,873 And how could such mad idea arise in her head? 42 00:03:39,552 --> 00:03:41,520 But the dream this is, is already carried out. 43 00:03:42,155 --> 00:03:44,783 And it is more surprising than all, that l almost believe in an opportunity 44 00:03:44,924 --> 00:03:46,653 realization of this dream. 45 00:03:46,826 --> 00:03:48,794 Why do l wish to unite you two? 46 00:03:49,662 --> 00:03:51,630 For your sakes or my own? 47 00:03:51,931 --> 00:03:53,899 For my own sake, naturally. 48 00:03:54,033 --> 00:03:56,001 l have thought so for a long time. 49 00:03:56,469 --> 00:03:58,437 l have renounced the world. 50 00:03:58,771 --> 00:04:00,568 You think it is strange that l should say so, 51 00:04:00,673 --> 00:04:02,641 for you saw me decked with lace and diamonds. 52 00:04:03,476 --> 00:04:05,501 ''Take no notice of that; l know that'' 53 00:04:05,645 --> 00:04:08,079 l have almost ceased to exist. 54 00:04:10,250 --> 00:04:12,081 God knows what it is dwelling within me now 55 00:04:12,151 --> 00:04:13,914 it is not myself. 56 00:04:14,220 --> 00:04:16,188 l can see it every day in two dreadful eyes 57 00:04:16,489 --> 00:04:18,457 which are always looking at me, even when not present. 58 00:04:18,558 --> 00:04:20,526 These eyes are silent now, but l know their secret. 59 00:04:21,761 --> 00:04:23,729 l am convinced that in some box he has a razor hidden, 60 00:04:23,830 --> 00:04:25,798 tied round with silk. 61 00:04:26,266 --> 00:04:28,097 He is always silent, 62 00:04:28,201 --> 00:04:32,501 but l know well that he loves me so much that he must hate me. 63 00:04:33,740 --> 00:04:36,072 ''My wedding and yours are to be on the same day;'' 64 00:04:36,209 --> 00:04:40,976 so l have arranged with him. l have no secrets from him. 65 00:04:41,848 --> 00:04:46,080 l would kill him from very fright, but he will kill me first. 66 00:05:41,240 --> 00:05:43,208 How did you come here? 67 00:05:44,243 --> 00:05:47,041 l... l... came in 68 00:05:47,246 --> 00:05:49,214 Mamma is not very well, nor is Aglaya. 69 00:05:49,649 --> 00:05:51,617 Adelaida has gone to bed, and l am just going. 70 00:05:51,718 --> 00:05:53,686 We were alone the whole evening. 71 00:05:57,190 --> 00:06:03,322 l have come to you... now... to... 72 00:06:03,796 --> 00:06:05,559 -Do you know what time it is? -N--no! 73 00:06:05,665 --> 00:06:07,633 Half-past twelve. We are always in bed by one. 74 00:06:09,902 --> 00:06:13,736 l thought it was half-past nine! 75 00:06:13,940 --> 00:06:16,135 Never mind! But why didn't you come earlier? 76 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:18,177 Perhaps you were expected! 77 00:06:23,983 --> 00:06:25,951 l thought 78 00:06:28,354 --> 00:06:32,848 Au revoir! l shall amuse them all with this story tomorrow! 79 00:07:40,326 --> 00:07:42,294 Get up! Get up at once! 80 00:07:44,363 --> 00:07:46,331 What? 81 00:07:47,366 --> 00:07:49,334 Are you happy? 82 00:07:49,702 --> 00:07:51,670 Are you happy? 83 00:07:51,971 --> 00:07:55,463 Get up! Get up! 84 00:07:55,908 --> 00:07:58,308 Say this one word. Are you happy now? 85 00:07:58,511 --> 00:08:00,479 Oh, be calm... be calm! 86 00:08:00,780 --> 00:08:02,748 Today, this moment? 87 00:08:02,915 --> 00:08:07,147 Have you just been with her? Are you happy now? 88 00:08:07,286 --> 00:08:09,880 -What did she say? -Get up! Get up! 89 00:08:11,123 --> 00:08:17,187 l am going away tomorrow, as you bade me 90 00:08:17,396 --> 00:08:25,895 l won't write so that this is the last time 91 00:08:25,972 --> 00:08:28,770 l shall see you, the last time! 92 00:08:36,549 --> 00:08:41,987 This is really the last time! 93 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:51,497 Good-bye! 94 00:08:55,234 --> 00:08:57,202 Wait a minute, prince, l shall be back in five minutes. 95 00:09:31,003 --> 00:09:32,971 l've put her in the carriage, 96 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:37,573 it has been waiting round the corner there since ten o'clock. 97 00:09:41,480 --> 00:09:45,416 She expected that you would be with them all the evening. 98 00:09:49,088 --> 00:09:51,852 l told her exactly what you wrote me. 99 00:09:53,259 --> 00:09:55,227 She won't write to the girl any more, 100 00:09:55,461 --> 00:09:59,261 and tomorrow she will be off, as you wish. 101 00:09:59,498 --> 00:10:01,466 Did she bring you with her of her own accord? 102 00:10:03,903 --> 00:10:05,871 Of course she did! 103 00:10:06,272 --> 00:10:08,240 And l saw for myself what l knew before. 104 00:10:09,508 --> 00:10:11,476 You've read her letters? 105 00:10:11,911 --> 00:10:14,345 Did you read them? 106 00:10:15,047 --> 00:10:17,015 Of course... 107 00:10:17,350 --> 00:10:19,318 She showed them to me herself. 108 00:10:22,088 --> 00:10:24,056 You are thinking of the razor? 109 00:10:28,060 --> 00:10:30,028 Oh, she is mad! 110 00:10:30,229 --> 00:10:32,197 Who knows? Perhaps she is not so mad after all. 111 00:10:34,266 --> 00:10:36,234 Well, good-bye. 112 00:10:37,903 --> 00:10:40,428 l'm off tomorrow too, you know. 113 00:10:40,906 --> 00:10:42,874 Remember me kindly! 114 00:10:47,546 --> 00:10:52,984 Did you answer her question just now? 115 00:10:55,388 --> 00:10:57,356 Are you happy, or not? 116 00:10:57,523 --> 00:11:00,959 No, no, no! 117 00:11:03,596 --> 00:11:05,564 Ha, ha! l never supposed you would say 'yes. 118 00:11:14,340 --> 00:11:16,501 Upon my honour, l really believed l had fancied something of the kind, 119 00:11:16,676 --> 00:11:18,644 after all. At first, it seemed a new idea, and then, somehow, 120 00:11:18,911 --> 00:11:20,879 it looked as familiar as possible. 121 00:11:21,013 --> 00:11:23,345 To me affairs are not present that lvan Fedorovich seems to you 122 00:11:24,450 --> 00:11:26,418 Was all this good or bad? 123 00:11:26,919 --> 00:11:32,323 lf bad -which was hardly doubtful, Wherein, especially, bad? 124 00:11:34,493 --> 00:11:37,394 lf good which might be the case, of course, 125 00:11:40,132 --> 00:11:42,100 Why good? 126 00:11:44,236 --> 00:11:46,204 Of course, you know all this is very strange, 127 00:11:46,272 --> 00:11:50,231 ''if true, which l cannot deny; but... But, on the other hand,'' 128 00:11:51,010 --> 00:11:53,979 if one looks things in the face, you know... upon my honour, 129 00:11:54,246 --> 00:11:56,214 the prince is a rare good fellow... 130 00:11:56,515 --> 00:12:01,316 and... well, his name, you know... your family name... 131 00:12:01,487 --> 00:12:03,478 all this looks well, and perpetuates the name 132 00:12:03,622 --> 00:12:05,590 and title and all that... 133 00:12:05,958 --> 00:12:07,220 which at this moment is not standing so high as it might... 134 00:12:07,393 --> 00:12:10,089 from one point of view... don't you know? 135 00:12:12,465 --> 00:12:14,433 The world, the world is the world, 136 00:12:15,701 --> 00:12:19,228 And the prince has property, you know... if it is not very large... 137 00:12:20,639 --> 00:12:30,105 The whole thing had been one huge, fantastical, absurd, unpardonable mistake. 138 00:12:33,753 --> 00:12:38,417 Forgive me dear, it is time... 139 00:12:48,000 --> 00:12:50,730 Why am l driven to think, and foresee, and worry for everybody, 140 00:12:51,003 --> 00:12:53,267 while they all sucked their thumbs, 141 00:12:53,405 --> 00:12:55,532 and counted the crows in the garden, and do nothing? 142 00:12:55,708 --> 00:12:57,676 And why is not the prince such a husband 143 00:12:57,777 --> 00:13:00,302 as you would have desired for Aglaya. 144 00:13:00,513 --> 00:13:04,973 First of all, this prince is an idiot, and, secondly, he is a fool, 145 00:13:05,818 --> 00:13:13,122 knows nothing of the world, and has no place in it. 146 00:13:14,693 --> 00:13:16,661 What will old Bielokonski say? 147 00:13:18,197 --> 00:13:28,266 We never thought of such a husband as that for our Aglaya! 148 00:13:29,275 --> 00:13:31,243 Father's remark may be not so far out. 149 00:13:31,343 --> 00:13:33,174 ln the eyes of the world, probably the choice of the prince 150 00:13:33,312 --> 00:13:35,405 as a husband for one of the Epanchin girls would be considered a very wise one. 151 00:13:35,514 --> 00:13:37,482 ''The prince is by no means a fool, and never has been;'' 152 00:13:37,583 --> 00:13:39,517 and that as to place in the world, no one know what the position 153 00:13:39,618 --> 00:13:41,313 of a respectable person would imply in a few years... 154 00:13:41,387 --> 00:13:42,684 Whether it would depend on successes in the government service, 155 00:13:42,788 --> 00:13:44,278 on the old system, or what. 156 00:13:44,390 --> 00:13:45,652 You are a freethinker, and that all this is due to that 157 00:13:45,758 --> 00:13:47,726 cursed woman's rights question. 158 00:13:52,097 --> 00:13:54,065 Very simply indeed! 159 00:13:54,633 --> 00:13:59,434 ''l found it under the chair upon which my coat had hung;'' 160 00:13:59,839 --> 00:14:02,774 so that it is clear the purse simply fell 161 00:14:02,875 --> 00:14:04,843 out of the pocket and on to the floor! 162 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:10,048 -Under the chair? -So. 163 00:14:10,649 --> 00:14:12,480 Why, you told me yourself that you had searched 164 00:14:12,585 --> 00:14:14,314 every corner of the room? How could you not have looked 165 00:14:14,453 --> 00:14:15,818 in the most likely place of all? 166 00:14:16,088 --> 00:14:18,056 Of course l looked there, of course l did! Very much so! 167 00:14:18,190 --> 00:14:22,524 l looked and scrambled about, and felt for it, and wouldn't believe 168 00:14:22,695 --> 00:14:28,133 it was not there, and looked again and again. 169 00:14:29,201 --> 00:14:31,169 l don't quite understand, 170 00:14:31,370 --> 00:14:33,702 You say it wasn't there at first, 171 00:14:33,806 --> 00:14:35,774 and that you searched the place thoroughly. 172 00:14:35,908 --> 00:14:37,102 So. 173 00:14:37,443 --> 00:14:39,411 And yet it turned up on that very spot! 174 00:14:39,912 --> 00:14:41,880 Yes, sir on that very spot. 175 00:14:42,715 --> 00:14:44,342 And the general? 176 00:14:44,617 --> 00:14:46,585 How do you mean, the general? 177 00:14:46,752 --> 00:14:48,720 Oh, good heavens! l mean, what did the general 178 00:14:48,888 --> 00:14:51,413 say when the purse turned up under the chair? 179 00:14:56,462 --> 00:14:59,829 l thought better to say nothing about finding it. 180 00:15:00,132 --> 00:15:01,759 l found it alone. 181 00:15:01,867 --> 00:15:03,528 And the money? Was it all there? 182 00:15:03,669 --> 00:15:05,637 Right to a single rouble. 183 00:15:06,472 --> 00:15:09,839 l wanted to appear, myself, to have found nothing. 184 00:15:10,376 --> 00:15:13,834 l took the purse, and opened it, and counted the money, 185 00:15:14,446 --> 00:15:17,813 and shut it and put it down again under the chair. 186 00:15:19,418 --> 00:15:21,386 What in the world for? 187 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:25,788 l was half in hopes the general might find it. 188 00:15:25,891 --> 00:15:30,429 l moved the chair several times so as to expose the purse to view, 189 00:15:30,429 --> 00:15:34,160 but the general never saw it. 190 00:15:34,533 --> 00:15:36,501 Well, but have you taken the purse away now? 191 00:15:38,671 --> 00:15:43,199 No, it disappeared from under the chair in the night. 192 00:15:44,343 --> 00:15:46,311 Where is it now, then? 193 00:15:47,846 --> 00:15:53,546 Here, in the lining of my coat. 194 00:15:54,987 --> 00:15:59,481 Look, you can feel it for yourself, if you like! 195 00:16:02,227 --> 00:16:04,718 ''l took it out and had a look at it; it's all right.'' 196 00:16:05,297 --> 00:16:07,595 l've let it slip back into the lining now, as you see, 197 00:16:07,833 --> 00:16:10,324 ''and so l have been walking about ever since yesterday morning;'' 198 00:16:10,436 --> 00:16:12,404 it knocks against my legs when l walk along. 199 00:16:12,504 --> 00:16:15,166 -And you take no notice of it? -Quite so, l take no notice of it. 200 00:16:16,375 --> 00:16:18,343 And the general? 201 00:16:20,379 --> 00:16:22,347 ''Ah, very angry all day, sir; all yesterday and all today.'' 202 00:16:22,481 --> 00:16:25,382 He shows decided bacchanalian predilections at one time, 203 00:16:25,484 --> 00:16:28,385 and at another is tearful and sensitive, but at any moment he is liable 204 00:16:28,487 --> 00:16:32,480 to paroxysms of such rage that l assure you, prince, l am quite alarmed. 205 00:16:32,591 --> 00:16:36,994 l am not a military man, you know. 206 00:16:38,030 --> 00:16:40,555 Yesterday we were sitting together in the tavern, 207 00:16:40,699 --> 00:16:43,259 and the lining of my coat was quite accidentally, of course 208 00:16:43,402 --> 00:16:45,370 sticking out right in front. 209 00:16:45,471 --> 00:16:49,840 The general squinted at it, and flew into a rage. 210 00:16:51,610 --> 00:16:53,578 ''l intend to find the purse tomorrow;'' 211 00:16:55,714 --> 00:16:59,206 but till then l am going to have another night of it with him. 212 00:16:59,551 --> 00:17:01,519 What's the good of tormenting him like this? 213 00:17:04,823 --> 00:17:06,791 l don't torment him, prince, l don't indeed! 214 00:17:06,992 --> 00:17:09,654 l love him, my dear sir, l esteem him. 215 00:17:12,798 --> 00:17:15,767 And believe it or not,l love him all the better for this business, yes and value him more. 216 00:17:15,968 --> 00:17:17,629 -Love him and torment him so! -Yes. 217 00:17:17,770 --> 00:17:19,738 And tormenting him like this? 218 00:17:19,872 --> 00:17:21,874 Why, by the very fact that he put the purse prominently 219 00:17:21,874 --> 00:17:23,842 before you, first under the chair and then in your lining, 220 00:17:23,942 --> 00:17:25,910 he shows that he does not wish to deceive you, but is anxious 221 00:17:26,011 --> 00:17:27,979 to beg your forgiveness in this artless way. 222 00:17:28,080 --> 00:17:31,572 Do you hear? He is asking your pardon. 223 00:17:34,453 --> 00:17:36,921 He confides in the delicacy of your feelings, 224 00:17:37,356 --> 00:17:39,824 and in your friendship for him. 225 00:17:40,426 --> 00:17:43,623 And you can allow yourself to humiliate so thoroughly 226 00:17:43,796 --> 00:17:46,264 honest a man! 227 00:17:48,300 --> 00:17:51,861 Thoroughly honest, quite so, prince, thoroughly honest! 228 00:17:52,037 --> 00:17:55,495 And only you, prince, could have found so very appropriate an expression. 229 00:17:55,641 --> 00:17:59,600 l honour you for it, prince. 230 00:17:59,878 --> 00:18:01,846 Very well, that's settled 231 00:18:01,980 --> 00:18:03,948 l shall find the purse now and not tomorrow. 232 00:18:06,485 --> 00:18:08,453 Well, take care, you don't tell him to his face that you 233 00:18:08,587 --> 00:18:10,054 have found the purse. 234 00:18:10,389 --> 00:18:11,947 Simply let him see that it is no longer in the lining 235 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:13,524 of your coat, and form his own conclusions. 236 00:18:13,625 --> 00:18:15,593 l know, prince, of course 237 00:18:16,929 --> 00:18:19,363 l know, but l'm afraid l shall not carry it out. 238 00:18:20,532 --> 00:18:22,500 for to do so one needs a heart like your own. 239 00:18:24,436 --> 00:18:26,996 He is so very irritable just now, and so proud. 240 00:18:27,106 --> 00:18:28,801 At one moment he will embrace me, and the next he flies out at me 241 00:18:28,907 --> 00:18:30,875 and sneers at me, and then l stick the lining forward on purpose. 242 00:18:32,578 --> 00:18:35,638 Well, au revoir, prince, l see l am keeping you, 243 00:18:35,714 --> 00:18:37,682 and boring you, too, 244 00:18:37,783 --> 00:18:39,045 interfering with your most interesting private reflections. 245 00:18:43,989 --> 00:18:45,957 Go and take this hedgehog to the prince from me, 246 00:18:46,058 --> 00:18:48,026 and ask him to accept it as a token of my profound respect. 247 00:18:48,093 --> 00:18:50,061 Certainly l shall pass. 248 00:18:53,665 --> 00:18:55,633 Colia, dear, please take care not to drop him! 249 00:18:55,934 --> 00:18:58,528 No, l will not drop him! Don't be afraid, Aglaya lvanovna! 250 00:18:58,704 --> 00:19:00,672 What does the hedgehog mean? 251 00:19:02,875 --> 00:19:06,038 What is the meaning of such a present. 252 00:19:07,412 --> 00:19:09,380 Mum - a hedgehog its simply a hedgehog 253 00:19:19,825 --> 00:19:21,520 Good afternoon general. 254 00:19:21,693 --> 00:19:24,025 l have determined, prince, 255 00:19:25,430 --> 00:19:27,694 to leave this house, Mr. Lebedeff's house. 256 00:19:27,833 --> 00:19:28,891 Why? 257 00:19:29,034 --> 00:19:33,698 l do not need his hospitality. having my own family at Pavlofsk. 258 00:19:34,806 --> 00:19:37,502 l leave Lebedeff's house, my dear prince, 259 00:19:37,576 --> 00:19:39,635 because l have quarreled with this person. 260 00:19:39,978 --> 00:19:41,946 l broke with him last night, and am very sorry that 261 00:19:42,047 --> 00:19:44,015 l did not do so before. 262 00:19:44,149 --> 00:19:46,117 Prince, l have often given away my heart, 263 00:19:46,218 --> 00:19:48,880 and am nearly always deceived. 264 00:19:48,987 --> 00:19:51,683 This person was quite unworthy of the gift. 265 00:19:51,790 --> 00:19:54,759 There is much that might be improved in him, 266 00:19:54,860 --> 00:19:56,828 but though amid them one cannot but discern a cunning nature 267 00:19:56,995 --> 00:19:58,963 reveal what is often a diverting intellect. 268 00:19:59,064 --> 00:20:01,692 Oh, that he possesses good traits, l was the first to show, 269 00:20:01,767 --> 00:20:03,735 a present of my friendship. l have drunk with this man, 270 00:20:03,902 --> 00:20:05,870 and perhaps l deplore the fact now, 271 00:20:05,971 --> 00:20:08,405 l was attracted by his good qualities. 272 00:20:09,041 --> 00:20:13,808 But when the fellow declares that he was a child in 1812, 273 00:20:14,012 --> 00:20:17,641 and had his left leg cut off, and buried in the Vagarkoff cemetery, 274 00:20:17,749 --> 00:20:19,717 in Moscow, such a cock-and-bull story amounts to disrespect, my dear sir, 275 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:23,218 to impudent exaggeration. 276 00:20:23,488 --> 00:20:25,979 Oh, he was very likely joking, he said it for fun. 277 00:20:26,058 --> 00:20:27,616 l quite understand you. 278 00:20:27,793 --> 00:20:30,227 But when a man makes use of extravagance in order to show 279 00:20:30,495 --> 00:20:34,693 the intimacy bores him, it is time for a man of honour to break off 280 00:20:34,900 --> 00:20:39,496 the said intimacy, and to teach the offender his place. 281 00:20:42,241 --> 00:20:45,802 Oh, but Lebedeff cannot have been in Moscow in 1812. 282 00:20:45,911 --> 00:20:47,879 He is much too young, it is all nonsense. 283 00:20:49,181 --> 00:20:51,649 but even if we admit that he was alive in 1812, 284 00:20:51,783 --> 00:20:58,154 can one believe that a French chasseur pointed a cannon at him for a lark, 285 00:20:58,857 --> 00:21:00,825 and shot his left leg off? 286 00:21:00,926 --> 00:21:03,156 He says he picked his own leg up and took it away 287 00:21:03,295 --> 00:21:05,991 and buried it in the cemetery. 288 00:21:06,131 --> 00:21:08,099 He swore he had a stone put up over it with the inscription: 289 00:21:08,200 --> 00:21:10,168 'Here lies the leg of 'Rest, beloved ashes, 290 00:21:10,269 --> 00:21:12,237 till the morn of joy.' 291 00:21:12,504 --> 00:21:15,598 and that he has a service read over it every year, 292 00:21:15,707 --> 00:21:18,801 which is simply sacrilege, 293 00:21:18,944 --> 00:21:20,912 and goes to Moscow once a year on purpose. 294 00:21:21,146 --> 00:21:23,740 He invites me to Moscow in order to prove his assertion, and show me 295 00:21:23,815 --> 00:21:25,783 his leg's tomb, and the very cannon that shot him, he says it's the eleventh 296 00:21:25,951 --> 00:21:28,977 from the gate of the Kremlin. 297 00:21:30,055 --> 00:21:32,023 And, meanwhile both his legs are still on his body. 298 00:21:33,292 --> 00:21:35,260 l assure you, it is only an innocent joke, 299 00:21:35,327 --> 00:21:36,794 and you need not be angry about it. 300 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:42,798 Well, if you were one of Napoleon's pages in 1812, 301 00:21:43,201 --> 00:21:46,659 you might let me bury my leg in the Moscow cemetery. 302 00:21:47,806 --> 00:21:49,774 Why, did you say... 303 00:21:50,075 --> 00:21:53,067 ''l am rather young-looking, l know; but l am actually older'' 304 00:21:53,245 --> 00:21:56,009 than l appear to be. 305 00:21:57,849 --> 00:22:02,752 l was ten or eleven in the year 1812. 306 00:22:02,988 --> 00:22:07,823 And with 10 years child it is possible to explain adventures age. 307 00:22:08,026 --> 00:22:10,051 Had l been fifteen years old l should probably have been terribly frightened, 308 00:22:10,162 --> 00:22:12,824 but as l was only just ten l was not in the least alarmed, 309 00:22:13,965 --> 00:22:17,731 and rushed through the crowd to the very door of the palace 310 00:22:17,836 --> 00:22:20,066 when Napoleon alighted from his horse. 311 00:22:20,238 --> 00:22:24,072 Undoubtedly, at ten years old you would not have felt 312 00:22:24,209 --> 00:22:26,074 the sense of fear, as you say. 313 00:22:26,211 --> 00:22:27,906 Yes, it's quite true, isn't it? 314 00:22:28,013 --> 00:22:30,709 A small boy, a child, would naturally realize no danger, 315 00:22:30,849 --> 00:22:33,249 he would shove his way through the crowds to see the shine 316 00:22:33,352 --> 00:22:36,150 and glitter of the uniforms, and especially the great man 317 00:22:36,621 --> 00:22:39,089 of whom everyone was speaking. 318 00:22:39,825 --> 00:22:45,923 Napoleon, passing a couple of paces from me, caught sight of me accidentally. 319 00:22:46,098 --> 00:22:50,967 l was very well dressed, and being all alone, in that crowd, 320 00:22:51,069 --> 00:22:53,037 as you will easily imagine... 321 00:22:53,205 --> 00:22:55,173 Oh, of course! Naturally the sight impressed him. 322 00:22:55,841 --> 00:23:01,211 Just so just so! When his eagle eye fell on me, 323 00:23:01,380 --> 00:23:04,349 mine probably flashed back in response. 324 00:23:04,850 --> 00:23:08,718 Voila un garcon bien eveille! Qui est ton pere? 325 00:23:09,254 --> 00:23:11,882 l immediately replied, almost panting with excitement, 326 00:23:12,057 --> 00:23:14,582 A general, who died on the battle-fields of his country! 327 00:23:14,693 --> 00:23:17,719 Le fils d'un boyard et d'un brave, pardessus le marche. 328 00:23:17,829 --> 00:23:20,889 J'aime les boyards. M'aimes-tu, petit? 329 00:23:23,168 --> 00:23:27,969 To this keen question l replied as keenly, 330 00:23:28,273 --> 00:23:32,767 The Russian heart can recognize a great man even in the bitter enemy 331 00:23:32,878 --> 00:23:34,846 of his country. 332 00:23:35,213 --> 00:23:37,704 At least, l don't remember the exact words. 333 00:23:37,916 --> 00:23:39,884 Napoleon was struck. 334 00:23:42,254 --> 00:23:50,855 l like that boy's pride, if all Russians think like this child, 335 00:23:51,096 --> 00:23:53,087 then he didn't finish, 336 00:23:53,331 --> 00:23:55,299 hut went on and entered the palace. 337 00:23:55,967 --> 00:23:59,368 l instantly mixed with his suite, and followed him. 338 00:23:59,738 --> 00:24:05,370 A couple of days after this, Napoleon's page, De Bazancour, died, 339 00:24:05,744 --> 00:24:07,405 he had not been able to stand the trials of the campaign. 340 00:24:07,712 --> 00:24:09,680 Napoleon remembered me, 341 00:24:09,781 --> 00:24:12,716 l was taken away without explanation, the dead page's uniform 342 00:24:12,884 --> 00:24:14,852 was tried on me, and when l was taken 343 00:24:14,953 --> 00:24:17,683 before the emperor, dressed in it, 344 00:24:18,056 --> 00:24:20,718 he nodded his head to me, 345 00:24:22,093 --> 00:24:28,931 and l was told that l was appointed to the vacant post of page. 346 00:24:30,936 --> 00:24:34,133 l was called 'page'. 347 00:24:36,708 --> 00:24:43,375 Suddenly his eye fell on me 348 00:24:44,082 --> 00:24:47,313 and an idea seemed to flash across him. 349 00:24:48,053 --> 00:24:50,214 'Child,' he said, abruptly. 350 00:24:51,022 --> 00:24:56,358 lf l were to recognize the Russian orthodox religion 351 00:24:56,495 --> 00:24:58,463 and emancipate the serfs, 352 00:24:58,763 --> 00:25:00,731 do you think Russia would come over to me? 353 00:25:01,132 --> 00:25:03,726 'Never!' l cried, indignantly. 354 00:25:04,035 --> 00:25:06,003 The Emperor was much struck. 355 00:25:06,805 --> 00:25:13,074 ln the flashing eyes of this patriotic child l read and accept 356 00:25:13,144 --> 00:25:17,444 the fiat of the Russian people. 357 00:25:21,152 --> 00:25:25,088 And, do you know, l all but went off to Paris. 358 00:25:25,557 --> 00:25:27,525 but, alas, our destinies were otherwise ordered. 359 00:25:31,329 --> 00:25:35,732 Heavens! it's two o'clock! How l have kept you, prince! 360 00:25:35,834 --> 00:25:37,426 lt is really most unpardonable of me. 361 00:25:37,903 --> 00:25:39,871 Oh, not in the least, On the contrary, 362 00:25:40,038 --> 00:25:43,201 l have been so much interested, l'm really very much obliged to you. 363 00:25:45,977 --> 00:25:51,005 Prince, Prince, you are so kind, 364 00:25:51,283 --> 00:25:58,519 so simple-minded, that sometimes l really feel sorry for you! 365 00:26:00,058 --> 00:26:07,464 l gaze at you with a feeling of real affection. 366 00:26:07,599 --> 00:26:09,567 Oh, Heaven bless you! 367 00:26:11,002 --> 00:26:18,841 May your life blossom and fructify in love. 368 00:26:19,844 --> 00:26:23,211 Mine is over. 369 00:26:24,382 --> 00:26:26,350 Mine is over. 370 00:26:34,926 --> 00:26:36,894 He has taken offence. 371 00:26:37,462 --> 00:26:40,863 that has reached such inspiration. 372 00:27:07,492 --> 00:27:09,460 Colia. 373 00:27:10,395 --> 00:27:16,630 You invite tonight, and ask to transfer it as a token of the deepest respect. 374 00:27:16,968 --> 00:27:18,936 And what is it? 375 00:27:47,599 --> 00:27:55,472 l must part forever, l am grateful, but even from you 376 00:27:55,907 --> 00:28:04,576 l could not accept signs of sympathy which were humiliating to the dignity 377 00:28:04,949 --> 00:28:10,979 of a man already miserable enough. 378 00:29:02,373 --> 00:29:05,604 Badly the railway works. 379 00:29:06,211 --> 00:29:09,339 Yes to repair railway it would be very useful. 380 00:29:25,396 --> 00:29:27,364 Sit prince. 381 00:29:28,333 --> 00:29:30,494 Did you get my hedgehog? 382 00:29:30,802 --> 00:29:32,770 Yes, l got it. 383 00:29:33,071 --> 00:29:35,039 Tell us now, at once, what you made of the present? 384 00:29:35,140 --> 00:29:37,267 l must have you answer this question for mother's sake, 385 00:29:37,375 --> 00:29:39,343 she needs pacifying, and so do all the rest of the family! 386 00:29:39,477 --> 00:29:42,310 -This is going beyond all limits! -Look here, Aglaya... 387 00:29:42,781 --> 00:29:44,749 lt is not in the least beyond all limits, mamma! 388 00:29:45,316 --> 00:29:47,284 l sent the prince a hedgehog this morning, and 389 00:29:47,452 --> 00:29:49,647 l wish to hear his opinion of it. Go on, prince. 390 00:29:49,788 --> 00:29:53,053 What sort of opinion, Aglaya lvanovna? 391 00:29:54,092 --> 00:29:56,060 About the hedgehog. 392 00:29:57,195 --> 00:29:59,163 That is... 393 00:29:59,731 --> 00:30:02,723 l suppose you wish to know how l received the hedgehog, Aglaya lvanovna, 394 00:30:02,834 --> 00:30:05,701 or, l should say, how l regarded your sending him to me? 395 00:30:08,706 --> 00:30:10,674 ln that case, l may tell you... 396 00:30:11,643 --> 00:30:13,611 in a word 397 00:30:14,145 --> 00:30:16,113 You haven't told us much! 398 00:30:16,214 --> 00:30:18,739 Very well, l am ready to drop the hedgehog, if you like, 399 00:30:19,083 --> 00:30:21,017 but l am anxious to be able to clear up this accumulation 400 00:30:21,085 --> 00:30:22,382 of misunderstandings. 401 00:30:22,554 --> 00:30:25,284 Allow me to ask you, prince, l wish to hear from you, personally 402 00:30:25,423 --> 00:30:27,391 are you making me an offer, or not? 403 00:30:31,663 --> 00:30:33,631 Gracious heavens! 404 00:30:34,632 --> 00:30:36,327 Don't deceive me now, prince tell the truth. 405 00:30:36,434 --> 00:30:37,560 All these people persecute me 406 00:30:37,635 --> 00:30:39,125 with astounding questions about you. 407 00:30:39,237 --> 00:30:40,636 ls there any ground for all these questions, or not? 408 00:30:41,272 --> 00:30:44,332 l have not asked you to marry me yet, Aglaya lvanovna 409 00:30:45,310 --> 00:30:49,474 but you know yourself how much l love you and trust you. 410 00:30:51,382 --> 00:30:53,373 l asked you this, answer this! 411 00:30:53,518 --> 00:30:55,486 Do you intend to ask for my band, or not? 412 00:30:55,553 --> 00:30:57,521 l do ask for it! 413 00:31:05,263 --> 00:31:08,699 My dear girl. You cannot proceed like this, Aglaya, 414 00:31:08,766 --> 00:31:14,068 if that's how the matter stands. lt's impossible. 415 00:31:15,773 --> 00:31:22,838 Prince, forgive it, my dear fellow, but Lizabetha Prokofievna!... 416 00:31:24,782 --> 00:31:28,149 Not l... not l! 417 00:31:28,853 --> 00:31:31,378 Allow me to speak, please, mamma. 418 00:31:33,691 --> 00:31:35,852 An important moment of my destiny is about to be decided. 419 00:31:37,495 --> 00:31:39,759 l wish to find out how the matter stands, 420 00:31:39,931 --> 00:31:42,365 for my own sake, though l am glad you are all here. 421 00:31:42,800 --> 00:31:45,496 Allow me to ask you, prince, since you cherish those intentions, 422 00:31:45,703 --> 00:31:49,696 how you consider that you will provide for my happiness? 423 00:31:51,609 --> 00:31:55,306 l don't quite know how to answer your question, Aglaya lvanovna. 424 00:31:56,247 --> 00:31:58,215 What is there to say to such a question? 425 00:31:58,349 --> 00:32:00,317 And... and must l answer? 426 00:32:00,485 --> 00:32:02,453 l think you are rather overwhelmed and out of breath. 427 00:32:02,921 --> 00:32:04,889 Have a little rest, and try to recover yourself. 428 00:32:04,956 --> 00:32:07,550 Take a glass of water, or but they'll give you some tea directly. 429 00:32:08,259 --> 00:32:10,227 l love you, Aglaya lvanovna, 430 00:32:11,362 --> 00:32:13,330 l love you very much. 431 00:32:15,466 --> 00:32:17,434 l love only you. 432 00:32:18,336 --> 00:32:20,930 Please don't jest about it, for l do love you very much. 433 00:32:25,710 --> 00:32:27,905 Well, this matter is important. 434 00:32:28,246 --> 00:32:30,510 We are not children we must look into it thoroughly. 435 00:32:30,648 --> 00:32:37,918 Now then, kindly tell me what does your fortune consist of? 436 00:32:37,989 --> 00:32:40,549 No Aglaya come, enough of this, you mustn't behave like this. 437 00:32:40,658 --> 00:32:42,626 -lt's disgraceful. -She's mad quite! 438 00:32:42,794 --> 00:32:44,762 Fortune? 439 00:32:44,896 --> 00:32:46,329 Just so. 440 00:32:46,664 --> 00:32:48,632 Money do you mean? 441 00:32:49,233 --> 00:32:52,600 l have now a hundred and thirty-five thousand roubles. 442 00:32:52,737 --> 00:32:54,705 ls that all, really? 443 00:32:56,240 --> 00:32:57,798 However, it's not so bad, 444 00:32:57,909 --> 00:32:59,399 especially if managed with economy. 445 00:32:59,477 --> 00:33:00,535 Do you intend to serve? 446 00:33:00,611 --> 00:33:03,774 l intended to try for a certificate as private tutor. 447 00:33:04,716 --> 00:33:06,308 Very good. 448 00:33:06,484 --> 00:33:07,849 That would increase our income nicely. 449 00:33:07,952 --> 00:33:09,920 Have you any intention of being a Kammer-junker? 450 00:33:10,722 --> 00:33:12,690 A Kammer-junker? 451 00:33:13,491 --> 00:33:15,459 l had not thought of it, but... 452 00:33:29,874 --> 00:33:31,842 l knew it was all a joke! 453 00:33:32,477 --> 00:33:35,810 No, no! l cannot allow this, this is a little too much. 454 00:33:50,728 --> 00:33:52,696 lt's really.... now could you have imagined anything 455 00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:55,799 like it, Lef Nicolaievitch? 456 00:33:56,367 --> 00:33:58,335 Seriously now, seriously l mean. 457 00:33:59,904 --> 00:34:07,743 l only see that Aglaya lvanovna is laughing at me. 458 00:34:08,046 --> 00:34:12,710 Wait a bit, my boy, l'll just go 459 00:34:19,791 --> 00:34:21,622 But do just explain, if you can, 460 00:34:21,692 --> 00:34:27,358 Lef Nicolaievitch, how in the world has all this come about? 461 00:34:27,465 --> 00:34:30,434 And what does it all mean? 462 00:34:36,074 --> 00:34:40,568 You must understand, my dear fellow. l am a father, you see, 463 00:34:40,812 --> 00:34:43,474 and l ought to be allowed to understand the matter.. 464 00:34:44,816 --> 00:34:46,784 do explain, l beg you! 465 00:34:46,951 --> 00:34:51,888 l love Aglaya lvanovna l think she must have long known it. 466 00:34:55,526 --> 00:34:57,494 Strange. lt's strange. 467 00:34:57,995 --> 00:34:59,963 And you love her very much? 468 00:35:00,064 --> 00:35:02,032 Yes, very much. 469 00:35:02,867 --> 00:35:04,835 lt's all most strange to me. 470 00:35:05,002 --> 00:35:06,970 That is my dear fellow, it is such a surprise such a blow that... 471 00:35:09,440 --> 00:35:11,601 You see, it is not your financial position, 472 00:35:12,543 --> 00:35:14,511 though l should not object if you were a bit richer, 473 00:35:14,846 --> 00:35:16,814 l am thinking of my daughter's happiness, 474 00:35:17,748 --> 00:35:25,655 and the thing is are you able to give her the happiness she deserves? 475 00:35:26,891 --> 00:35:31,328 And then is all this a joke on her part, or is she in earnest? 476 00:35:31,662 --> 00:35:33,630 l don't mean on your side, but on hers. 477 00:35:34,432 --> 00:35:36,400 Papa! 478 00:35:38,536 --> 00:35:40,504 Wait for me here, my boy will you? 479 00:35:40,905 --> 00:35:46,866 Just wait and think it all over, and l'll come back directly. 480 00:35:56,554 --> 00:35:59,387 There, look at her now lvan Fedorovitch! 481 00:35:59,657 --> 00:36:02,387 Here she is all of her! This is our real Aglaya at last! 482 00:36:04,061 --> 00:36:06,029 Papa! 483 00:36:10,768 --> 00:36:15,398 Oh, you cruel little girl! How will you treat us all next, 484 00:36:15,573 --> 00:36:17,541 l wonder? 485 00:36:17,675 --> 00:36:19,643 Cruel? Yes, l am cruel, and worthless, and spoiled 486 00:36:25,049 --> 00:36:30,988 My darling, my little idol, so you love this young man, do you? 487 00:36:31,088 --> 00:36:35,081 No, no, no, can't bear him, l can't bear your young man! 488 00:36:35,593 --> 00:36:37,561 And if you dare say that once more, papa 489 00:36:40,898 --> 00:36:43,867 l'm serious, you know, l'm, do you hear me 490 00:36:46,103 --> 00:36:48,731 lf that's the case, darling then, of course, 491 00:36:48,806 --> 00:36:51,070 you shall do exactly as you like. 492 00:36:51,576 --> 00:36:54,101 He is waiting alone downstairs. Hadn't l better hint to him gently 493 00:36:54,178 --> 00:36:55,736 that he can go? 494 00:36:55,846 --> 00:36:58,144 No, no, you needn't do anything of the sort, 495 00:36:58,482 --> 00:37:00,450 you mustn't hint gently at all. 496 00:37:02,119 --> 00:37:04,087 l'll go down myself directly. 497 00:37:06,958 --> 00:37:10,450 l wish to apologize to this young man, because l hurt his feelings. 498 00:37:10,561 --> 00:37:12,529 -Yes, seriously. -Seriously. 499 00:37:12,663 --> 00:37:14,631 Seriously. 500 00:37:15,132 --> 00:37:18,966 l'll just go in and then you can follow me almost at once. 501 00:37:19,837 --> 00:37:21,805 That's the best way. 502 00:37:25,643 --> 00:37:27,611 l shall laugh 503 00:37:28,679 --> 00:37:30,647 l shall die of laughing. 504 00:37:37,855 --> 00:37:41,586 Well, what does it all mean? What do you make of it? 505 00:37:42,660 --> 00:37:44,628 l hardly dare say. 506 00:37:45,263 --> 00:37:47,561 But l think it's as plain as anything can be. 507 00:37:47,698 --> 00:37:52,897 l think so too, as clear as day, she loves him. 508 00:37:53,070 --> 00:37:57,973 She is head over ears in love, that's what she is. 509 00:37:59,243 --> 00:38:02,576 Well, God bless her, God bless her, if such is her destiny. 510 00:38:02,780 --> 00:38:05,943 Her destiny it is, and there's no getting out of destiny. 511 00:38:10,187 --> 00:38:14,590 Forgive a silly, horrid, spoilt girl and be quite assured that 512 00:38:14,792 --> 00:38:18,558 we all of us esteem you beyond all words. 513 00:38:18,896 --> 00:38:25,233 And if l dared to turn your beautiful, admirable simplicity to ridicule, 514 00:38:25,336 --> 00:38:28,499 forgive me as you would a little child its mischief. 515 00:38:29,640 --> 00:38:32,803 Forgive me all my absurdity of just now, which, of course, 516 00:38:32,943 --> 00:38:38,313 meant nothing, and could not have the slightest consequence. 517 00:38:38,816 --> 00:38:40,784 Who is it? 518 00:38:40,918 --> 00:38:43,887 Why do you speak so? Why do you ask my forgiveness? 519 00:38:44,021 --> 00:38:46,615 l'm unworthy of being asked for forgiveness by you, 520 00:38:46,824 --> 00:38:50,817 l'm perfectly happy, that l may come and speak to you, 521 00:38:52,229 --> 00:38:54,197 and walk with you That all this is quite enough 522 00:38:54,332 --> 00:38:56,300 to satisfy me for the whole of my life, and l would desire 523 00:38:56,734 --> 00:39:00,135 no more to the end of time? 524 00:39:14,218 --> 00:39:16,186 Hippolyte. 525 00:39:16,287 --> 00:39:18,084 Didn't l tell you the truth now, when l said you were in love? 526 00:39:19,090 --> 00:39:21,058 l am glad that you look better. 527 00:39:21,926 --> 00:39:23,860 How are you? 528 00:39:24,028 --> 00:39:25,655 You wouldn't believe, they invited me there 529 00:39:25,763 --> 00:39:27,958 under the express condition that l should die quickly, 530 00:39:28,165 --> 00:39:30,133 and they are all as wild as possible with me for not having died yet, 531 00:39:30,601 --> 00:39:32,262 and for being, on the contrary, a good deal better! 532 00:39:32,403 --> 00:39:34,166 lsn't it a comedy? l don't mind betting that you don't believe me! 533 00:39:34,271 --> 00:39:36,637 l certainly thought they invited you with quite other views. 534 00:39:37,174 --> 00:39:39,142 You are not nearly so simple as they try to make you out! 535 00:39:39,844 --> 00:39:41,812 This is not the time for it, or l would tell you a thing or two 536 00:39:41,912 --> 00:39:43,379 about that beauty, Gania, and his hopes. 537 00:39:43,681 --> 00:39:45,911 You are being undermined, pitilessly undermined, and 538 00:39:46,117 --> 00:39:48,813 and it is really melancholy to see you so calm about it. 539 00:39:49,653 --> 00:39:51,245 Why, do you think l should be any happier if l were to feel 540 00:39:51,355 --> 00:39:52,879 disturbed about the excavations you tell me of? 541 00:39:53,023 --> 00:39:54,684 lt is better to be unhappy and know the worst, 542 00:39:54,792 --> 00:39:56,760 than to be happy in a fool's paradise! 543 00:39:56,861 --> 00:39:59,659 l suppose you don't believe that you have a rival in that quarter? 544 00:40:01,399 --> 00:40:06,063 Your insinuations as to rivalry are rather cynical, Hippolyte. 545 00:40:06,303 --> 00:40:08,271 l don't know what in the world you are driving at. 546 00:40:08,372 --> 00:40:10,840 Very well. You can't look at anything but in your exalted, generous way. 547 00:40:11,842 --> 00:40:14,106 However, l see l must make arrangements to die soon, 548 00:40:14,178 --> 00:40:15,406 or l myself... 549 00:40:15,679 --> 00:40:17,647 Leave me, good-bye. 550 00:40:23,154 --> 00:40:25,679 Look here. Just give me your opinion: 551 00:40:25,823 --> 00:40:30,226 how do you think l ought to die, now? l mean--the best, the most virtuous way? 552 00:40:31,095 --> 00:40:32,357 Tell me! 553 00:40:36,934 --> 00:40:39,869 You should pass us by and forgive us our happiness. 554 00:40:52,349 --> 00:40:54,317 Speak! 555 00:40:54,685 --> 00:40:56,653 Speak! 556 00:40:56,754 --> 00:40:59,120 Speak under the penalty of a father's curse. 557 00:40:59,223 --> 00:41:01,316 Oh, father's curse be hanged you don't frighten me that way 558 00:41:01,425 --> 00:41:05,725 -Colia! -Whose fault is it that you have been as mad 559 00:41:05,830 --> 00:41:07,991 lt is just a week, you see, l count! 560 00:41:08,232 --> 00:41:10,325 Don't provoke me too much, or l'll tell all. 561 00:41:10,434 --> 00:41:12,402 And you call yourself an old man, too, with grey hair, 562 00:41:12,503 --> 00:41:14,664 and father of a family! Nice sort of a father! 563 00:41:14,839 --> 00:41:16,830 Be quiet, Gania. Shut up, you fool! 564 00:41:16,941 --> 00:41:18,101 And you Hippolyte be silent! 565 00:41:18,242 --> 00:41:21,234 But what have l done? Why does he call me a screw? 566 00:41:21,345 --> 00:41:24,337 He came to me himself and began telling me about some Captain Eropegoff. 567 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:26,450 l don't wish for your company, general. 568 00:41:26,750 --> 00:41:30,049 What have l to do with Captain Eropegoff? All l did was to express my opinion that 569 00:41:30,120 --> 00:41:32,748 probably Captain Eropegoff never existed at all! 570 00:41:32,890 --> 00:41:35,290 Of course he never existed! 571 00:41:35,392 --> 00:41:37,223 There, you see! Even your own son supports my statement 572 00:41:37,328 --> 00:41:39,296 That there never was such a person as Captain Eropegoff! 573 00:41:39,730 --> 00:41:42,756 Kapiton Eropegoff not Captain Eropegoff! 574 00:41:42,967 --> 00:41:48,234 Kapiton major retired Eropegoff Kapiton. 575 00:41:48,506 --> 00:41:50,474 Kapiton didn't exist either! 576 00:41:52,910 --> 00:41:54,502 What? Didn't exist? 577 00:41:54,812 --> 00:41:56,780 Kapiton didn't exist! 578 00:41:57,147 --> 00:42:00,480 And this is my son my own son. 579 00:42:00,751 --> 00:42:02,719 Whom l... 580 00:42:03,053 --> 00:42:08,081 Eropegoff Eroshka Eropegoff didn't exist! 581 00:42:08,325 --> 00:42:10,293 Ha, ha! it's Eroshka now! 582 00:42:10,461 --> 00:42:13,225 No, sir, Kapitoshka not Eroshka. 583 00:42:13,564 --> 00:42:17,000 l mean, Kapiton Alexeyevitch retired major 584 00:42:17,134 --> 00:42:22,231 married Maria Petrovna Lu... he was my friend and companion 585 00:42:25,142 --> 00:42:28,339 l closed his eyes for him he was killed. 586 00:42:28,879 --> 00:42:31,313 Kapiton Eropegoff never existed! 587 00:42:31,448 --> 00:42:33,416 Kapiton Eropegoff never existed! 588 00:42:33,784 --> 00:42:37,083 Enough of this! My curse! 589 00:42:37,922 --> 00:42:39,890 Away, out of the house l go! 590 00:42:40,457 --> 00:42:43,085 Colia, bring my bag away! 591 00:42:49,867 --> 00:42:51,835 What have you done? 592 00:42:52,469 --> 00:42:54,437 -What a disgrace it all is! -Well, he shouldn't steal! 593 00:42:56,874 --> 00:42:59,434 As for you, sir, you should at least remember 594 00:42:59,543 --> 00:43:02,034 that you are in a strange house and receiving hospitality, 595 00:43:02,112 --> 00:43:03,909 you should not take the opportunity of tormenting an old man, sir, 596 00:43:03,981 --> 00:43:05,346 who is too evidently out of his mind. 597 00:43:05,482 --> 00:43:07,450 l don't quite agree with you that your father is out of his mind. 598 00:43:07,551 --> 00:43:10,418 On the contrary, l cannot help thinking he has been less demented of late. 599 00:43:10,554 --> 00:43:13,318 He spoke to me about that Kapiton fellow with an object. 600 00:43:13,591 --> 00:43:17,994 -He wanted me to.. -Oh, devil take what he wanted you to do! 601 00:43:18,996 --> 00:43:20,964 lf you are aware of the real reason for my father's present condition 602 00:43:21,098 --> 00:43:23,931 you had no right whatever to torment the unfortunate man, and to worry my mother 603 00:43:24,034 --> 00:43:27,094 by your exaggerations of the affair, because the whole business is nonsense 604 00:43:27,204 --> 00:43:29,172 simply a drunken freak, and nothing more, 605 00:43:30,107 --> 00:43:34,066 But you must needs spy and watch over us all, because you are a... 606 00:43:34,511 --> 00:43:36,479 -Screw! -Because you are a humbug, 607 00:43:37,414 --> 00:43:40,076 and thought fit to worry people for half an hour, and tried to frighten them into believing 608 00:43:40,184 --> 00:43:41,947 that you would shoot yourself with your little empty pistol, 609 00:43:42,086 --> 00:43:45,055 pirouetting about and playing at suicide! 610 00:43:45,189 --> 00:43:50,525 l gave you hospitality, you have fattened on it, your cough has left you, and you repay all this. 611 00:43:50,861 --> 00:43:53,853 Excuse me--two words! l am Varvara Ardalionovna's guest, not yours. 612 00:43:53,998 --> 00:43:57,161 l believe you are yourself indebted to Mr. Ptitsin's hospitality. 613 00:43:57,267 --> 00:44:00,498 l certainly do feel better here, though l am not fat, nor have l ceased to cough. 614 00:44:00,904 --> 00:44:04,305 Four days ago l begged my mother to come down here and find lodgings. 615 00:44:04,441 --> 00:44:07,069 l intend to leave the house this evening. 616 00:44:07,344 --> 00:44:09,835 l beg your pardon. l interrupted you l think you were about to add something? 617 00:44:10,014 --> 00:44:12,278 May l ask you to be so good as to leave this room? 618 00:44:12,383 --> 00:44:14,214 You'd better speak out. You'll be sorry afterwards if you don't. 619 00:44:14,351 --> 00:44:16,945 Hippolyte, stop, please! lt's so dreadfully undignified. 620 00:44:17,154 --> 00:44:19,952 Because an explanation between your brother and myself 621 00:44:20,090 --> 00:44:22,183 has become an absolute necessity, 622 00:44:22,459 --> 00:44:25,053 ln inviting me here you yourself entrapped me for your own use. 623 00:44:25,229 --> 00:44:28,130 You thought l wished to revenge myself upon the prince. 624 00:44:28,532 --> 00:44:32,298 l am quite content to leave you to your conscience, and to feel that we understand one another capitally. 625 00:44:32,503 --> 00:44:34,471 What a history you are weaving out of the most ordinary circumstances! 626 00:44:34,638 --> 00:44:36,606 l told you the fellow was nothing but a scandalmonger. 627 00:44:36,974 --> 00:44:38,942 Excuse me, Varia Ardalionovna, l will proceed. 628 00:44:39,109 --> 00:44:41,509 l can, of course, neither love nor respect the prince, 629 00:44:41,645 --> 00:44:43,613 though he is a good-hearted fellow, if a little queer. 630 00:44:43,947 --> 00:44:45,915 But there is no need whatever for me to hate him. 631 00:44:46,083 --> 00:44:48,449 l quite understood your brother when he first offered me aid against the prince, though l did not show it. 632 00:44:48,552 --> 00:44:52,613 l knew well that your brother was making a ridiculous mistake in me. 633 00:44:52,990 --> 00:44:58,394 l will proceed to explain why l specially wished to make your brother look a fool. 634 00:44:59,329 --> 00:45:01,524 l hate you, Gavrila Ardalionovitch, solely because you are the type, and incarnation, 635 00:45:01,732 --> 00:45:04,292 and head, and crown of the most impudent, the most self-satisfied, the most vulgar 636 00:45:04,435 --> 00:45:06,995 and detestable form of commonplaceness. 637 00:45:08,272 --> 00:45:11,571 You have no chance of ever fathering the pettiest idea of your own. 638 00:45:11,742 --> 00:45:13,710 You consider yourself a great genius 639 00:45:13,944 --> 00:45:16,936 Although there are dark moments of doubt and rage. 640 00:45:17,314 --> 00:45:20,408 You will never gain a certain person. 641 00:45:20,517 --> 00:45:23,315 This is intolerable! You had better stop, you little mischief-making wretch! 642 00:45:34,598 --> 00:45:36,566 Are you off? 643 00:45:36,967 --> 00:45:38,935 Wait a moment. 644 00:45:39,369 --> 00:45:42,600 look at this. 645 00:45:52,616 --> 00:45:54,584 Gavrila Ardolionovich 646 00:45:55,352 --> 00:45:59,516 persuaded of your kindness of heart, l have determined to ask your advice 647 00:45:59,623 --> 00:46:02,456 on a matter of great importance to myself. 648 00:46:03,293 --> 00:46:09,755 l should like to meet you tomorrow morning at seven o'clock by the green bench. 649 00:46:10,667 --> 00:46:13,636 lt is not far from our house. 650 00:46:14,071 --> 00:46:20,135 Varvara Ardalionovna, who must accompany you, knows the place well. 651 00:46:20,410 --> 00:46:22,378 A. E. 652 00:46:22,546 --> 00:46:25,982 Good heavens! What on earth is one to make of a girl like that? 653 00:46:28,085 --> 00:46:30,053 And this is the very day that they were to announce the engagement! 654 00:46:30,154 --> 00:46:32,122 What do you suppose she wants to talk about tomorrow? 655 00:46:32,222 --> 00:46:35,157 Oh, that`s all the same! The chief thing is that she wants to see you. 656 00:46:36,093 --> 00:46:39,722 Look here, Gania, this is a serious business. 657 00:46:40,030 --> 00:46:41,998 Very serious. 658 00:46:42,099 --> 00:46:45,557 Don't swagger again and lose the game play carefully, but don't funk, 659 00:46:45,669 --> 00:46:49,571 As if she could possibly avoid seeing what l have been working for all this last six months! 660 00:46:52,709 --> 00:46:54,404 We can't let him go out! 661 00:46:54,545 --> 00:46:56,172 We can't afford to have a breath of scandal about the town at this moment 662 00:46:56,280 --> 00:46:58,248 Run after him and beg his pardon, quick. 663 00:47:07,324 --> 00:47:09,292 He'll be back here in half an hour. 664 00:47:09,526 --> 00:47:11,391 What are you up to? Where are you off to? 665 00:47:11,528 --> 00:47:13,792 You've nowhere to go to, you know. 666 00:47:14,198 --> 00:47:16,598 ''Come back, father; the neighbours will hear!'' 667 00:47:22,306 --> 00:47:24,672 My curse be upon this house! 668 00:47:29,479 --> 00:47:31,447 Never! 669 00:47:31,748 --> 00:47:33,716 Which observation should always be made in as theatrical a tone as possible. 670 00:47:34,716 --> 00:47:44,716 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org