0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:00:01,234 --> 00:00:03,327 Ordered by the Russia TV-channel 2 00:00:03,703 --> 00:00:05,864 with the support of the Cinematography Service 3 00:00:06,272 --> 00:00:07,864 the Russian Ministry of Culture 4 00:00:08,575 --> 00:00:12,272 produced by 2-B-2 Studio ENTERTAlNMENT 5 00:00:16,516 --> 00:00:19,917 Fyodor Mikhailovitch Dostoevsky 6 00:00:23,623 --> 00:00:28,424 lDlOT 7 00:00:28,695 --> 00:00:32,927 Evgeni MlRONOV as prince Muishkin 8 00:00:33,600 --> 00:00:35,966 Starring 9 00:00:36,703 --> 00:00:40,503 Vladimir MASHKOV 10 00:00:41,341 --> 00:00:44,902 Lidiya VELEZHEVA 11 00:00:45,712 --> 00:00:49,739 Olga BUDlNA 12 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:54,444 lnna CHURlKOVA 13 00:00:54,821 --> 00:00:58,780 Oleg BASlLASHVlLl 14 00:00:59,692 --> 00:01:03,458 Vladimir lLYlN 15 00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:06,730 Written and directed by Vladimir BORTKO 16 00:01:07,634 --> 00:01:09,864 Photography by Dmitri MASS 17 00:01:10,703 --> 00:01:11,863 Design by 18 00:01:12,105 --> 00:01:13,732 Vladimir SVETOZAROV Marina NlKOLAYEVA 19 00:01:14,641 --> 00:01:16,973 Original music by lgor KORNELYUK 20 00:01:24,584 --> 00:01:26,950 Producer Valery TODORORVSKl 21 00:01:49,542 --> 00:01:50,941 Are you crazy? 22 00:01:52,712 --> 00:01:54,077 You will starve yourself to death. 23 00:01:54,481 --> 00:01:55,505 Forgive me. 24 00:01:57,083 --> 00:01:59,551 l will neither forgive, nor marry you. 25 00:02:01,020 --> 00:02:02,954 You haven't stood like this all night? 26 00:02:05,024 --> 00:02:06,048 l have. 27 00:02:07,026 --> 00:02:08,391 How sensible of you. 28 00:02:08,761 --> 00:02:09,728 Won't you drink some tea? 29 00:02:09,963 --> 00:02:11,430 Will you have no dinner? 30 00:02:11,831 --> 00:02:12,991 l told you l wouldn't. 31 00:02:14,767 --> 00:02:15,791 Forgive me. 32 00:02:16,703 --> 00:02:18,796 Do you think you are frightening me? 33 00:02:19,038 --> 00:02:21,563 You can stand here and eat no food. 34 00:02:21,908 --> 00:02:22,932 How frightened l am! 35 00:02:28,081 --> 00:02:30,606 Don't you feel any resentment against me? 36 00:02:31,851 --> 00:02:33,910 You are quite resentful at others. 37 00:02:36,523 --> 00:02:37,547 Against you? 38 00:02:40,460 --> 00:02:42,428 Have you studied history? 39 00:02:45,798 --> 00:02:47,095 l haven't studied anything. 40 00:02:49,536 --> 00:02:51,834 Do you know who is the Pope of Rome? 41 00:02:52,805 --> 00:02:53,829 l've heard of him. 42 00:02:55,074 --> 00:02:58,601 He was very angry with a certain Emperor. 43 00:02:59,546 --> 00:03:02,106 The Emperor came and neither ate nor drank, 44 00:03:02,515 --> 00:03:05,143 but knelt before the Pope's palace for 3 days, 45 00:03:05,552 --> 00:03:07,019 till he should be forgiven. 46 00:03:07,420 --> 00:03:09,786 And did the Emperor spent all the time vowing vengeance 47 00:03:10,957 --> 00:03:12,447 against the Pope? 48 00:03:15,895 --> 00:03:16,919 He did. 49 00:03:17,764 --> 00:03:21,564 You see, then you are doing the same. 50 00:03:23,169 --> 00:03:26,468 ''lf l she marries me, l will remind her of all this'', 51 00:03:26,906 --> 00:03:28,999 ''And l will take it out of me''. 52 00:03:30,977 --> 00:03:32,137 l don't know. Maybe. 53 00:03:35,448 --> 00:03:37,177 How come you don't know? 54 00:03:41,588 --> 00:03:42,612 l don't. 55 00:03:45,792 --> 00:03:47,089 What are your thoughts, then? 56 00:03:50,730 --> 00:03:52,459 You rise from your chair, 57 00:03:54,133 --> 00:03:57,432 go past me, and l follow you with my eyes. 58 00:03:59,472 --> 00:04:03,602 Your dress is rustling, and my heart sinks. 59 00:04:06,279 --> 00:04:07,746 lf you leave the room, 60 00:04:08,681 --> 00:04:11,115 l remember every little word and action, 61 00:04:11,684 --> 00:04:13,652 what your voice sounded like, and what you said. 62 00:04:14,520 --> 00:04:16,249 l thought of nothing all last night. 63 00:04:18,091 --> 00:04:20,252 l was listening to your sleeping breath, 64 00:04:22,762 --> 00:04:24,787 l heard you move a little, twice. 65 00:04:26,833 --> 00:04:29,700 And you never thought that you had attacked me? 66 00:04:32,705 --> 00:04:34,195 Maybe l did. 67 00:04:36,175 --> 00:04:37,472 What if l don't forgive you? 68 00:04:40,246 --> 00:04:41,577 What if l don't marry you? 69 00:04:46,786 --> 00:04:48,219 l will drown myself. 70 00:04:52,191 --> 00:04:54,523 You'd murder me before you drowned yourself. 71 00:05:34,033 --> 00:05:37,025 l'll marry you not because l'm frightened of you. 72 00:05:38,171 --> 00:05:39,638 l'll ruin myself, anyway. 73 00:05:40,973 --> 00:05:42,304 How can l do it better? 74 00:05:44,677 --> 00:05:48,044 And if l do marry you, l'll be a faithful wife. 75 00:05:49,115 --> 00:05:51,208 You need not doubt that, or worry. 76 00:06:08,935 --> 00:06:09,993 You are not a flunkey. 77 00:06:15,141 --> 00:06:18,110 l thought you were no better than a flunkey. 78 00:06:20,613 --> 00:06:21,705 You are not. 79 00:06:27,620 --> 00:06:28,644 No. 80 00:06:31,290 --> 00:06:33,315 Pavlofsk. June. 81 00:06:34,761 --> 00:06:36,854 Old Princess Bielokonski provides 82 00:06:37,096 --> 00:06:39,997 most comforting news about that queer young prince. 83 00:06:40,233 --> 00:06:42,133 She found him in Moscow. 84 00:06:42,368 --> 00:06:45,337 He made an extremely favorable impression. 85 00:06:45,738 --> 00:06:48,366 She invited him to visit her in the mornings. 86 00:06:48,775 --> 00:06:51,642 And he does, and she is not tired of him. 87 00:06:52,044 --> 00:06:53,636 l also inquired. 88 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:57,247 But the fortune proved to be not so big. 89 00:06:57,717 --> 00:07:00,015 And the prince is not good at business. 90 00:07:00,253 --> 00:07:03,313 Creditors turned up with questionable documents, 91 00:07:03,723 --> 00:07:05,884 or just empty-handed. 92 00:07:06,125 --> 00:07:07,092 And then? 93 00:07:07,460 --> 00:07:10,395 The prince satisfied almost everyone, 94 00:07:10,797 --> 00:07:14,233 although half the claims were absolutely fraudulent. 95 00:07:14,467 --> 00:07:15,934 There was no curing a fool. 96 00:07:16,836 --> 00:07:19,270 But you approved of this particular fool's doings. 97 00:07:19,872 --> 00:07:22,363 You begged princess Bielokonski to help him. 98 00:07:22,775 --> 00:07:24,675 Nonsense! Who told you that? 99 00:07:24,911 --> 00:07:28,642 Was it Varvara lvolgina, or Ptitsina already? 100 00:07:29,081 --> 00:07:30,048 Nonsense! 101 00:07:30,283 --> 00:07:32,012 We won't receive her! 102 00:07:41,093 --> 00:07:42,185 Aglaya lvanovna! 103 00:07:45,898 --> 00:07:49,664 - l've been waiting for you. -Why? 104 00:08:23,202 --> 00:08:25,830 Couldn't the prince find anyone better 105 00:08:26,072 --> 00:08:27,801 as his correspondent? 106 00:08:43,289 --> 00:08:45,348 Saint-Petersburg. 107 00:09:58,364 --> 00:09:59,388 Wait for me. 108 00:10:17,483 --> 00:10:20,509 -Your Excellency! - How do you do? 109 00:10:22,054 --> 00:10:25,421 Out! Get out of here! 110 00:10:29,528 --> 00:10:31,120 You shouldn't have! 111 00:10:32,331 --> 00:10:34,299 Just to show you respect. 112 00:10:38,204 --> 00:10:39,432 He has gone to get his coat. 113 00:10:39,939 --> 00:10:44,103 - Tell me, is he? - Never drinks in the morning. 114 00:10:44,477 --> 00:10:46,536 He sometimes comes back drunk in the evening. 115 00:10:46,946 --> 00:10:49,881 He passes the greater part of the evening in tears, 116 00:10:50,116 --> 00:10:52,607 and reads passages of Holy Scripture aloud, 117 00:10:53,019 --> 00:10:55,044 because our mother died five weeks ago. 118 00:10:55,287 --> 00:10:57,585 He ran off because it's hard for him to talk to you. 119 00:10:57,990 --> 00:11:00,550 l bet, he is trying to cheat you, 120 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:03,190 and is thinking how best to do it. 121 00:11:05,364 --> 00:11:09,027 Why wear a coat in holes, when you have a new one? 122 00:11:09,368 --> 00:11:12,030 - Did you not see it? - Shut up, dragon-fly! 123 00:11:13,039 --> 00:11:15,872 You're waking Lubotchka, she'll have convulsions. 124 00:11:16,509 --> 00:11:19,910 Don't say that. God bless her! 125 00:11:20,446 --> 00:11:22,471 This is my child, my daughter Luboff. 126 00:11:22,715 --> 00:11:24,444 She was born to Elena, 127 00:11:24,684 --> 00:11:27,482 a deceased wife of mine, 128 00:11:27,720 --> 00:11:29,551 who died at birth. 129 00:11:30,256 --> 00:11:31,951 This is my daughter Vera. 130 00:11:34,927 --> 00:11:35,951 And this! 131 00:11:38,130 --> 00:11:39,222 l'm his nephew. 132 00:11:39,465 --> 00:11:41,365 l have not yet finished my course, but l will, 133 00:11:41,600 --> 00:11:43,568 for l have a determined character. 134 00:11:43,969 --> 00:11:46,403 Meanwhile, l want to be employed on the railway 135 00:11:46,639 --> 00:11:48,470 at 25 roubles a month. 136 00:11:49,742 --> 00:11:51,710 He already gave me some money. 137 00:11:52,111 --> 00:11:55,444 l had 20 roubles. But l was so low, so base, 138 00:11:55,681 --> 00:11:57,012 as to lose the money. 139 00:11:57,249 --> 00:11:59,479 You shouldn't have paid the bastard! 140 00:11:59,719 --> 00:12:03,314 To take up a new post, l had to smarten myself. 141 00:12:03,556 --> 00:12:06,252 l am really like a tramp. Just look at my boots! 142 00:12:06,992 --> 00:12:09,017 l only beg for 15 roubles, 143 00:12:09,261 --> 00:12:12,059 and l promise to repay my debt in 3 months' time. 144 00:12:13,032 --> 00:12:15,557 lf he wants interest, he shall have that, too! 145 00:12:15,968 --> 00:12:17,094 But he doesn't want! 146 00:12:17,436 --> 00:12:19,529 And he doesn't go away! 147 00:12:19,772 --> 00:12:22,366 l will not go away until l have got what l ask. 148 00:12:23,109 --> 00:12:24,736 Why are you smiling, prince? 149 00:12:27,246 --> 00:12:32,149 l am not smiling, but l think you are in the wrong. 150 00:12:32,518 --> 00:12:35,078 Do you think, l don't know this myself? 151 00:12:35,321 --> 00:12:37,414 But you don't know what life is! 152 00:12:37,656 --> 00:12:39,283 What he has been doing? 153 00:12:39,692 --> 00:12:40,989 How did he buy this house? 154 00:12:41,227 --> 00:12:44,355 You may cut off my head, if he has not cheated you 155 00:12:44,597 --> 00:12:46,326 and if he is not trying to cheat you again. 156 00:12:46,732 --> 00:12:48,359 You don't believe me? 157 00:12:49,001 --> 00:12:51,299 This has not much to do with your affairs. 158 00:12:54,607 --> 00:12:56,199 Listen to me, Lebedeff. 159 00:12:57,409 --> 00:12:59,502 l know, you can be business-like. 160 00:13:01,147 --> 00:13:03,240 l have very little time to spare. 161 00:13:03,749 --> 00:13:05,774 Excuse me, what is your Christian name? 162 00:13:06,218 --> 00:13:07,310 Ti-Ti-Timofey. 163 00:13:08,354 --> 00:13:10,015 -And? - Lukianovitch. 164 00:13:11,223 --> 00:13:12,588 He is telling lies! 165 00:13:13,225 --> 00:13:16,217 He's Lukian Timofeyovitch. 166 00:13:16,762 --> 00:13:18,286 Why you lie about it? lt is all the same. 167 00:13:18,531 --> 00:13:20,726 Does the prince care? 168 00:13:21,300 --> 00:13:23,598 He tells lies simply by force of habit. 169 00:13:24,703 --> 00:13:26,034 ls it true? 170 00:13:27,573 --> 00:13:29,336 l'm Lukian Timofeyovitch. 171 00:13:29,708 --> 00:13:31,175 So, why did you? 172 00:13:33,379 --> 00:13:36,280 - To humble myself. -What do you mean? 173 00:13:36,515 --> 00:13:39,109 l if only l knew where Colia was! 174 00:13:39,351 --> 00:13:41,785 - l'll tell you. - No, no! l'll do it. 175 00:13:42,188 --> 00:13:43,416 He spent the night here. 176 00:13:43,656 --> 00:13:45,817 This morning he went after the general whom 177 00:13:46,225 --> 00:13:48,318 you let out of prison by paying his debts. 178 00:13:48,561 --> 00:13:51,223 He probably slept at the hotel nearby. 179 00:13:51,463 --> 00:13:53,727 Colia is there, or went to see the Epanchins. 180 00:13:54,233 --> 00:13:58,363 He spends days out there. 181 00:13:58,804 --> 00:14:01,364 So, he is either in the hotel or in Pavlofsk. 182 00:14:02,141 --> 00:14:05,235 Many things happened, while you were away. 183 00:14:06,812 --> 00:14:10,270 Gavrila Ardalionovitch, when he got back 184 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:13,815 the 100 thousand, has got very sick, 185 00:14:14,220 --> 00:14:15,312 and even left his job. 186 00:14:16,288 --> 00:14:18,620 Varvara married Ptitsin. 187 00:14:19,625 --> 00:14:21,855 Gavrila Ardalionovitch came to visit them 188 00:14:22,261 --> 00:14:24,456 in lzmailovsky regiment. 189 00:14:25,564 --> 00:14:27,532 Ferdishenko disappeared. 190 00:14:27,766 --> 00:14:30,792 They say, he's been drinking somewhere. 191 00:14:31,203 --> 00:14:33,637 And you know about the General. Best regards. 192 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:38,276 Totski divorced Alexandra Epanchin. 193 00:14:38,777 --> 00:14:42,110 He married a French marquise, 194 00:14:42,348 --> 00:14:46,284 and was to be carried off to Brittany. 195 00:14:46,652 --> 00:14:48,677 He'll be fine with her. 196 00:14:48,921 --> 00:14:51,151 l knew nothing about your home before. 197 00:14:53,659 --> 00:14:54,626 Orphans... 198 00:15:00,399 --> 00:15:03,391 So, what? O, yes. 199 00:15:06,538 --> 00:15:09,234 You know, why l am here. 200 00:15:09,475 --> 00:15:12,706 Your letter brought me here. 201 00:15:16,882 --> 00:15:21,285 Lukian Timofeyovitch! Don't tell me lies. 202 00:15:23,555 --> 00:15:25,716 Give up serving two masters. 203 00:15:25,958 --> 00:15:28,927 Rogojin has been here these three weeks. 204 00:15:29,695 --> 00:15:32,425 Have you sold her to him as you had done before? 205 00:15:32,665 --> 00:15:33,757 Tell me the truth. 206 00:15:37,169 --> 00:15:38,602 He found out everything. 207 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:41,167 He did wrong to you. 208 00:15:41,407 --> 00:15:42,567 He beat you? He did! 209 00:15:45,177 --> 00:15:48,146 He set a bloodhound on me in Moscow. 210 00:15:51,183 --> 00:15:53,208 -A terrible beast! - Lebedeff! 211 00:15:54,853 --> 00:15:57,583 You seem to take me for a child? 212 00:15:58,324 --> 00:16:02,317 ls it a fact that she left him in Moscow? 213 00:16:04,196 --> 00:16:06,687 lt is. Again, on the eve of their marriage! 214 00:16:07,599 --> 00:16:10,568 She slipped off to Petersburg. 215 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:13,772 Save me, Lukian! Say nothing to the prince! 216 00:16:14,006 --> 00:16:16,975 She is afraid of you. She shows her wisdom! 217 00:16:17,810 --> 00:16:19,277 You brought them together again? 218 00:16:21,880 --> 00:16:25,782 Excellency, how could l prevent it? 219 00:16:26,685 --> 00:16:28,448 l'll find out myself. 220 00:16:30,689 --> 00:16:32,281 Just tell me... 221 00:16:32,891 --> 00:16:36,725 - ls she with him? - She is by herself. 222 00:16:38,297 --> 00:16:41,266 She is living with my sister-in-law, 223 00:16:41,500 --> 00:16:43,695 as l told you in my letter. 224 00:16:43,936 --> 00:16:45,403 - She is there now? - Right. 225 00:16:45,637 --> 00:16:48,902 Unless she has gone to Pavlofsk. 226 00:16:49,908 --> 00:16:52,206 l am quite free, she says. 227 00:16:52,444 --> 00:16:55,413 Only yesterday she boasted of her freedom. 228 00:16:56,315 --> 00:16:57,782 A bad sign! 229 00:16:58,984 --> 00:17:01,885 lt's a pity you're drunk. 230 00:17:02,388 --> 00:17:03,821 No, not at all. 231 00:17:05,858 --> 00:17:07,325 How is she? 232 00:17:13,799 --> 00:17:14,823 A woman who is seeking. 233 00:17:17,269 --> 00:17:18,293 Seeking? 234 00:17:18,871 --> 00:17:20,702 She is searching about, 235 00:17:20,939 --> 00:17:22,600 as if she'd lost something. 236 00:17:24,410 --> 00:17:26,970 The mere idea of her marriage disgusts her; 237 00:17:27,379 --> 00:17:29,006 lt's an insult for her. 238 00:17:29,748 --> 00:17:33,240 She cares as much for him as for an orange-peel. 239 00:17:33,485 --> 00:17:35,453 Or, rather, treats him with fear and trembling. 240 00:17:35,687 --> 00:17:37,484 She isn't talking about him. 241 00:17:38,457 --> 00:17:40,652 They only meet when unavoidable. 242 00:17:40,893 --> 00:17:42,292 He understands this! 243 00:17:44,563 --> 00:17:45,655 lt must be gone through! 244 00:17:47,032 --> 00:17:50,468 She's restless, mocking, 245 00:17:51,703 --> 00:17:53,933 deceitful, violent... 246 00:17:55,774 --> 00:17:57,901 Deceitful and violent? 247 00:17:58,377 --> 00:18:01,835 She tried to pull my hair when l said something wrong! 248 00:18:04,049 --> 00:18:05,983 l tried to soothe her by reading the Apocalypse. 249 00:18:07,319 --> 00:18:08,286 What? 250 00:18:09,388 --> 00:18:10,878 The Apocalypse. 251 00:18:11,323 --> 00:18:14,053 The lady has a restless imagination, 252 00:18:14,460 --> 00:18:16,428 l noticed that she has a liking 253 00:18:16,662 --> 00:18:18,823 for conversation on serious subjects. 254 00:18:19,064 --> 00:18:22,500 For 15 years l have studied the Apocalypse. 255 00:18:25,137 --> 00:18:26,661 She agrees with me that 256 00:18:28,740 --> 00:18:31,766 our time is that of the third black horse, 257 00:18:32,010 --> 00:18:33,637 whose rider holds a measure in his hand. 258 00:18:33,879 --> 00:18:36,848 Everything is ruled by measure in our century. 259 00:18:37,149 --> 00:18:39,743 All men are clamoring for their rights. 260 00:18:40,552 --> 00:18:44,420 ''1 measure of wheat or 3 of barley a for a penny''. 261 00:18:44,690 --> 00:18:48,057 And men desire freedom of mind, a pure heart, 262 00:18:48,460 --> 00:18:50,690 a healthy life, and all God's good gifts 263 00:18:52,831 --> 00:18:54,799 by pleading their rights alone. 264 00:18:55,901 --> 00:18:57,994 The white horse comes next 265 00:18:58,403 --> 00:18:59,893 with his rider Death 266 00:19:00,139 --> 00:19:01,401 and is followed by Hell. 267 00:19:02,574 --> 00:19:04,838 We talked about this matter when we met, 268 00:19:05,444 --> 00:19:06,809 and it impressed her. 269 00:19:08,180 --> 00:19:11,672 - Do you believe all this? - l believe and explain it. 270 00:19:12,184 --> 00:19:15,642 l am but a beggar, an atom in the scale of humanity. 271 00:19:15,988 --> 00:19:17,580 Who respects Lebedeff? 272 00:19:18,423 --> 00:19:21,392 But in here l am equal to a noble man. 273 00:19:21,727 --> 00:19:24,127 Such as the power of the mind! 274 00:19:29,067 --> 00:19:30,659 l am not feeling well, 275 00:19:32,004 --> 00:19:33,801 and my head aches. 276 00:19:35,874 --> 00:19:37,102 Go to the country. 277 00:19:37,743 --> 00:19:40,712 l am also going with all my children. 278 00:19:40,946 --> 00:19:43,574 - To Pavlofsk too. - Everybody goes there? 279 00:19:43,715 --> 00:19:47,776 lt's a pleasant place on a green hill, cheap, 280 00:19:48,020 --> 00:19:51,615 good music, so no wonder it is popular. 281 00:19:52,624 --> 00:19:54,854 l'll stay in the lodge. 282 00:19:55,093 --> 00:19:57,618 -As to the villa... - Let it to me. 283 00:19:58,430 --> 00:20:01,160 lf you please, prince, l could tell you 284 00:20:01,567 --> 00:20:04,866 something that would interest you. 285 00:20:05,103 --> 00:20:09,437 A certain person visits Pavlofsk pretty often... 286 00:20:13,445 --> 00:20:15,606 -Aglaya lvanovna... - Enough! 287 00:20:16,448 --> 00:20:18,473 lt's not my business. 288 00:20:19,518 --> 00:20:20,485 Take care. 289 00:20:37,202 --> 00:20:38,999 This is the hotel. 290 00:20:44,543 --> 00:20:45,703 Take the luggage. 291 00:21:06,965 --> 00:21:08,990 Nicolai Ardalionovitch said, 292 00:21:09,234 --> 00:21:11,498 he would be back by 3. 293 00:21:12,170 --> 00:21:15,196 lf he is not here at 3.30, 294 00:21:15,607 --> 00:21:17,768 then he had gone to Pavlofsk, 295 00:21:18,910 --> 00:21:19,934 and would dine there. 296 00:21:23,048 --> 00:21:25,642 Your room. 297 00:21:29,888 --> 00:21:30,980 Thank you. 298 00:22:34,619 --> 00:22:35,779 Just arrived. 299 00:23:49,795 --> 00:23:50,762 Parfen! 300 00:23:52,731 --> 00:23:55,962 - My visit is ill-timed. - No, it's all right! 301 00:23:57,202 --> 00:23:58,635 Please, welcome. 302 00:24:15,220 --> 00:24:16,949 Parfen! Tell me honestly, 303 00:24:17,289 --> 00:24:20,122 did you know that l was coming to Petersburg? 304 00:24:24,062 --> 00:24:27,657 l supposed you were coming and was right. 305 00:24:30,735 --> 00:24:33,363 But how was l to know that you'd come today? 306 00:24:36,975 --> 00:24:38,340 Why are you asking? 307 00:24:39,044 --> 00:24:41,274 When l jumped out of the train this morning, 308 00:24:42,113 --> 00:24:46,277 two eyes glared at me as yours just did. 309 00:24:48,320 --> 00:24:51,221 Whose eyes may they have been? 310 00:24:55,727 --> 00:24:56,716 l don't know. 311 00:24:57,729 --> 00:24:59,162 lt was a hallucination. 312 00:25:01,032 --> 00:25:02,693 Perhaps. 313 00:25:06,137 --> 00:25:07,934 l often have them. 314 00:25:08,740 --> 00:25:10,469 l feel just as l did five years ago, 315 00:25:10,876 --> 00:25:13,174 when my fits were about to come on. 316 00:25:22,821 --> 00:25:24,379 l like looking at that picture. 317 00:25:26,424 --> 00:25:27,789 That picture? 318 00:25:30,962 --> 00:25:32,953 A man's faith might be ruined by looking at it. 319 00:25:33,832 --> 00:25:35,060 So it is. 320 00:25:42,974 --> 00:25:45,408 - Shall you go abroad? - l don't know. 321 00:25:48,113 --> 00:25:53,176 You remember, we came up from Pskoff together? 322 00:25:54,452 --> 00:25:56,113 lt was cold in the train. 323 00:25:57,188 --> 00:25:59,088 You are staying here for long? 324 00:25:59,524 --> 00:26:01,321 Yes, l'm at home. Where else should l go to? 325 00:26:02,994 --> 00:26:05,895 l guessed which was your house from a 100 yards. 326 00:26:07,265 --> 00:26:08,857 -Why? - l don't know. 327 00:26:09,467 --> 00:26:11,901 l set eyes on this, and l said to myself that 328 00:26:12,137 --> 00:26:14,298 it must be yours. 329 00:26:16,274 --> 00:26:19,368 Nonsense! Strange, that this troubles me so much. 330 00:26:20,278 --> 00:26:22,075 lt was built by my grand-father. 331 00:26:23,548 --> 00:26:27,814 The Khludyakoffs, eunuchs, used to live here. 332 00:26:30,088 --> 00:26:31,214 lt's dark in here! 333 00:26:32,157 --> 00:26:33,317 A very dark place. 334 00:26:36,428 --> 00:26:38,020 ls that your father? 335 00:26:39,497 --> 00:26:40,930 Right you are. 336 00:26:42,233 --> 00:26:47,261 -Will you marry in here? -Yes. 337 00:26:48,440 --> 00:26:53,002 - Soon? - lt doesn't depend on me. 338 00:26:57,315 --> 00:27:00,512 l am not your enemy, and l will not interfere. 339 00:27:01,319 --> 00:27:04,288 When you planed it in Moscow, l didn't interfere. 340 00:27:04,522 --> 00:27:06,888 That first time she fled to me from you and 341 00:27:07,125 --> 00:27:08,615 begged to save her from you. 342 00:27:09,027 --> 00:27:10,324 These are her words. 343 00:27:10,595 --> 00:27:12,256 Then she ran away from me. 344 00:27:12,497 --> 00:27:14,522 You found her and arranged another marriage with her. 345 00:27:14,933 --> 00:27:18,096 And now she has run away from you again, right? 346 00:27:18,937 --> 00:27:21,428 lf it is true, l won't set eyes upon her, 347 00:27:21,873 --> 00:27:24,103 And l will never even come to see you again. 348 00:27:24,342 --> 00:27:27,243 l've never concealed my opinion from you. 349 00:27:28,213 --> 00:27:29,646 l have always told you 350 00:27:30,048 --> 00:27:32,175 l consider this marriage would be ruin to her. 351 00:27:32,417 --> 00:27:35,079 You would also be ruined, and even more hopelessly. 352 00:27:35,687 --> 00:27:38,155 lf you split, l should be pleased. 353 00:27:38,523 --> 00:27:40,855 But l have no intention of trying to part you. 354 00:27:41,092 --> 00:27:42,582 You need not suspect me. 355 00:27:43,361 --> 00:27:44,988 l told you before 356 00:27:46,031 --> 00:27:47,862 that l did not love her with love, but with pity. 357 00:27:48,433 --> 00:27:50,492 l think, these are the right words to say. 358 00:27:50,902 --> 00:27:53,564 You said then that you understood me. 359 00:27:55,106 --> 00:27:56,130 But did you really? 360 00:27:56,574 --> 00:27:59,099 What hatred there is in your eyes! 361 00:28:00,311 --> 00:28:02,040 l came to relieve your mind. 362 00:28:02,280 --> 00:28:05,943 You are dear to me also. l love you very much. 363 00:28:07,218 --> 00:28:13,088 Now l shall go away and never come back. 364 00:28:17,462 --> 00:28:18,690 Stay a little. 365 00:28:23,401 --> 00:28:24,925 l haven't seen you for long. 366 00:28:38,483 --> 00:28:43,477 When you are not with me l hate you. 367 00:28:46,091 --> 00:28:48,582 l could have poisoned you at any minute. 368 00:28:51,362 --> 00:28:54,729 Now, l'm talking to you, and you are dear to me again, 369 00:28:55,133 --> 00:28:56,498 there is no malice in my heart. 370 00:28:58,703 --> 00:29:01,137 You don't believe me. You are like your father. 371 00:29:03,575 --> 00:29:05,975 You say, you love her with pity. 372 00:29:08,646 --> 00:29:10,978 l have no pity for her. 373 00:29:11,649 --> 00:29:13,310 She hates me. 374 00:29:15,320 --> 00:29:17,220 l dream of her every night, 375 00:29:18,656 --> 00:29:22,285 She is laughing at me with another man. 376 00:29:22,527 --> 00:29:23,755 She does laugh at me. 377 00:29:26,731 --> 00:29:28,198 She thinks of marrying 378 00:29:30,602 --> 00:29:33,765 me as if she were changing her shoe. 379 00:29:35,740 --> 00:29:39,141 - She has disgraced me. - How? 380 00:29:44,749 --> 00:29:47,741 You don't believe that she... 381 00:29:48,353 --> 00:29:51,789 She didn't disgrace me in Moscow with Zemtuznikoff? 382 00:29:52,190 --> 00:29:53,623 l know she did! 383 00:29:54,025 --> 00:29:56,550 After having fixed our marriage-day herself! 384 00:29:57,028 --> 00:29:59,360 - lmpossible. - l know for sure! 385 00:30:00,165 --> 00:30:01,462 lsn't she like that? 386 00:30:01,699 --> 00:30:03,724 She won't be like that with you, 387 00:30:04,135 --> 00:30:05,568 but with me she certainly is! 388 00:30:06,104 --> 00:30:08,265 She looks on me as vermin. 389 00:30:08,506 --> 00:30:10,599 Her affair with Keller, a boxer, 390 00:30:10,842 --> 00:30:13,436 was simply to make a laughing-stock of me. 391 00:30:14,045 --> 00:30:16,605 You don't know what a fool she made of me in Moscow! 392 00:30:17,582 --> 00:30:19,072 And the money l spent! 393 00:30:19,317 --> 00:30:21,683 And you can marry her! What will come of it all? 394 00:30:22,520 --> 00:30:24,488 l haven't been to see her for five days. 395 00:30:25,390 --> 00:30:27,051 Afraid of being turned out. 396 00:30:28,259 --> 00:30:32,195 l can't even talk of the marriage. 397 00:30:33,665 --> 00:30:37,123 When l can keep away no longer, 398 00:30:37,468 --> 00:30:38,833 l steal past the house. 399 00:30:40,738 --> 00:30:43,138 Once she saw me from the window. 400 00:30:44,342 --> 00:30:48,711 She asked me what l'd do if l found she'd deceived me. 401 00:30:50,615 --> 00:30:54,312 l said, you know well enough. 402 00:30:56,855 --> 00:30:59,551 - Does she? - Of course. 403 00:31:01,159 --> 00:31:03,320 l did my best to catch her tripping in Moscow, 404 00:31:03,561 --> 00:31:04,789 but did not succeed. 405 00:31:05,563 --> 00:31:08,123 And l beat her till she was bruised all over. 406 00:31:08,366 --> 00:31:09,856 - lmpossible. - Possible! 407 00:31:11,302 --> 00:31:14,601 What do you think of this, Lef Nicolaievitch? 408 00:31:15,640 --> 00:31:19,667 -What do you think yourself? - l can't think anything! 409 00:31:36,394 --> 00:31:38,487 l won't interfere with you. 410 00:31:44,269 --> 00:31:45,327 l'll tell you this. 411 00:31:46,938 --> 00:31:49,532 l can't understand your yielding her to me. 412 00:31:50,275 --> 00:31:51,640 Don't you love her anymore? 413 00:31:52,543 --> 00:31:55,239 Why did you come post-haste after us? 414 00:31:55,880 --> 00:31:58,440 - Out of pity? -You think l'm a liar? 415 00:31:58,683 --> 00:32:01,277 l believe you, but don't understand. 416 00:32:02,353 --> 00:32:05,652 lt seems, your pity is greater than my love. 417 00:32:11,696 --> 00:32:13,664 You'll hate her afterwards. 418 00:32:13,898 --> 00:32:16,298 For all your present love, and for all the torment 419 00:32:16,534 --> 00:32:18,627 you are suffering on her account now. 420 00:32:19,304 --> 00:32:22,603 l don't understand why she marries you. 421 00:32:23,241 --> 00:32:24,538 Your money? Nonsense! 422 00:32:24,776 --> 00:32:27,609 There must be some good reason for that. 423 00:32:28,313 --> 00:32:29,940 She is sure of your love, 424 00:32:30,348 --> 00:32:31,940 and some your good qualities. 425 00:32:32,717 --> 00:32:35,811 She'd simply be walking to death, when she married you. 426 00:32:36,220 --> 00:32:37,551 ls it possible? 427 00:32:37,789 --> 00:32:40,815 As if anybody would go to death deliberately? 428 00:32:41,859 --> 00:32:43,952 How dreadfully you look at me! 429 00:32:47,332 --> 00:32:48,492 To water or knife? 430 00:32:50,802 --> 00:32:54,670 She wants to marry me, exactly because the knife awaits her. 431 00:32:57,241 --> 00:33:00,404 You don't even see what's at the root of it all! 432 00:33:00,645 --> 00:33:01,805 l don't understand you. 433 00:33:03,948 --> 00:33:05,973 Perhaps he really doesn't understand me! 434 00:33:06,884 --> 00:33:09,352 They do say that you are a... you know what! 435 00:33:11,356 --> 00:33:12,448 She loves another man. 436 00:33:15,827 --> 00:33:17,727 Just as l love her, so she loves another man. 437 00:33:18,963 --> 00:33:21,625 And do you know who he is? 438 00:33:23,935 --> 00:33:25,596 -You! - Me?! 439 00:33:25,970 --> 00:33:28,370 You! Didn't you know that? 440 00:33:29,374 --> 00:33:31,342 She has loved you ever since her birthday! 441 00:33:31,776 --> 00:33:34,006 Only she thinks she cannot marry you. 442 00:33:34,412 --> 00:33:37,973 Everybody knows what sort of a woman l am, she says. 443 00:33:38,516 --> 00:33:40,006 She's afraid of 444 00:33:40,418 --> 00:33:41,442 disgracing you. She can marry me all right! 445 00:33:41,786 --> 00:33:44,584 She'd have drown herself, if it were not for me! 446 00:33:44,822 --> 00:33:48,485 She doesn't do it because l'm scarier than the water! 447 00:33:51,262 --> 00:33:52,593 lt is some malady of yours! 448 00:33:53,798 --> 00:33:55,356 All this is jealousy! 449 00:33:55,666 --> 00:33:57,634 You have exaggerated everything. 450 00:33:57,869 --> 00:33:59,461 l seemed to know it. 451 00:34:00,805 --> 00:34:04,468 l felt it, when l was coming back to Petersburg. 452 00:34:04,709 --> 00:34:07,644 l did not want to come, l wished to forget all this! 453 00:34:10,948 --> 00:34:11,915 Good-bye! 454 00:34:15,286 --> 00:34:16,310 Come on! 455 00:34:21,359 --> 00:34:23,793 - Do you cut pages with it? -Yes! 456 00:34:24,762 --> 00:34:26,389 - lt's a garden knife. - Right! 457 00:34:26,631 --> 00:34:29,065 - Can't l cut pages with it? - lt's new. 458 00:34:29,467 --> 00:34:31,401 Can't l buy a new knife if l like?! 459 00:34:36,774 --> 00:34:37,741 l'm sorry. 460 00:34:38,976 --> 00:34:41,001 But my head is heavy, 461 00:34:41,913 --> 00:34:45,041 l seem so absent-minded and nowadays ridiculous! 462 00:34:45,983 --> 00:34:48,315 l didn't mean to ask you any of these questions. 463 00:34:49,587 --> 00:34:50,645 l forgot what l was to ask. 464 00:34:54,859 --> 00:34:55,883 Take care. 465 00:35:05,069 --> 00:35:06,331 Wait, prince! 466 00:35:07,805 --> 00:35:09,466 l'll show you the way. 467 00:35:17,415 --> 00:35:21,681 Lev Nicolaievitch, l have long wished to ask you, 468 00:35:23,321 --> 00:35:25,050 do you believe in God? 469 00:35:33,498 --> 00:35:35,432 How strangely you speak! 470 00:35:37,502 --> 00:35:39,470 l meant to ask you before, many people 471 00:35:40,638 --> 00:35:42,128 are unbelievers nowadays. 472 00:35:44,909 --> 00:35:46,001 As to faith... 473 00:35:46,978 --> 00:35:49,446 l had 4 conversations last week. 474 00:35:49,914 --> 00:35:52,075 l met one scholar in a train 475 00:35:52,483 --> 00:35:54,781 and we were talking for 4 hours. 476 00:35:55,019 --> 00:35:56,418 He doesn't believe in god. 477 00:35:57,054 --> 00:35:59,488 He was speaking outside the subject. 478 00:35:59,724 --> 00:36:02,454 l was talking to non-believers, and 479 00:36:02,693 --> 00:36:06,424 reading their books, they don't speak on the subject. 480 00:36:06,931 --> 00:36:09,092 Although it seems, they do. 481 00:36:10,201 --> 00:36:12,669 That same evening l stopped at a hotel, 482 00:36:12,904 --> 00:36:15,805 and a dreadful murder was committed there. 483 00:36:16,040 --> 00:36:18,941 Two peasants, old friends, had tea together, 484 00:36:19,177 --> 00:36:21,042 and were going to bed. 485 00:36:21,612 --> 00:36:24,706 One noticed for the first time that his friend 486 00:36:24,949 --> 00:36:26,678 possessed a silver watch. 487 00:36:26,951 --> 00:36:29,715 He was by no means a thief, and was a rich man. 488 00:36:30,154 --> 00:36:32,679 But this watch so fascinated him that 489 00:36:32,924 --> 00:36:34,585 he couldn't restrain himself. 490 00:36:34,825 --> 00:36:36,986 He made a sign of the cross and took a knife, 491 00:36:37,828 --> 00:36:39,056 raised his eyes to heaven, 492 00:36:39,463 --> 00:36:42,432 and saying earnestly, God forgive me! 493 00:36:42,667 --> 00:36:46,034 He cut his friend's throat and took the watch. 494 00:36:50,241 --> 00:36:52,607 l like that! 495 00:36:56,047 --> 00:36:58,515 l went out for a stroll through the town, 496 00:36:58,749 --> 00:37:02,412 and soon observed a drunk soldier staggering about. 497 00:37:02,653 --> 00:37:04,883 Buy my silver cross, sir! 498 00:37:05,122 --> 00:37:07,454 You shall have it for four pence! 499 00:37:08,192 --> 00:37:11,525 He held a cross, just taken off his own neck, 500 00:37:11,762 --> 00:37:14,822 evidently, a large tin one, 501 00:37:15,600 --> 00:37:18,091 l gave him four pence. 502 00:37:18,569 --> 00:37:20,469 l could see by his face that 503 00:37:20,705 --> 00:37:23,606 he was pleased that he had cheated a foolish gentleman, 504 00:37:23,841 --> 00:37:25,069 and away he went to drink. 505 00:37:25,476 --> 00:37:27,467 l will wait awhile before 506 00:37:38,489 --> 00:37:39,717 l condemn this Judas. 507 00:37:40,891 --> 00:37:43,860 Only God knows what may be hidden in the hearts. 508 00:37:48,699 --> 00:37:51,930 l came across a woman, carrying a baby in an hour. 509 00:37:52,236 --> 00:37:54,704 The baby was smiling up at her, for the first time. 510 00:37:55,706 --> 00:37:59,472 l saw the woman suddenly crossed herself, 511 00:37:59,777 --> 00:38:01,938 What is it, my good woman, l asked her. 512 00:38:02,179 --> 00:38:06,206 As the mother enjoys the first smile of her child, 513 00:38:07,551 --> 00:38:10,111 so God feels joy, 514 00:38:10,721 --> 00:38:11,983 when he sees from the skies 515 00:38:12,223 --> 00:38:14,555 that a sinner turns and prays to Him 516 00:38:14,792 --> 00:38:16,589 with all his heart. 517 00:38:18,262 --> 00:38:19,786 This is what she said 518 00:38:20,064 --> 00:38:22,965 and such a deep, refined, 519 00:38:23,200 --> 00:38:25,168 truly religious thought it was, 520 00:38:25,569 --> 00:38:29,972 in which the whole essence of Christianity was expressed. 521 00:38:30,541 --> 00:38:32,839 The recognition of God as our Father, 522 00:38:33,077 --> 00:38:35,238 the chief idea of Christ. 523 00:38:37,815 --> 00:38:40,113 She may have been the wife of the drunken soldier. 524 00:38:47,758 --> 00:38:50,659 Religious feeling has nothing to do with reason, 525 00:38:50,895 --> 00:38:54,524 or atheism, or crime, or acts of any kind. 526 00:38:54,765 --> 00:38:55,993 lt's something wrong here! 527 00:38:56,834 --> 00:38:59,735 And it will always be! 528 00:38:59,970 --> 00:39:02,131 They will always talk outside the subject! 529 00:39:05,710 --> 00:39:06,677 But what can we do... 530 00:39:11,182 --> 00:39:12,149 Good-bye. 531 00:39:13,184 --> 00:39:14,151 Take care. 532 00:39:22,660 --> 00:39:23,888 God be with you! 533 00:39:43,948 --> 00:39:45,176 Lev Nicolaievitch! 534 00:39:55,092 --> 00:39:57,356 Have you got the cross you bought from the soldier? 535 00:39:59,096 --> 00:40:00,120 Yes, l have. 536 00:40:01,632 --> 00:40:02,656 Show it to me. 537 00:40:17,047 --> 00:40:18,071 Give it to me. 538 00:40:19,316 --> 00:40:20,283 What for? 539 00:40:21,118 --> 00:40:23,746 l'll wear it, and you shall have mine. 540 00:40:24,321 --> 00:40:26,812 You wish to exchange crosses! 541 00:40:27,725 --> 00:40:29,022 Very well, Parfen! 542 00:40:31,862 --> 00:40:32,954 That makes us brothers. 543 00:40:52,082 --> 00:40:53,049 Let's go. 544 00:41:28,319 --> 00:41:29,286 Mother! 545 00:41:30,754 --> 00:41:33,120 Here is my great friend, Prince Muishkin! 546 00:41:34,792 --> 00:41:36,020 We exchanged crosses. 547 00:41:37,928 --> 00:41:40,863 He was like a real brother to me at Moscow. 548 00:41:43,267 --> 00:41:46,361 Bless him as you would bless your own son. 549 00:41:48,405 --> 00:41:50,373 Wait, let me arrange your hands for you. 550 00:42:11,028 --> 00:42:14,122 She understood nothing, yet she blessed you. 551 00:42:14,431 --> 00:42:16,092 She wished to do so herself. 552 00:42:16,567 --> 00:42:20,401 She can not attend services in the church. 553 00:42:20,905 --> 00:42:22,930 Well, goodbye. We both must go. 554 00:42:24,174 --> 00:42:26,369 Let me at least embrace you and say goodbye. 555 00:42:27,044 --> 00:42:28,409 You, strange fellow! 556 00:42:30,247 --> 00:42:33,842 Don't be afraid though l have taken your cross, 557 00:42:34,585 --> 00:42:35,984 l'll not kill you for watch. 558 00:42:43,928 --> 00:42:45,555 Well, take her! lt's Fate! 559 00:42:46,530 --> 00:42:48,157 Take her. Remember Rogojin! 560 00:43:16,493 --> 00:43:20,122 Am l to blame for all this? 561 00:43:49,259 --> 00:43:50,283 Watch out! 562 00:44:05,409 --> 00:44:08,003 One ticket to Pavlofsk, 2nd class. 563 00:44:40,411 --> 00:44:42,072 Your ticket, sir. 564 00:46:14,738 --> 00:46:16,035 lt's a sickness. 565 00:46:18,208 --> 00:46:19,232 lt's a sickness. 566 00:46:21,678 --> 00:46:24,613 Rogojin told me l had been a brother to him. 567 00:46:29,353 --> 00:46:31,082 That was what he said first. 568 00:46:34,625 --> 00:46:36,115 What if he kills? 569 00:46:50,040 --> 00:46:51,530 My head goes round... 570 00:46:55,712 --> 00:46:58,545 But is it certain, that Rogojin will kill? 571 00:47:36,286 --> 00:47:39,653 Nastasia Philipovna left for Pavlofsk in the morning. 572 00:47:39,890 --> 00:47:43,087 She may stay there for a few days. 573 00:47:44,695 --> 00:47:45,753 Your name is? 574 00:47:46,697 --> 00:47:50,064 Please, announce prince Lev Nicolaievitch Muishkin. 575 00:47:50,701 --> 00:47:52,794 l understood. Don't worry. 576 00:50:16,046 --> 00:50:17,308 Parfen, l don't believe! 577 00:50:18,015 --> 00:50:19,209 l don't believe! 578 00:51:58,915 --> 00:52:00,780 The end 579 00:52:01,780 --> 00:52:11,780 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org