0 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:04,000 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org 1 00:00:02,502 --> 00:00:04,993 in association with the Cinematography service 2 00:00:05,405 --> 00:00:06,838 the RF Ministry of Culture 3 00:00:07,540 --> 00:00:10,941 a ''2-B-2'' lNTERTAlNMENT Studio production 4 00:00:15,415 --> 00:00:18,851 Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky 5 00:00:22,522 --> 00:00:26,982 THE lDlOT 6 00:00:27,527 --> 00:00:31,395 Yevgeny MlRONOV as Prince Muishkin 7 00:00:32,065 --> 00:00:34,431 List of actors: 8 00:00:35,301 --> 00:00:38,361 Vladimir MASHKOV 9 00:00:38,838 --> 00:00:41,500 Lidia VELEZHEVA 10 00:00:42,575 --> 00:00:45,305 Oleg BASlLASHVlLl 11 00:00:46,079 --> 00:00:48,707 Alexey PETRENKO 12 00:00:49,482 --> 00:00:52,042 Vladimir lLYlN 13 00:00:52,786 --> 00:00:55,414 Mikahil BOYARSKY 14 00:00:56,456 --> 00:00:58,890 Alexander LAZAREV 15 00:00:59,959 --> 00:01:02,450 Andrey SMlRNOV 16 00:01:03,329 --> 00:01:05,695 Maria KlSELlOVA 17 00:01:06,666 --> 00:01:09,260 Scriptwriter and director: Vladimir BORTKO 18 00:01:10,103 --> 00:01:12,367 Cinematographer: Dmitry MASS 19 00:01:13,339 --> 00:01:14,499 Production Designers: 20 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:16,072 Vladimir SVETOZAROV Marina NlKOLAYEVA 21 00:01:17,043 --> 00:01:19,341 Music by lgor KORNELlUK 22 00:01:27,320 --> 00:01:29,481 Producer: Valery TODOROVSKY 23 00:01:30,623 --> 00:01:33,592 Part Three 24 00:01:40,633 --> 00:01:41,600 Come in. 25 00:01:42,569 --> 00:01:43,536 May l? 26 00:01:46,439 --> 00:01:47,406 Yes. 27 00:01:52,579 --> 00:01:54,547 l came to thank you. 28 00:01:54,981 --> 00:01:56,539 And mother is worried. 29 00:01:58,852 --> 00:01:59,876 lt's nothing. 30 00:02:04,991 --> 00:02:07,551 - She listened to you. -Who did? 31 00:02:08,528 --> 00:02:11,656 You have influence over Nastasia Philipovna. 32 00:02:12,098 --> 00:02:15,556 Evidently she came to insult us. 33 00:02:18,071 --> 00:02:20,471 But if one has self-respect, one cannot... 34 00:02:30,617 --> 00:02:35,145 Prince, l've been a scoundrel, forgive me, dear friend. 35 00:02:37,557 --> 00:02:38,581 Please, forgive me. 36 00:02:39,425 --> 00:02:41,859 - l'll get down on my knees. - Don't! 37 00:02:43,129 --> 00:02:46,997 l never thought you were like that. l thought you couldn't... 38 00:02:47,433 --> 00:02:48,525 Apologize? 39 00:02:50,637 --> 00:02:52,571 Why on earth did l think you were an idiot? 40 00:02:54,641 --> 00:02:57,667 You notice thing nobody else does. 41 00:02:57,911 --> 00:03:00,937 -And now apologize to her. - Oh, no. 42 00:03:01,781 --> 00:03:03,043 They are all enemies. 43 00:03:03,716 --> 00:03:06,014 l've tried often enough, believe me. 44 00:03:07,053 --> 00:03:09,385 - They'll never forgive me. - Oh, yes, l will. 45 00:03:14,460 --> 00:03:16,018 And you'll go to Nastasia Philipovna's? 46 00:03:17,230 --> 00:03:19,027 lf you insist. 47 00:03:19,666 --> 00:03:21,634 What a part to play! 48 00:03:21,868 --> 00:03:23,893 All right, she kissed mother's hand, 49 00:03:24,137 --> 00:03:25,934 but she laughed at you. 50 00:03:26,172 --> 00:03:28,834 lt's not worth 75 thousand! 51 00:03:29,542 --> 00:03:32,170 You are still capable of honorable feelings. 52 00:03:32,745 --> 00:03:36,476 Be careful, this may all end badly. 53 00:03:40,520 --> 00:03:41,487 They're all like that. 54 00:03:43,556 --> 00:03:45,956 As if l don't know all about it. 55 00:03:46,192 --> 00:03:49,218 lf you know it, why do you choose all this worry, 56 00:03:50,063 --> 00:03:52,429 if it's not worth the 75 thousand? 57 00:03:52,765 --> 00:03:56,132 -ls it a disgrace to marry so? -A terrible disgrace. 58 00:03:58,171 --> 00:03:59,502 You're moralizing! 59 00:04:01,574 --> 00:04:03,599 l'm not marrying for money. 60 00:04:03,843 --> 00:04:07,176 lt's an act of passion, of attraction! l have an aim! 61 00:04:07,580 --> 00:04:10,572 You think if l get my hands on the 75 thousand. 62 00:04:10,817 --> 00:04:12,808 l'll rush to buy a carriage? No, l won't! 63 00:04:13,052 --> 00:04:16,510 l'll go on wearing the old overcoat, 64 00:04:16,990 --> 00:04:19,220 l'll give up my club. 65 00:04:19,926 --> 00:04:21,723 Prince, you're invited to dinner. 66 00:04:21,961 --> 00:04:24,623 lt's perseverance. That's my aim! 67 00:04:24,931 --> 00:04:26,899 When Ptitsin was 17, he slept in the steers. 68 00:04:27,133 --> 00:04:29,226 He sold penknives. 69 00:04:29,636 --> 00:04:32,070 Now he has 60 thousand! 70 00:04:32,872 --> 00:04:34,203 But what he did to get them! 71 00:04:34,607 --> 00:04:37,701 l'll start with a little capital. 72 00:04:38,144 --> 00:04:41,705 Later, they'll say: ''That's lvolgin, king of the Jews!'' 73 00:04:45,084 --> 00:04:47,177 Does that make me a scoundrel? 74 00:04:49,756 --> 00:04:52,919 l shall never consider you a scoundrel. 75 00:04:53,159 --> 00:04:55,150 l confess, first l had a poor opinion of you, 76 00:04:55,561 --> 00:04:57,927 and now you come to apologize and tell me: 77 00:04:58,164 --> 00:04:59,961 ''l'll go down on my knees.'' 78 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:03,167 We've made up, like children. 79 00:05:03,569 --> 00:05:05,662 So you're quite capable of that. 80 00:05:05,905 --> 00:05:09,864 Then you start talking of a mad project and the 75 thousand. 81 00:05:10,109 --> 00:05:12,703 Gania, it's absurd and impossible. 82 00:05:15,615 --> 00:05:17,776 You are a most ordinary man, 83 00:05:18,017 --> 00:05:19,541 but quite weak. 84 00:05:19,852 --> 00:05:21,945 And you are not the least bit original. 85 00:05:24,057 --> 00:05:26,651 You tell me l'm not original. 86 00:05:27,126 --> 00:05:29,594 There's nothing more offensive, 87 00:05:29,829 --> 00:05:32,855 than to tell a man he's not original, 88 00:05:33,099 --> 00:05:34,259 weak in character, 89 00:05:34,667 --> 00:05:36,635 and, in general, quite ordinary. 90 00:05:36,869 --> 00:05:39,838 You haven't even called me a scoundrel! 91 00:05:40,073 --> 00:05:42,303 You offended me worse than Epanchin, 92 00:05:42,709 --> 00:05:45,701 who thinks me capable 93 00:05:45,945 --> 00:05:47,913 of selling him my wife. 94 00:05:48,614 --> 00:05:49,979 lt has long annoyed me! 95 00:05:51,718 --> 00:05:52,707 l want a fortune. 96 00:05:52,952 --> 00:05:55,614 Once l am rich, l'll be an extremely original man. 97 00:05:55,955 --> 00:05:57,786 One of the vilest and hateful things about money, 98 00:05:58,024 --> 00:05:59,753 is that it can buy even talent, 99 00:05:59,992 --> 00:06:02,222 and it will do so as long as the world lasts. 100 00:06:02,962 --> 00:06:03,986 But enough of this. 101 00:06:04,964 --> 00:06:08,832 lncidentally, prince, l forgot to ask. 102 00:06:10,670 --> 00:06:13,662 You seem to be struck with Nastasia Philipovna yourself. 103 00:06:13,906 --> 00:06:14,998 Yes, it's true. 104 00:06:17,043 --> 00:06:18,067 Are you in love with her? 105 00:06:20,113 --> 00:06:21,137 No. 106 00:06:21,714 --> 00:06:23,614 And yet you flushed. 107 00:06:24,851 --> 00:06:26,648 No, l won't laugh at you. 108 00:06:42,368 --> 00:06:44,063 l don't want any dinner, thank you. 109 00:06:44,303 --> 00:06:46,271 l had a good lunch at General Epanchin's. 110 00:06:46,939 --> 00:06:50,966 lt's only a few yards, he's sitting over a bottle. 111 00:06:52,678 --> 00:06:56,045 Prince, don't tell them l brought you the note. 112 00:06:58,017 --> 00:07:00,247 Actually, Kolia, l also have an idea. 113 00:07:01,821 --> 00:07:05,120 l want to see you father over a certain matter. 114 00:07:05,758 --> 00:07:06,782 Let's go. 115 00:07:36,122 --> 00:07:39,057 -What time is it? - Half past nine. 116 00:08:00,012 --> 00:08:01,980 Gentlemen, would you like some champagne? 117 00:08:02,748 --> 00:08:04,477 Maybe, it will cheer us up. 118 00:08:06,285 --> 00:08:08,685 l'll drink three glasses today. 119 00:08:16,128 --> 00:08:18,119 You seem to be a little feverish. 120 00:08:18,831 --> 00:08:21,391 Yes, quite right. That's why l put on this shawl. 121 00:08:22,368 --> 00:08:24,495 Maybe we should let our hostess retire? 122 00:08:24,904 --> 00:08:26,064 Not at all, gentlemen. 123 00:08:26,305 --> 00:08:29,365 Tonight your presence is absolutely essential. 124 00:08:36,249 --> 00:08:38,217 Let's play some game, why don't we? 125 00:08:39,185 --> 00:08:42,154 l know a new and most delightful game. 126 00:08:42,488 --> 00:08:43,512 What is it? 127 00:08:44,023 --> 00:08:46,048 Each of us should tell what he believes 128 00:08:46,292 --> 00:08:50,524 is the worst action he has ever committed. 129 00:08:50,930 --> 00:08:53,160 The main thing is to be honest. 130 00:08:53,432 --> 00:08:57,232 -A strange idea. - That's the beauty of it. 131 00:08:57,470 --> 00:08:59,495 Come, let's try it! 132 00:09:00,072 --> 00:09:02,097 We are not quite so happy as we might be. 133 00:09:02,341 --> 00:09:05,936 lf everyone agrees to tell us something, 134 00:09:06,178 --> 00:09:09,147 voluntarily, of course, he is free to do so. 135 00:09:09,882 --> 00:09:13,409 At least, it'll be quite original. 136 00:09:29,835 --> 00:09:32,804 My dear young friend! 137 00:09:38,044 --> 00:09:39,341 My dear young friend, 138 00:09:41,614 --> 00:09:43,809 You saw it today, you were a witness: 139 00:09:44,050 --> 00:09:46,416 l did all a father could do, 140 00:09:46,819 --> 00:09:50,255 a gentle and indulgent father. 141 00:09:50,923 --> 00:09:53,448 Now a different father shall step into the scene, 142 00:09:53,859 --> 00:09:55,952 you shall see what happens. 143 00:09:56,329 --> 00:09:59,492 Could you lend me a 10-rouble note? 144 00:10:00,933 --> 00:10:01,957 A 10-rouble note? No. 145 00:10:02,468 --> 00:10:03,867 Here's a 25. 146 00:10:04,270 --> 00:10:07,535 Change it and return the 15, or l'll be left penniless. 147 00:10:07,940 --> 00:10:10,966 Yes, of course, l'll do it immediately... 148 00:10:11,477 --> 00:10:13,069 l have a request, general. 149 00:10:14,413 --> 00:10:17,211 Could you show me the way to Nastasia Philipovna's 150 00:10:17,450 --> 00:10:19,111 tonight? 151 00:10:20,052 --> 00:10:22,316 l must go there tonight. 152 00:10:23,022 --> 00:10:25,320 l have business with her, but l wasn't invited. 153 00:10:25,658 --> 00:10:28,320 l am ready to trespass the laws of propriety, 154 00:10:28,561 --> 00:10:29,823 only to get in somehow. 155 00:10:30,062 --> 00:10:36,023 You have hit on my very own idea, my friend. 156 00:10:36,268 --> 00:10:38,896 lt was not for this trifle l asked you to come here. 157 00:10:39,305 --> 00:10:41,398 l wanted to invite you alliance 158 00:10:41,641 --> 00:10:44,542 against Nastasia Philipovna. 159 00:10:45,011 --> 00:10:47,980 Rather, in the campaign against Nastasia Philipovna. 160 00:10:48,214 --> 00:10:50,375 General lvolgin and prince Muishkin - 161 00:10:50,616 --> 00:10:52,447 that'll impress her! 162 00:10:56,922 --> 00:11:01,086 - Do you know where she lives? - Near the Bolshoi. 163 00:11:02,028 --> 00:11:03,586 We'll set off at 10. 164 00:11:05,197 --> 00:11:08,166 We still have some time. 165 00:11:09,001 --> 00:11:10,298 Go ahead, prince. 166 00:11:13,339 --> 00:11:15,000 l assure you, l'm not a thief. 167 00:11:15,641 --> 00:11:18,041 Yet l stole a 3-rouble note, l don't know how, 168 00:11:19,011 --> 00:11:21,980 and spent it at a restaurant the same evening. 169 00:11:22,581 --> 00:11:26,039 l didn't feel much remorse either then or afterwards. 170 00:11:26,285 --> 00:11:28,253 Believe it or not, as you please. 171 00:11:28,587 --> 00:11:30,521 There, that's all! 172 00:11:31,957 --> 00:11:35,120 Only that's not nearly your worst action. 173 00:11:35,661 --> 00:11:36,958 How mean you are! 174 00:11:41,500 --> 00:11:45,027 You wish a man to tell you about his worst action, 175 00:11:45,271 --> 00:11:47,171 and expect it to be magnificent! 176 00:11:48,174 --> 00:11:51,075 lt's my turn now, but l won't tell you anything. 177 00:11:53,312 --> 00:11:57,112 -You don't care to oblige us? - l cannot. 178 00:11:58,117 --> 00:12:00,347 l don't understand how one can play this game. 179 00:12:03,222 --> 00:12:04,951 Why don't we end it then? 180 00:12:09,128 --> 00:12:11,153 General, it's your turn. 181 00:12:13,065 --> 00:12:15,727 lf you refuse, the whole game will fall apart. 182 00:12:16,135 --> 00:12:19,366 l will be disappointed, for l wanted to tell my own story. 183 00:12:22,641 --> 00:12:25,303 She has never lived near the Bolshoi. 184 00:12:25,544 --> 00:12:27,011 Father's never been there. 185 00:12:27,279 --> 00:12:29,406 She lives near the Five Corners. 186 00:12:29,648 --> 00:12:31,309 l'm glad we met. 187 00:12:31,550 --> 00:12:34,075 l want to introduce you to Hippolyte, 188 00:12:34,320 --> 00:12:37,414 son of the captain's widow to whom my father took you. 189 00:12:37,656 --> 00:12:38,680 He's consumptive. 190 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:41,252 He might be upset, since it concerns my father and 191 00:12:41,494 --> 00:12:44,725 his mother, a kept woman, that makes a difference. 192 00:12:45,131 --> 00:12:47,622 So Nastasia Philipovna invited you to see her? 193 00:12:48,033 --> 00:12:49,398 - l'm afraid not. - Then how do you intend to go? 194 00:12:50,302 --> 00:12:52,702 And in that costume! She's giving a soiree. 195 00:12:54,306 --> 00:12:56,274 l'm not sure l'll be allowed. 196 00:12:56,709 --> 00:12:59,507 lf she receives me - good, if not -the matter's closed. 197 00:12:59,745 --> 00:13:01,440 As for my costume... 198 00:13:01,680 --> 00:13:03,147 Are you going for a reason, 199 00:13:03,382 --> 00:13:05,612 or just as a way of getting into her society? 200 00:13:06,118 --> 00:13:07,483 No, actually, l... 201 00:13:09,255 --> 00:13:11,485 l've got a reason for going, but it's hard to explain. 202 00:13:12,124 --> 00:13:13,352 Then it's your business. 203 00:13:13,592 --> 00:13:16,060 The important thing is that you're not going there just 204 00:13:16,295 --> 00:13:19,458 to be in the company of cocottes, generals and usurers. 205 00:13:19,698 --> 00:13:22,428 lf that were the case, l should despise you. 206 00:13:22,768 --> 00:13:25,737 At sunset, on a lovely summer evening, 207 00:13:26,138 --> 00:13:28,572 my little old lady passed away. 208 00:13:29,608 --> 00:13:35,012 And at that very moment, instead of tears and prayers, 209 00:13:35,614 --> 00:13:39,607 she heard a young ensign, standing arms akimbo, 210 00:13:40,152 --> 00:13:43,553 swear bloody Hell at her 211 00:13:44,790 --> 00:13:46,189 about a soup bowl. 212 00:13:48,294 --> 00:13:49,261 True, l was to blame! 213 00:13:51,363 --> 00:13:54,025 And l couldn't get rid of that feeling till 15 years ago 214 00:13:54,266 --> 00:13:55,563 l put a couple of old ladies 215 00:13:55,801 --> 00:13:59,737 in an almshouse and kept them there at my expense. 216 00:14:00,372 --> 00:14:01,566 That's all. 217 00:14:02,174 --> 00:14:05,109 Maybe, l've committed many a sin in my day, 218 00:14:05,344 --> 00:14:10,611 but this, l believe, is the worst action 219 00:14:11,450 --> 00:14:12,678 in my entire life. 220 00:14:13,652 --> 00:14:16,246 lnstead of a bad action you have told us 221 00:14:16,488 --> 00:14:19,821 about one of your noblest deeds. 222 00:14:20,226 --> 00:14:21,250 Ferdishenko is 'done'! 223 00:14:22,127 --> 00:14:23,560 Dear me, general, 224 00:14:23,796 --> 00:14:26,765 l never imagined you had such a kind heart. 225 00:14:27,166 --> 00:14:28,292 l even feel sorry for you. 226 00:14:29,335 --> 00:14:30,302 Sorry? 227 00:14:31,770 --> 00:14:33,260 Prince Muishkin. 228 00:14:51,690 --> 00:14:54,716 Of course, he did this out of pure innocence. 229 00:14:55,427 --> 00:14:57,861 lt's a little dangerous to encourage such behavior, 230 00:14:58,631 --> 00:15:00,826 but he may enliven us a little. 231 00:15:02,401 --> 00:15:04,494 Prince Muishkin must pay a toll for his entrance! 232 00:15:04,737 --> 00:15:06,261 Sing a popular song. 233 00:15:06,505 --> 00:15:09,599 But, after all, prince Muishkin is no Ferdishenko. 234 00:15:10,509 --> 00:15:13,876 l'm admitted here because that's the way l speak. 235 00:15:14,280 --> 00:15:17,249 Could one imagine Ferdishenko sitting next to you? 236 00:15:17,483 --> 00:15:20,350 lt's inconceivable, that's why l'm here. 237 00:15:21,153 --> 00:15:23,781 l was sorry l've forgotten to invite you to come. 238 00:15:24,590 --> 00:15:27,559 And l am delighted you give me the pleasure 239 00:15:27,793 --> 00:15:29,351 to praise your resolution. 240 00:15:30,729 --> 00:15:32,390 You are altogether perfection. 241 00:15:34,600 --> 00:15:36,192 Even your pallor. 242 00:15:38,270 --> 00:15:40,568 One could not wish you looked any other way. 243 00:15:41,607 --> 00:15:44,303 Forgive me, l so very much wished to come see you. 244 00:15:44,910 --> 00:15:48,311 Don't apologize, you'll spoil the originality of it. 245 00:15:48,547 --> 00:15:51,345 So you think me perfection, do you? 246 00:15:51,917 --> 00:15:52,884 Yes. 247 00:15:53,285 --> 00:15:54,946 You are wrong there. 248 00:15:55,621 --> 00:15:57,782 l'll remind you of this tonight. 249 00:15:58,924 --> 00:16:01,893 l didn't expect anything like that from you. 250 00:16:02,361 --> 00:16:04,158 What's so surprising? 251 00:16:04,396 --> 00:16:06,887 lt's a clear case, and speaks for itself! 252 00:16:08,701 --> 00:16:09,963 Do sit down, prince. 253 00:16:10,369 --> 00:16:13,463 lt's quite a clear case. 254 00:16:14,707 --> 00:16:16,368 l've been watching the prince all day, 255 00:16:16,608 --> 00:16:18,735 from the moment he first saw 256 00:16:18,978 --> 00:16:21,242 Nastasia Philipovna's portrait. 257 00:16:21,880 --> 00:16:23,848 l remember thinking at the time, 258 00:16:24,249 --> 00:16:26,342 what l am now pretty sure of. 259 00:16:29,021 --> 00:16:30,989 The prince confessed to me himself. 260 00:16:31,857 --> 00:16:35,315 l did not confess anything, l just answered your question. 261 00:16:35,728 --> 00:16:36,695 Bravo! 262 00:16:37,396 --> 00:16:39,864 lt's frank, at any rate, and cunning. 263 00:16:41,967 --> 00:16:44,231 Anyway, let's continue our game, gentlemen. 264 00:16:44,470 --> 00:16:46,768 lt's Afanasy lvanovich's turn. 265 00:16:48,340 --> 00:16:51,867 Prince, we are telling stories of our vilest actions. 266 00:16:52,378 --> 00:16:53,743 Do you have anything to say? 267 00:16:54,279 --> 00:16:57,407 There are far more thieves in the world than honest people. 268 00:16:57,649 --> 00:16:59,014 And there isn't a person, 269 00:16:59,418 --> 00:17:02,581 who has never stolen anything at least once. 270 00:17:03,622 --> 00:17:04,646 What do you think? 271 00:17:06,558 --> 00:17:08,890 l think what you say is true. 272 00:17:09,294 --> 00:17:11,262 But don't exaggerate. 273 00:17:11,497 --> 00:17:14,330 And you, prince, have not stolen anything? 274 00:17:14,833 --> 00:17:17,529 - Be quiet, Ferdishenko! - l'm quiet. 275 00:17:18,303 --> 00:17:22,535 And now l give the stage to Afanasy lvanovich, 276 00:17:22,908 --> 00:17:25,809 who has long prepared his story. 277 00:17:39,525 --> 00:17:42,460 What simplifies my duty is the fact 278 00:17:43,095 --> 00:17:46,963 that l have to recall and relate 279 00:17:47,866 --> 00:17:51,825 the very worst action of my life. 280 00:17:52,971 --> 00:17:56,566 ln such circumstances, there can be no doubt: 281 00:17:56,809 --> 00:17:59,778 one's conscience and memory inform one 282 00:18:00,012 --> 00:18:01,980 what is the proper story. 283 00:18:03,882 --> 00:18:07,943 This happened about 20 years ago. 284 00:18:08,821 --> 00:18:10,982 At that time, Dumas-son's beautiful work, 285 00:18:11,390 --> 00:18:14,086 La Dame aux Camellias, 286 00:18:14,626 --> 00:18:18,790 had just come into fashion in high society. 287 00:18:19,498 --> 00:18:22,797 This alluring world, examined to the most minute, 288 00:18:23,035 --> 00:18:25,435 most lovely details, 289 00:18:25,671 --> 00:18:30,973 especially about alternating white and red camellias. 290 00:18:33,345 --> 00:18:36,314 All the ladies were in raptures over it. 291 00:18:36,548 --> 00:18:38,914 Peter Volhofskoi, a friend of mine, 292 00:18:39,518 --> 00:18:43,079 was desperately in love with a certain Anfisa Alexeyevna. 293 00:18:43,655 --> 00:18:46,385 lt was Anfisa's birthday, 294 00:18:46,625 --> 00:18:47,717 they gave a ball. 295 00:18:48,861 --> 00:18:52,922 The poor fellow desperately wanted to get her a bouquet 296 00:18:53,165 --> 00:18:54,928 of camellias for the ball. 297 00:18:55,400 --> 00:18:57,834 All knew that Julia Bespalova and countess Sotskaya 298 00:18:58,070 --> 00:19:02,063 were coming with bouquets of white camellias. 299 00:19:03,675 --> 00:19:06,576 Naturally, Anfisa, wished for red ones. 300 00:19:07,813 --> 00:19:10,611 lf Peter could only get a bouquet of red camellias, 301 00:19:10,849 --> 00:19:14,842 he would have made great strides. 302 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:19,048 ln such cases, a woman's gratitude is boundless. 303 00:19:19,691 --> 00:19:22,785 He fussed a lot, but it was quite impossible. 304 00:19:23,028 --> 00:19:24,620 Nothing to say here. 305 00:19:24,863 --> 00:19:30,392 The night before the ball l met him at 11 o'clock. 306 00:19:30,903 --> 00:19:31,995 He's looking radiant. 307 00:19:32,504 --> 00:19:34,904 What happened? What is it? l've found them! 308 00:19:36,141 --> 00:19:37,472 Where, when, how? 309 00:19:38,577 --> 00:19:40,943 ln Ekshaisk, some 15 miles off. 310 00:19:42,147 --> 00:19:46,743 Trepalov, a rich old merchant, 311 00:19:46,985 --> 00:19:49,453 lives there with his old wife. 312 00:19:50,055 --> 00:19:52,888 Both are devoted to flowers. He's got some camellias. 313 00:19:53,525 --> 00:19:57,120 - ''When are you going?'' - ''Tomorrow morning at 5.'' 314 00:19:57,863 --> 00:20:01,128 ''Good luck to you!'' l was so happy for him. 315 00:20:01,800 --> 00:20:04,462 l had nearly gone to sleep, 316 00:20:05,671 --> 00:20:07,866 when l had a very original idea! 317 00:20:08,941 --> 00:20:11,705 l went to the kitchen, woke up the coachman, 318 00:20:12,544 --> 00:20:16,480 gave him 15 roubles and told him to get the carriage. 319 00:20:16,715 --> 00:20:20,048 l got in and by 5 l was in Ekshaisk. 320 00:20:52,651 --> 00:20:53,948 l took out a hundred roubles. 321 00:20:55,053 --> 00:20:59,786 ''Oh, no, don't insult me this way ''. 322 00:21:00,292 --> 00:21:03,523 ''lf that's the case, give the hundred 323 00:21:03,929 --> 00:21:07,660 to the village hospital to improve things there.'' 324 00:21:08,800 --> 00:21:12,702 That's very good and generous of you. 325 00:21:12,938 --> 00:21:16,738 ''l'll donate it with pleasure.'' 326 00:21:17,009 --> 00:21:20,172 l took another road home to avoid meeting Peter. 327 00:21:20,579 --> 00:21:22,774 Right after l arrived, l sent a bouquet 328 00:21:23,015 --> 00:21:25,483 for Anfisa to see when she woke. 329 00:21:25,717 --> 00:21:28,709 You can imagine her ecstasy, her gratitude. 330 00:21:28,954 --> 00:21:30,945 Her husband, Platon, 331 00:21:31,189 --> 00:21:32,781 wept on my shoulder. 332 00:21:33,025 --> 00:21:37,121 After marrying, all husbands are like that. 333 00:21:37,763 --> 00:21:41,130 Of course, after this poor Peter 334 00:21:41,767 --> 00:21:43,257 had no chance at all. 335 00:21:44,903 --> 00:21:45,927 ln a month he asked 336 00:21:46,772 --> 00:21:48,672 to be sent to the Caucasus. 337 00:21:49,207 --> 00:21:51,698 He ended up in the Crimea, where he was shot. 338 00:21:53,278 --> 00:21:56,907 This business left me no peace for many years. 339 00:21:57,582 --> 00:21:59,982 Why did l do it? 340 00:22:01,053 --> 00:22:04,045 l wasn't even in love with this Anfisa. 341 00:22:04,723 --> 00:22:07,521 lf l hadn't snatched that bouquet from him, 342 00:22:08,293 --> 00:22:11,057 who knows, he could be alive today, 343 00:22:11,296 --> 00:22:14,094 be a happy, successful man, 344 00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:17,833 and would have never gone to fight the Turks. 345 00:22:18,070 --> 00:22:19,537 Ferdishenko's 'done'! 346 00:22:19,771 --> 00:22:22,331 He's 'done,' all right! 347 00:22:22,741 --> 00:22:25,574 And who asked you to talk nonsense? 348 00:22:25,944 --> 00:22:29,072 lt's a dull game, let's stop it. 349 00:22:29,748 --> 00:22:32,342 l'll tell you my story and then we'll play cards. 350 00:22:32,751 --> 00:22:35,117 Yes, but let's have the story first. 351 00:22:40,092 --> 00:22:41,059 Prince! 352 00:22:41,893 --> 00:22:45,659 Totski and the general wish to marry me off. 353 00:22:48,834 --> 00:22:52,634 Tell me what you think should l marry or not. 354 00:22:53,338 --> 00:22:55,067 l'll do as you decide. 355 00:22:59,177 --> 00:23:00,144 Marry whom? 356 00:23:02,714 --> 00:23:05,012 Gavrila Ardalionovich lvolgin. 357 00:23:14,726 --> 00:23:17,752 - No, don't marry him. - So it shall be then. 358 00:23:19,131 --> 00:23:21,929 You've heard the prince's decision? 359 00:23:23,268 --> 00:23:24,599 Take it as my decision. 360 00:23:25,303 --> 00:23:27,703 We've settled this matter once and for all. 361 00:23:27,939 --> 00:23:31,170 Why do you all look so alarmed, gentlemen? 362 00:23:31,676 --> 00:23:34,804 You've given a promise quite voluntarily. 363 00:23:35,046 --> 00:23:37,606 And you might have spared Us, before company. 364 00:23:37,849 --> 00:23:42,650 l'm confused and bewildered, but... 365 00:23:43,455 --> 00:23:44,922 This is not serious. 366 00:23:45,223 --> 00:23:46,815 l don't follow you. 367 00:23:47,893 --> 00:23:50,259 What do you mean by saying ''before company''? 368 00:23:51,096 --> 00:23:54,190 lsn't this company good enough? 369 00:23:54,699 --> 00:23:55,859 l promised you a story, 370 00:23:56,101 --> 00:23:57,261 and l told you one. 371 00:23:57,669 --> 00:23:58,761 Don't you like it? 372 00:23:59,037 --> 00:24:01,369 Why do you say it's not serious? 373 00:24:01,773 --> 00:24:03,263 The prince decided my fate. 374 00:24:03,842 --> 00:24:07,437 Had he said ''yes,'' l'd have given my consent. 375 00:24:08,046 --> 00:24:10,173 My whole life was hanging by a thread. 376 00:24:10,415 --> 00:24:11,439 Surely that's serious enough! 377 00:24:11,917 --> 00:24:16,081 What has he got to do with this? Who the deuce is the prince?! 378 00:24:18,323 --> 00:24:22,054 l trusted him as a man of real truthfulness of spirit. 379 00:24:23,795 --> 00:24:26,355 l trusted him from first sight, and l still do. 380 00:24:27,365 --> 00:24:29,333 There's nothing left for me to do but 381 00:24:30,735 --> 00:24:33,169 to thank Nastasia Philipovna 382 00:24:33,405 --> 00:24:36,932 for the delicacy with which she has treated me. 383 00:24:37,175 --> 00:24:38,142 But the prince! 384 00:24:38,376 --> 00:24:40,844 He's after the 75 thousand? ls that what you mean? 385 00:24:43,148 --> 00:24:45,912 Afanasy lvanovich, take the money back. 386 00:24:46,151 --> 00:24:48,312 l let you go free for nothing. 387 00:24:48,753 --> 00:24:51,745 And you, general, take your necklace. 388 00:24:51,990 --> 00:24:53,423 Give it to your wife. 389 00:24:54,226 --> 00:24:56,456 Tomorrow l'll leave this flat altogether, 390 00:24:56,862 --> 00:24:58,762 there'll be no more soirees. 391 00:25:08,240 --> 00:25:09,332 At last! 392 00:25:10,308 --> 00:25:13,471 That's the climax, gentlemen, But l ask you to stay. 393 00:25:16,414 --> 00:25:19,781 Goodness gracious, a group of 10 men or so has come in! 394 00:25:20,118 --> 00:25:21,085 Let them in! 395 00:25:34,266 --> 00:25:35,233 Champagne? 396 00:25:48,079 --> 00:25:49,046 What's this? 397 00:25:51,449 --> 00:25:52,416 A hundred thousand. 398 00:25:55,520 --> 00:25:57,044 So, he kept his word. 399 00:26:09,968 --> 00:26:11,333 Come in, gentlemen. 400 00:26:12,237 --> 00:26:13,966 But, my dear?! 401 00:26:14,539 --> 00:26:17,064 Do you think she has gone mad? 402 00:26:17,309 --> 00:26:20,335 Not in the allegoric, but in the medical sense. 403 00:26:25,250 --> 00:26:27,980 This a 100 thousand roubles. 404 00:26:28,853 --> 00:26:30,218 ln this dirty parcel. 405 00:26:31,489 --> 00:26:33,116 He was bargaining for me. 406 00:26:34,459 --> 00:26:37,223 Started at 18, then jumped to 40, 407 00:26:37,462 --> 00:26:39,521 and now -these 100! 408 00:26:42,634 --> 00:26:44,158 He's kept his word. 409 00:26:45,070 --> 00:26:46,196 Look, he is so pale! 410 00:26:47,872 --> 00:26:51,273 - Nastasia Philipovna! - lt's indecent or what? 411 00:26:51,943 --> 00:26:53,069 Nonsense! 412 00:26:53,645 --> 00:26:57,172 As if l've been sitting virtuously at the theatre? 413 00:26:57,415 --> 00:26:59,042 A statue of inaccessible virtue? 414 00:26:59,284 --> 00:27:01,081 What a silly little idiot l was! 415 00:27:01,319 --> 00:27:04,914 And this man put down a 100 thousand on the table! 416 00:27:05,190 --> 00:27:07,317 After 5 years of innocence! 417 00:27:07,559 --> 00:27:09,390 He must have his troika sledge waiting for me. 418 00:27:09,628 --> 00:27:11,493 He values me at a 100 thousand. 419 00:27:12,130 --> 00:27:14,621 Dear soul, calm down, please! 420 00:27:15,233 --> 00:27:18,259 You' never go with this fellow, in spite of his money! 421 00:27:18,670 --> 00:27:20,865 Take his money, and kick him out. 422 00:27:21,106 --> 00:27:22,903 That's the way to treat him! 423 00:27:24,442 --> 00:27:26,535 Don't be cross, Daria Alexeyevna, 424 00:27:26,945 --> 00:27:29,436 l don't know what has come over me, 425 00:27:29,681 --> 00:27:31,911 why l wanted to enter an honest family like this. 426 00:27:34,352 --> 00:27:36,877 Gania, you're still angry with me. 427 00:27:37,322 --> 00:27:39,620 Surely you never wished to take me into your family, 428 00:27:40,025 --> 00:27:41,322 me, Rogojin's mistress? 429 00:27:42,193 --> 00:27:44,024 l came and stirred up all this fuss, 430 00:27:44,262 --> 00:27:47,288 just to see how much you could swallow. 431 00:27:48,333 --> 00:27:50,062 Surely you could never marry me? 432 00:27:50,402 --> 00:27:53,894 A woman, who accepts jewelry from your general 433 00:27:54,139 --> 00:27:56,232 just before she marries. 434 00:27:57,342 --> 00:27:58,639 And Rogojin? 435 00:27:59,144 --> 00:28:03,103 He bargained for me in your house! 436 00:28:04,149 --> 00:28:06,083 And you came to ask for my hand! 437 00:28:07,085 --> 00:28:09,645 Surely what Rogojin said about you must be true: 438 00:28:10,155 --> 00:28:13,454 that you'd crawl on your hands and knees for 3 roubles. 439 00:28:14,225 --> 00:28:15,192 He would. 440 00:28:15,427 --> 00:28:17,395 lf you were dying of hunger - then l'd understand. 441 00:28:17,629 --> 00:28:20,894 But they say you get a good salary. 442 00:28:22,233 --> 00:28:25,464 And you wanted to take a wife you hate into your family. 443 00:28:26,237 --> 00:28:27,602 You must hate me. 444 00:28:28,440 --> 00:28:29,634 l know it. 445 00:28:31,109 --> 00:28:32,906 You're so shameless! 446 00:28:34,612 --> 00:28:36,580 l'm shameless, and you're even worse! 447 00:28:37,982 --> 00:28:39,006 ls it really you? 448 00:28:39,250 --> 00:28:42,048 Once so refined, and delicate of speech. 449 00:28:42,287 --> 00:28:43,652 What language! How dreadful! 450 00:28:44,322 --> 00:28:46,222 General, l'm intoxicated! 451 00:28:47,225 --> 00:28:48,283 l'm having a day out! 452 00:28:49,194 --> 00:28:51,924 lt's my birthday, my special day! 453 00:28:52,163 --> 00:28:53,596 l been waiting for it so long! 454 00:28:53,998 --> 00:28:58,059 Daria Alexeyevna, do you see that man over there? 455 00:28:59,204 --> 00:29:01,263 Monsieur aux Camellias, 456 00:29:01,639 --> 00:29:03,231 who's laughing at us. 457 00:29:04,142 --> 00:29:08,101 l'm not laughing, but listening quite attentively. 458 00:29:08,546 --> 00:29:11,709 Why have l tortured him for 5 years? 459 00:29:12,350 --> 00:29:13,374 Was he worth it? 460 00:29:15,353 --> 00:29:18,015 He's only what he ought to be. 461 00:29:18,656 --> 00:29:21,318 He thinks l'm to blame, too: 462 00:29:21,559 --> 00:29:24,289 he gave me an education, kept me like a countess. 463 00:29:24,529 --> 00:29:26,258 And all the money he spent! 464 00:29:26,498 --> 00:29:27,624 Found me a husband. 465 00:29:29,033 --> 00:29:30,261 And what do you think? 466 00:29:31,035 --> 00:29:34,232 These 5 years l didn't live with him, but took his money. 467 00:29:34,806 --> 00:29:36,330 And considered it justified. 468 00:29:37,175 --> 00:29:39,075 l was completely lost. 469 00:29:40,512 --> 00:29:42,980 You say: take the 100 thousand, 470 00:29:43,214 --> 00:29:45,114 and kick the man out. 471 00:29:45,450 --> 00:29:47,145 lt's an awful business. 472 00:29:50,522 --> 00:29:53,980 l might have married long ago, and not to Gania. 473 00:29:54,225 --> 00:29:56,591 lt would've been awful, too. 474 00:29:58,763 --> 00:30:00,025 Would you believe it, 475 00:30:01,132 --> 00:30:02,429 four years ago l wanted 476 00:30:02,667 --> 00:30:07,502 to marry my Afanasy lvanovich! 477 00:30:09,207 --> 00:30:10,606 l would have had him! 478 00:30:11,209 --> 00:30:13,575 He's quite weak, he can't help it. 479 00:30:14,679 --> 00:30:16,647 And then, thank God, l thought: 480 00:30:16,848 --> 00:30:18,577 is he worth taking advantage of? 481 00:30:19,150 --> 00:30:20,811 l felt so awful, 482 00:30:21,386 --> 00:30:23,820 had he asked me to marry him, l wouldn't have done it. 483 00:30:24,222 --> 00:30:27,487 No, it's betterto go on the streets, where l should be. 484 00:30:28,293 --> 00:30:32,127 Or take Rogojin, or become a washerwoman! 485 00:30:32,363 --> 00:30:35,332 l'll go away, leave everything, to the last rag, 486 00:30:35,567 --> 00:30:37,535 who'd have me without anything? 487 00:30:37,769 --> 00:30:39,737 Ask Gania, would he? 488 00:30:40,138 --> 00:30:42,299 Even Ferdishenko wouldn't have me! 489 00:30:44,242 --> 00:30:47,370 Perhaps, l wouldn't, l'm a candid fellow. 490 00:30:48,179 --> 00:30:49,476 But the prince would. 491 00:30:50,181 --> 00:30:51,648 See how he's looking at you! 492 00:30:57,655 --> 00:30:58,622 ls that true? 493 00:31:00,191 --> 00:31:01,158 Quite true. 494 00:31:02,760 --> 00:31:05,627 Take me as l am, with nothing? 495 00:31:07,465 --> 00:31:09,695 l will, Nastasia Philipovna. 496 00:31:14,205 --> 00:31:15,502 Here's a pretty business! 497 00:31:15,740 --> 00:31:18,709 He does it from the pure kindness of his heart. 498 00:31:19,110 --> 00:31:20,407 What a benefactor! 499 00:31:20,678 --> 00:31:23,374 But perhaps, what they say is true: he's not quite? 500 00:31:23,681 --> 00:31:26,844 And what will you live on, if you take Rogojin's mistress? 501 00:31:28,219 --> 00:31:30,744 l take you as an honest person, not as Rogojin's mistress. 502 00:31:33,658 --> 00:31:34,818 Who? Me? Honest? 503 00:31:37,228 --> 00:31:38,195 Yes, you. 504 00:31:45,169 --> 00:31:48,138 You get these ideas from novels! 505 00:31:50,742 --> 00:31:53,142 That's all nonsense, dear, 506 00:31:53,444 --> 00:31:54,809 times have changed now. 507 00:31:55,513 --> 00:31:57,174 How can you marry, 508 00:31:57,415 --> 00:31:59,645 when you yourself need a nurse, not a wife. 509 00:32:00,585 --> 00:32:04,544 l know nothing, l have seen nothing, you're right. 510 00:32:05,189 --> 00:32:08,420 But l believe you'd be honoring me, not l you. 511 00:32:09,394 --> 00:32:11,555 l'm no one, and you've suffered, 512 00:32:11,796 --> 00:32:15,425 you've passed through hell and come out so pure. 513 00:32:16,668 --> 00:32:19,899 Why do you shame yourself by going with Rogojin? 514 00:32:21,272 --> 00:32:22,296 You're delirious. 515 00:32:22,540 --> 00:32:24,701 You've returned to Totski his 75 thousand. 516 00:32:25,476 --> 00:32:28,741 You say you'll leave this house and everything here. 517 00:32:29,347 --> 00:32:31,372 No other person here would do that. 518 00:32:32,350 --> 00:32:36,753 Nastasia Philipovna, l love you. 519 00:32:38,289 --> 00:32:39,847 l'll die foryou. 520 00:32:40,858 --> 00:32:43,691 l won't let anyone say a word against you. 521 00:32:44,562 --> 00:32:46,223 lf we are poor, 522 00:32:46,464 --> 00:32:47,556 l will work. 523 00:32:51,369 --> 00:32:54,395 But, perhaps, we'll be not poor, but very rich. 524 00:32:54,639 --> 00:32:55,799 l don't know for certain. 525 00:32:56,774 --> 00:32:58,264 l've received a letter from Moscow 526 00:32:58,943 --> 00:33:00,672 from a Mr. Salazkin. 527 00:33:00,912 --> 00:33:02,709 He tells me l'm entitled 528 00:33:02,947 --> 00:33:04,847 to a very large inheritance. 529 00:33:05,383 --> 00:33:06,350 Here's the letter. 530 00:33:06,584 --> 00:33:07,744 ls he raving? 531 00:33:08,386 --> 00:33:09,785 lt's a mad house! 532 00:33:10,722 --> 00:33:13,623 You say the letter is from Mr. Salazkin? 533 00:33:14,525 --> 00:33:16,891 He's a very eminent man, a famous solicitor. 534 00:33:17,295 --> 00:33:18,728 You can trust him. 535 00:33:19,397 --> 00:33:20,762 l know his handwriting. 536 00:33:21,032 --> 00:33:22,624 Let me have a look. 537 00:33:27,505 --> 00:33:28,472 What's all this? 538 00:33:28,973 --> 00:33:30,736 ls he really an heir? 539 00:33:36,247 --> 00:33:37,680 lt's sound business, gentlemen. 540 00:33:38,483 --> 00:33:39,643 Certain enough! 541 00:33:40,351 --> 00:33:44,617 You'll receive, without any trouble, by your aunt's will, 542 00:33:45,490 --> 00:33:46,718 a million an a half at least. 543 00:33:48,359 --> 00:33:49,724 And could be more. 544 00:33:50,828 --> 00:33:52,557 Congratulations, prince! 545 00:33:59,570 --> 00:34:00,798 So, l'm really a princess? 546 00:34:01,706 --> 00:34:04,436 And l gave him 25 roubles this morning, 547 00:34:04,709 --> 00:34:05,676 thought he was a beggar. 548 00:34:10,014 --> 00:34:11,743 An unexpected climax. 549 00:34:11,983 --> 00:34:14,349 Let God be with you, dear. 550 00:34:14,719 --> 00:34:15,913 Fantastic! 551 00:34:19,590 --> 00:34:20,614 Congratulations! 552 00:34:20,992 --> 00:34:22,289 Congratulations! 553 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:23,993 Have some wine, gentlemen. 554 00:34:30,668 --> 00:34:31,760 Congratulations! 555 00:34:32,970 --> 00:34:35,803 And you, prince, come sit beside me. 556 00:34:40,044 --> 00:34:43,070 Well, why don't you all congratulate me and the prince. 557 00:34:51,689 --> 00:34:53,520 Prince, remember what you are. 558 00:34:55,493 --> 00:34:58,087 No, general, you'd better look out: l'm a princess now. 559 00:34:58,496 --> 00:35:00,862 The prince won't let you insult me. 560 00:35:01,099 --> 00:35:02,566 Afanasy lvanovich, 561 00:35:02,934 --> 00:35:05,494 l'll be able to sit with your new wife now. 562 00:35:05,736 --> 00:35:07,704 See what l gain by marrying the prince? 563 00:35:07,939 --> 00:35:10,908 A million and a half, and a prince they say is an idiot. 564 00:35:11,142 --> 00:35:13,542 Now the real life begins. 565 00:35:13,778 --> 00:35:16,372 You've come late, Rogojin, take your parcel away. 566 00:35:16,614 --> 00:35:18,104 l'm getting married to the prince. 567 00:35:18,516 --> 00:35:19,540 l'll be richer than you are. 568 00:35:20,384 --> 00:35:21,612 Surrender her, prince. 569 00:35:23,087 --> 00:35:24,054 Surrender her! 570 00:35:24,455 --> 00:35:25,422 To you? 571 00:35:25,656 --> 00:35:27,487 He's bargaining, like a moujik! 572 00:35:27,792 --> 00:35:30,420 The prince wishes to marry me, and you only... 573 00:35:30,661 --> 00:35:31,628 So do l! 574 00:35:32,663 --> 00:35:35,063 This moment! Surrender her, prince! 575 00:35:37,602 --> 00:35:39,536 l'll marry you! This moment! 576 00:35:40,004 --> 00:35:41,972 l'll take you! Surrender her! 577 00:35:46,177 --> 00:35:49,374 - He's bargaining for your wife. - He's drunk. 578 00:35:49,747 --> 00:35:50,975 He loves you very much. 579 00:35:51,816 --> 00:35:54,979 Won't you be ashamed later, l nearly went off with him? 580 00:35:55,620 --> 00:35:58,589 You were in a fever, you are still delirious. 581 00:35:59,624 --> 00:36:00,784 Won't you be ashamed, 582 00:36:01,025 --> 00:36:03,687 that your wife was in Totski's keep? 583 00:36:04,629 --> 00:36:07,462 You did not do so by your own free will. 584 00:36:07,732 --> 00:36:10,667 -And never reproach me? - l won't. 585 00:36:13,070 --> 00:36:16,562 Prince, don't commit yourself for your whole lifetime. 586 00:36:17,842 --> 00:36:20,470 You will honor me with your consent, 587 00:36:20,711 --> 00:36:24,112 you do me the honor, not l to you. 588 00:36:24,649 --> 00:36:25,741 You laughed. 589 00:36:25,983 --> 00:36:27,382 And those around us laughed. 590 00:36:27,785 --> 00:36:30,413 Maybe, l expressed myself funnily, maybe, l'm funny. 591 00:36:30,655 --> 00:36:34,386 But l think l understand what honor is. 592 00:36:35,726 --> 00:36:38,092 You were about to ruin yourself. 593 00:36:38,863 --> 00:36:41,457 You would never have forgiven yourself for doing so. 594 00:36:41,933 --> 00:36:43,594 But you are not to blame. 595 00:36:44,068 --> 00:36:45,035 You are proud. 596 00:36:45,436 --> 00:36:47,461 And perhaps you've suffered so, 597 00:36:47,705 --> 00:36:50,503 that you believe yourself to be guilty. 598 00:36:51,876 --> 00:36:54,777 Someone has to look after You, and l'll do that. 599 00:36:55,613 --> 00:36:58,673 l saw your portrait, and it seemed quite familiar to me. 600 00:36:58,916 --> 00:37:01,714 lt seemed to me you had already called me for help. 601 00:37:03,888 --> 00:37:05,856 l will respect you all my life. 602 00:37:12,897 --> 00:37:14,558 That's a kind-hearted man. 603 00:37:16,567 --> 00:37:17,659 Thank you, prince. 604 00:37:20,504 --> 00:37:22,665 Nobody has ever talked to me this way. 605 00:37:25,209 --> 00:37:26,676 They all bargained for me. 606 00:37:27,278 --> 00:37:29,644 No one asked to marry him. 607 00:37:31,916 --> 00:37:33,941 Did you hear that, Afanasy lvanovich? 608 00:37:35,152 --> 00:37:37,814 What do you think of the prince's words? 609 00:37:38,122 --> 00:37:40,249 They're almost immodest. 610 00:37:44,795 --> 00:37:45,955 Rogojin, wait! 611 00:37:46,197 --> 00:37:48,222 Maybe, l'll go with you, after all. 612 00:37:54,305 --> 00:37:55,897 Where did you want to take me? 613 00:37:56,140 --> 00:37:57,232 To Ekaterinhof. 614 00:37:58,743 --> 00:37:59,971 What a row! 615 00:38:01,145 --> 00:38:02,578 Have you gone mad? 616 00:38:02,813 --> 00:38:05,976 And you thought l'd actually ruin this child? 617 00:38:06,217 --> 00:38:07,707 That's Totski's way, not mine, 618 00:38:07,952 --> 00:38:09,214 he likes children. 619 00:38:09,620 --> 00:38:10,917 Let's go, Rogojin! where's your packet?! 620 00:38:12,023 --> 00:38:15,652 -Are you actually leaving? -And you thought l wouldn't? 621 00:38:16,627 --> 00:38:18,595 You called me perfection. 622 00:38:18,829 --> 00:38:20,023 l'm not that perfect! 623 00:38:20,264 --> 00:38:23,233 l threw up a prince and a million and a half. 624 00:38:23,634 --> 00:38:24,726 What sort of wife would l make you? 625 00:38:27,571 --> 00:38:28,799 Afanasy lvanovich, 626 00:38:29,040 --> 00:38:31,702 l've really thrown away a million roubles. 627 00:38:32,243 --> 00:38:35,041 And you thought l'd consider your 75 thousand and Gania 628 00:38:35,279 --> 00:38:36,940 a paradise of bliss? 629 00:38:37,248 --> 00:38:38,840 And now l must be off! 630 00:38:39,116 --> 00:38:42,745 l've been in prison for 10 years. 631 00:38:42,987 --> 00:38:44,887 Rogojin, we're going! 632 00:38:45,122 --> 00:38:46,089 Let's go! 633 00:38:46,924 --> 00:38:47,891 Wine! 634 00:38:49,360 --> 00:38:52,295 l haven't taken your money yet! 635 00:38:52,697 --> 00:38:54,062 Where is it? Give it to me! 636 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:57,297 lt looks so awful! 637 00:38:58,135 --> 00:38:59,159 Look here, prince, 638 00:38:59,937 --> 00:39:03,304 your bride is accepting the money, 639 00:39:03,708 --> 00:39:05,141 because she's disreputable. 640 00:39:07,311 --> 00:39:08,801 Why are you crying? 641 00:39:10,748 --> 00:39:11,772 Are you bitter? 642 00:39:12,817 --> 00:39:15,786 You should laugh, like l do. 643 00:39:16,754 --> 00:39:18,654 Trust time, it will pass. 644 00:39:20,324 --> 00:39:22,849 lt's better to think twice now, than afterwards. 645 00:39:23,160 --> 00:39:26,596 You'd have contempt for me. 646 00:39:27,031 --> 00:39:29,556 No, you needn't swear, prince, l don't believe you. 647 00:39:30,401 --> 00:39:31,925 We'd better part like good friends. 648 00:39:32,169 --> 00:39:33,898 Wasn't it you l dreamed of? 649 00:39:34,839 --> 00:39:36,864 l did, when l was still in his estate. 650 00:39:37,708 --> 00:39:40,939 l used to dream and think, dream and think. 651 00:39:41,178 --> 00:39:43,078 l imagined someone like you. 652 00:39:43,848 --> 00:39:47,648 A good, kind, honest and foolish man, 653 00:39:47,885 --> 00:39:51,343 who'd come and tell me ''You are an innocent woman.'' 654 00:39:52,189 --> 00:39:53,747 ''l adore you.'' 655 00:39:54,925 --> 00:39:58,019 l used to dream so much, l nearly went mad. 656 00:39:59,864 --> 00:40:03,925 And then this fellow would come down, disgrace, insult, 657 00:40:04,301 --> 00:40:07,668 hurt and deprave me, and then leave. 658 00:40:10,908 --> 00:40:12,876 l longed to throw myself into the pond a million times. 659 00:40:13,110 --> 00:40:15,203 But l didn't dare, l hadn't the heart to do it. 660 00:40:15,813 --> 00:40:16,905 But now... 661 00:40:18,315 --> 00:40:20,840 - Rogojin, are you ready? - Ready, my love! 662 00:40:21,085 --> 00:40:22,245 Ready, my queen! 663 00:40:22,653 --> 00:40:24,746 The troikas with bells are ready! 664 00:40:24,989 --> 00:40:26,013 Give me the money. 665 00:40:40,171 --> 00:40:41,297 Let's go! 666 00:40:48,379 --> 00:40:52,440 - Rogojin, is this my money? - lt's yours, my love. 667 00:41:02,927 --> 00:41:03,951 lt's a 100 thousand! 668 00:41:04,862 --> 00:41:06,352 Go into the fire, Gania. 669 00:41:06,864 --> 00:41:09,094 With your bare hands and turn your sleeves up. 670 00:41:09,333 --> 00:41:10,891 l wish to look into your heart, 671 00:41:11,135 --> 00:41:14,036 when you put your hands into the fire for my money. 672 00:41:14,271 --> 00:41:16,068 lf you snatch it out, the whole packet is yours! 673 00:41:16,307 --> 00:41:18,207 And if you don't, it'll burn. 674 00:41:18,442 --> 00:41:20,672 l'm not joking, it's my money. 675 00:41:20,911 --> 00:41:22,037 Put in your hands! 676 00:41:32,957 --> 00:41:34,049 Maybe, we should secure her? 677 00:41:40,364 --> 00:41:42,491 My lady, it's a 100 thousand! 678 00:41:43,901 --> 00:41:45,869 l saw it packed! 679 00:41:46,403 --> 00:41:48,371 Let me get into the fire. 680 00:41:49,306 --> 00:41:51,240 l'll put my gray head into it! 681 00:41:51,475 --> 00:41:53,909 l have a lame wife, and 13 children! 682 00:41:54,144 --> 00:41:56,738 Last week l buried my father! 683 00:41:56,981 --> 00:41:58,073 Starvation! 684 00:41:58,315 --> 00:41:59,907 My lady! 685 00:42:01,485 --> 00:42:02,747 Nastasia Philipovna! 686 00:42:03,053 --> 00:42:04,020 Go away! 687 00:42:04,388 --> 00:42:05,355 Out of the way! 688 00:42:06,991 --> 00:42:09,721 That's like it! A real queen! 689 00:42:10,127 --> 00:42:13,153 Who of you would think of a joke like that?! 690 00:42:18,402 --> 00:42:21,371 Why look at it: it'll burn in a minute or two, and 691 00:42:21,772 --> 00:42:23,364 you'll hang yourself afterwards. 692 00:42:53,037 --> 00:42:54,061 She's mad! 693 00:42:54,905 --> 00:42:56,133 She's surely mad! 694 00:42:56,540 --> 00:42:58,974 l told you she was an extraordinary woman. 695 00:43:08,319 --> 00:43:09,286 Good heavens! 696 00:43:10,054 --> 00:43:11,419 lt's burning! 697 00:43:12,623 --> 00:43:16,024 l'll pull it out with my teeth for one thousand! 698 00:43:17,261 --> 00:43:18,592 Go on, dummy! 699 00:43:19,063 --> 00:43:20,087 Or everything will burn! 700 00:43:56,233 --> 00:43:58,531 He's fainted! Katia! Ammonia! 701 00:43:59,036 --> 00:44:00,936 Pull them out, or they'll burn! 702 00:44:01,372 --> 00:44:02,430 Burn for nothing! 703 00:44:03,173 --> 00:44:05,073 And it's a lot of money! 704 00:44:13,050 --> 00:44:14,017 lt's intact! 705 00:44:17,688 --> 00:44:21,089 Some little thousand or so may be touched by fire. 706 00:44:21,458 --> 00:44:22,925 The rest is all intact. 707 00:44:43,714 --> 00:44:45,909 lt's all his. 708 00:44:46,417 --> 00:44:47,645 Do you hear, all of you? 709 00:44:51,221 --> 00:44:52,245 Rogojin, let's go! 710 00:44:52,489 --> 00:44:53,456 Let's go! 711 00:44:53,724 --> 00:44:57,023 Good-bye, prince, you're the first real man l've seen. 712 00:45:13,377 --> 00:45:14,469 l'm sorry, prince. 713 00:45:14,712 --> 00:45:17,044 You see what sort of woman she is! 714 00:45:17,614 --> 00:45:18,945 l'm speaking like a father now! 715 00:45:20,551 --> 00:45:21,609 To Ekaterinhof! 716 00:45:25,055 --> 00:45:27,455 Go! To Ekaterinhof! 717 00:45:59,723 --> 00:46:02,453 Moscow. March. 718 00:46:09,666 --> 00:46:11,759 You promised to marry me in church. 719 00:46:12,436 --> 00:46:15,337 You're entering an honest family. Know what you are? 720 00:46:17,808 --> 00:46:19,742 A lecherous bitch! 721 00:46:21,044 --> 00:46:22,375 Just a lecherous bitch! 722 00:46:22,746 --> 00:46:25,408 l wouldn't take you even as a servant now. 723 00:46:26,183 --> 00:46:27,616 To say nothing of being your wife. 724 00:46:30,187 --> 00:46:31,552 l won't leave here. 725 00:46:32,222 --> 00:46:33,382 The end is all the same. 726 00:46:33,824 --> 00:46:36,793 l'll call Keller, he'll throw you out. 727 00:46:38,529 --> 00:46:39,496 Keller! 728 00:46:48,071 --> 00:46:49,038 Trash! 729 00:46:51,141 --> 00:46:52,108 Animal! 730 00:47:16,266 --> 00:47:18,666 Forgive me, Nastasia Philipovna. 731 00:47:21,171 --> 00:47:22,138 Get out. 732 00:47:22,372 --> 00:47:23,339 Get out! 733 00:47:24,374 --> 00:47:26,274 l won't till you forgive me. 734 00:47:27,311 --> 00:47:29,472 lf you throw me out, l'll drown myself. 735 00:47:31,748 --> 00:47:34,148 What will l now do without you? 736 00:47:48,699 --> 00:47:49,666 Take a look. 737 00:47:50,467 --> 00:47:53,436 Parfen has decided to spend the rest of his life this way. 738 00:47:53,670 --> 00:47:54,637 Out! 739 00:47:57,774 --> 00:47:59,241 Where are you all going? 740 00:47:59,776 --> 00:48:01,243 l'm the mistress of the house. 741 00:48:02,679 --> 00:48:04,840 And you, Parfen, shouldn't forget yourself. 742 00:48:05,349 --> 00:48:06,316 Out! 743 00:48:15,792 --> 00:48:17,760 Let's go to the theatre. 744 00:48:18,295 --> 00:48:21,389 Let him stay here, if he doesn't want to go. 745 00:48:25,235 --> 00:48:27,203 You'll be served tea while l'm out. 746 00:48:28,171 --> 00:48:30,731 You must be very hungry. 747 00:50:01,264 --> 00:50:02,891 Cowards and scoundrels. 748 00:50:03,667 --> 00:50:05,464 They're afraid of you, and try to frighten me too. 749 00:50:05,802 --> 00:50:08,270 They say: he won't go away, he'll stab you. 750 00:50:08,505 --> 00:50:10,439 But l'll go to my bedroom and leave the door unlocked. 751 00:50:10,674 --> 00:50:12,972 That's how much l fear you, just so you know. 752 00:50:20,984 --> 00:50:23,714 - Did you have tea? - l didn't and l don't intend to. 753 00:50:24,554 --> 00:50:26,351 You're playing off your pride. 754 00:50:26,623 --> 00:50:28,648 And it doesn't become you at all. 755 00:51:59,583 --> 00:52:01,073 End of Part Three 756 00:52:02,073 --> 00:52:12,073 Downloaded From www.AllSubs.org