1 00:02:01,262 --> 00:02:03,253 Let us finish it. 2 00:02:19,414 --> 00:02:20,711 Perhaps it is a trap. 3 00:02:21,149 --> 00:02:22,810 It is. 4 00:02:23,418 --> 00:02:25,613 Then what do we do? 5 00:02:26,654 --> 00:02:28,554 We break through. 6 00:03:25,546 --> 00:03:28,242 -There. -I see him. 7 00:03:44,565 --> 00:03:45,532 Pagans! 8 00:03:56,978 --> 00:03:58,309 Forward still. 9 00:03:58,513 --> 00:04:00,913 -Retreat! -No! Do not stop! 10 00:04:01,149 --> 00:04:02,275 Let's go! 11 00:04:06,120 --> 00:04:07,178 No! 12 00:04:22,770 --> 00:04:24,499 We are her salvation... 13 00:04:24,705 --> 00:04:27,503 ...and through her command, we shall live forever! 14 00:04:27,708 --> 00:04:32,168 I will not die. Not here. Not now. Never! 15 00:06:57,491 --> 00:06:58,116 No! 16 00:07:12,807 --> 00:07:14,798 We're almost there. 17 00:07:56,884 --> 00:07:58,408 You'll make it. 18 00:07:59,120 --> 00:08:00,678 I won't let you die. 19 00:08:27,448 --> 00:08:28,642 Strong enough. 20 00:08:29,817 --> 00:08:30,875 Finish it. 21 00:08:46,500 --> 00:08:50,061 Don't worry, we'll be all right. 22 00:08:50,705 --> 00:08:53,071 I just need to take a little. 23 00:09:37,518 --> 00:09:39,349 Finish it. 24 00:09:49,864 --> 00:09:52,458 -Hey, what are you doing here? -Take a walk with me. 25 00:09:53,267 --> 00:09:54,234 I have too much work. 26 00:09:54,435 --> 00:09:57,199 -It's the first snow. We-- -I know, but they're waiting. 27 00:09:58,806 --> 00:10:01,639 -Come on, Tommy. -Please, Izzi! 28 00:10:05,212 --> 00:10:07,043 I'm sorry. 29 00:10:07,281 --> 00:10:09,010 I am. 30 00:10:12,887 --> 00:10:15,185 I'll see you tonight. 31 00:12:52,446 --> 00:12:54,243 Finish it. 32 00:12:57,017 --> 00:12:59,281 Please, leave me alone. 33 00:13:00,421 --> 00:13:02,218 I don't know how it ends. 34 00:13:34,955 --> 00:13:36,616 All right. 35 00:13:37,758 --> 00:13:39,453 I trust you. 36 00:13:39,660 --> 00:13:41,457 Take me. 37 00:13:44,231 --> 00:13:45,994 Show me. 38 00:13:53,707 --> 00:13:56,039 -What are you doing here? -Take a walk with me. 39 00:13:56,243 --> 00:13:57,210 I have too much work. 40 00:13:57,411 --> 00:13:59,743 -It's the first snow. We-- -But they're waiting. 41 00:14:01,348 --> 00:14:02,975 -Come on, Tommy. -Please, Izzi. 42 00:14:05,919 --> 00:14:07,318 I'm sorry. 43 00:14:07,521 --> 00:14:08,453 I am. 44 00:14:10,824 --> 00:14:13,088 I'll see you tonight, okay? 45 00:14:18,232 --> 00:14:19,290 Izzi. 46 00:14:19,500 --> 00:14:22,264 Hey! Dr. Creo. Antonio's on his way back. 47 00:14:23,203 --> 00:14:25,797 Donovan's open and ready. His vitals are steady. 48 00:14:29,843 --> 00:14:31,970 -Damn it. -Come on. 49 00:14:34,314 --> 00:14:35,576 Did he say if it was working? 50 00:14:35,816 --> 00:14:38,683 He just told me to grab you and meet in surgery. 51 00:14:43,957 --> 00:14:45,356 -Where is he? -I'm not sure. 52 00:14:45,559 --> 00:14:47,857 -Call him. -Okay. 53 00:14:49,863 --> 00:14:53,230 Antonio sent me ahead with the scans. He's still busy in chem lab. 54 00:14:53,434 --> 00:14:55,299 Hey, it's Manny. 55 00:14:55,502 --> 00:14:56,730 Where's Antonio? 56 00:14:56,937 --> 00:14:58,564 It's still growing aggressively. 57 00:14:58,772 --> 00:15:00,672 That much in two days? 58 00:15:00,874 --> 00:15:03,809 What do you mean, you don't know? Go get him. Find him. 59 00:15:06,914 --> 00:15:09,644 He's been lying open 50 minutes now. 60 00:15:12,086 --> 00:15:13,178 He's crossing the street. 61 00:15:13,420 --> 00:15:15,547 -What were the in vitro results? -I didn't ask. 62 00:15:15,756 --> 00:15:17,656 Meet at the elevator. Get his ass in here. 63 00:15:20,594 --> 00:15:22,721 Micro-manipulator's at 42 degrees... 64 00:15:22,930 --> 00:15:26,297 -...mediolateral's 72. -Yep. 65 00:15:26,667 --> 00:15:28,532 How we doing, Donovan? You hanging in? 66 00:15:34,007 --> 00:15:34,996 No good. 67 00:15:35,209 --> 00:15:37,837 Great specificity, but no suppression. 68 00:15:44,251 --> 00:15:46,310 -Should we close him? -We'll have to euthanize. 69 00:15:46,553 --> 00:15:47,713 -Why? -We don't treat now... 70 00:15:47,921 --> 00:15:51,186 ...we won't have another chance before the growth gets him. 71 00:15:51,959 --> 00:15:53,654 Damn it! 72 00:16:38,005 --> 00:16:39,905 I'll prepare the pentobarbital. 73 00:16:40,107 --> 00:16:41,699 No, wait. 74 00:16:46,814 --> 00:16:48,441 What is it? 75 00:16:48,682 --> 00:16:50,912 Remember that compound we played around with? 76 00:16:51,151 --> 00:16:52,618 -Which one? -From that tree. 77 00:16:52,853 --> 00:16:55,515 That one from Central America. 78 00:16:58,225 --> 00:17:02,161 -That one. -Natul tortuosa. 82-A46. 79 00:17:02,362 --> 00:17:04,990 -From Guatemala. -The old-growth tree. 80 00:17:05,199 --> 00:17:08,691 We had samples, but it was sterile. The graftings and clippings didn't take. 81 00:17:10,871 --> 00:17:13,066 -That's it. -All right, what's happening? 82 00:17:13,273 --> 00:17:16,401 Mix it with your compound. They got a similar structure. A mirror. 83 00:17:16,610 --> 00:17:19,078 -Manny, find those samples. -I don't see it. 84 00:17:20,781 --> 00:17:22,180 Picture them side by side. 85 00:17:22,616 --> 00:17:25,881 Fold them into each other like two lovers, woman on top. 86 00:17:27,487 --> 00:17:30,513 They have complementary domains. If we can get them to stick-- 87 00:17:30,724 --> 00:17:31,656 Is this it? 88 00:17:32,392 --> 00:17:33,791 Go! 89 00:17:33,994 --> 00:17:36,656 Doctor, we have no toxicity reports. There's not a single-- 90 00:17:36,864 --> 00:17:39,992 Doesn't matter. Donovan's on the table. If we do nothing, he dies. 91 00:17:41,201 --> 00:17:43,135 -Antonio, how long? -Two hours. 92 00:17:43,337 --> 00:17:45,202 Keep him under. 93 00:17:51,979 --> 00:17:54,413 I've never seen that adhesion pattern. 94 00:17:54,648 --> 00:17:56,047 What's it binding to? 95 00:17:56,250 --> 00:17:57,547 Don't know. 96 00:17:57,751 --> 00:18:00,879 But it's definitely attaching to the high-growth regions. 97 00:18:02,155 --> 00:18:03,884 Let's do it. 98 00:18:04,057 --> 00:18:06,150 0.75,1,1.25. 99 00:18:06,360 --> 00:18:08,851 -Syringe is loaded. -Give it. 100 00:18:11,865 --> 00:18:13,730 Manny, give me light. 101 00:18:19,806 --> 00:18:21,569 Lowering. 102 00:18:22,943 --> 00:18:23,910 Injecting. 103 00:18:24,111 --> 00:18:25,601 Injection at 2357. 104 00:18:25,812 --> 00:18:27,040 2357. 105 00:18:27,281 --> 00:18:29,681 That's a good boy, Donovan. That's a good boy. 106 00:18:46,500 --> 00:18:48,127 -What's up, captain? -My ring. 107 00:18:48,335 --> 00:18:49,768 -What ring? -My wedding ring. 108 00:18:49,970 --> 00:18:53,064 -Where'd you leave it? -Right there, where I always put it. 109 00:18:54,007 --> 00:18:55,702 Must've gotten knocked on the ground. 110 00:18:55,909 --> 00:18:56,933 -Tommy? -Yeah? 111 00:18:57,144 --> 00:18:59,135 -May I have a word with you? -One second. 112 00:18:59,713 --> 00:19:00,702 What are you doing? 113 00:19:00,948 --> 00:19:03,280 -It's my ring. I put it there. -It's gotta be here. 114 00:19:04,318 --> 00:19:05,649 I need to talk to you. 115 00:19:06,553 --> 00:19:08,612 Don't worry about it. We'll find it. 116 00:19:12,526 --> 00:19:13,584 Tommy... 117 00:19:15,996 --> 00:19:17,156 ...I'm concerned. 118 00:19:18,031 --> 00:19:19,123 What? 119 00:19:19,533 --> 00:19:22,434 I saw Betty in the hall. She was hysterical. 120 00:19:22,636 --> 00:19:25,298 -You've been running sloppy surgeries. -Nonsense. 121 00:19:25,505 --> 00:19:27,837 You injected that animal with an untested compound. 122 00:19:28,041 --> 00:19:31,135 Look, he was open, for chrissakes. We were about to put him down. 123 00:19:31,345 --> 00:19:34,439 NIH could shut us down. I should shut you down for it. 124 00:19:34,681 --> 00:19:38,208 You're reckless, and you're losing perspective. 125 00:19:43,357 --> 00:19:46,588 Look, why don't you just take a few days at home? 126 00:19:48,095 --> 00:19:49,858 Spend a little time with Izzi. 127 00:19:51,798 --> 00:19:54,926 But I'm here for her. 128 00:20:16,323 --> 00:20:17,984 Izzi? 129 00:20:23,597 --> 00:20:25,292 Izzi? 130 00:20:26,166 --> 00:20:27,793 Iz? 131 00:20:32,339 --> 00:20:34,000 Izzi? 132 00:20:37,544 --> 00:20:39,307 Izzi! 133 00:20:42,549 --> 00:20:44,210 Izzi? 134 00:20:47,888 --> 00:20:49,480 Izzi! 135 00:20:49,689 --> 00:20:51,384 -Tommy? -Isabel. 136 00:20:57,764 --> 00:20:58,731 Funny. Very funny. 137 00:21:01,201 --> 00:21:02,361 What are you doing? 138 00:21:04,571 --> 00:21:07,199 I'm stargazing. I found it in the attic. 139 00:21:07,407 --> 00:21:08,738 Come on in, it's freezing. 140 00:21:08,942 --> 00:21:10,569 No, I want you to see something. 141 00:21:11,344 --> 00:21:12,311 Come on. 142 00:21:12,512 --> 00:21:14,673 You're an old fart. 143 00:21:19,419 --> 00:21:20,977 Okay. 144 00:21:22,022 --> 00:21:23,819 Okay. 145 00:21:26,393 --> 00:21:28,327 Go on, look. 146 00:21:34,000 --> 00:21:35,661 -You see it? -The gold star? 147 00:21:35,869 --> 00:21:38,565 It's actually a nebula wrapped around a dying star. 148 00:21:38,772 --> 00:21:41,104 That's what makes it look gold. 149 00:21:42,809 --> 00:21:43,833 What? 150 00:21:44,711 --> 00:21:46,679 -I took science. -When? 151 00:21:48,615 --> 00:21:49,547 Junior high. 152 00:21:50,484 --> 00:21:52,281 God. 153 00:21:55,122 --> 00:21:57,317 The Mayans called it Shibalba. 154 00:21:57,524 --> 00:21:58,513 Shibalba? 155 00:22:00,494 --> 00:22:02,291 It was their underworld. 156 00:22:02,496 --> 00:22:05,192 The place the dead souls go to be reborn. 157 00:22:05,832 --> 00:22:07,732 What? What are you talking about? 158 00:22:07,934 --> 00:22:09,731 My book. 159 00:22:10,137 --> 00:22:11,434 I'm writing about it. 160 00:22:11,638 --> 00:22:14,266 -I thought it took place in Spain. -Begins there. 161 00:22:15,675 --> 00:22:16,699 Ends there. 162 00:22:17,844 --> 00:22:19,175 Are you done? 163 00:22:20,113 --> 00:22:22,445 -Almost. -Good. When do I read it? 164 00:22:31,124 --> 00:22:34,651 Someday soon it will explode, die and give birth to new stars. 165 00:22:35,829 --> 00:22:41,131 And how amazing that the Mayans chose a dying star to represent their underworld. 166 00:22:41,334 --> 00:22:44,326 Of all the healthy points of light in the sky... 167 00:22:45,839 --> 00:22:48,069 ...how did they find one that was dying? 168 00:22:50,877 --> 00:22:52,276 Where are your shoes? 169 00:22:57,450 --> 00:23:01,409 Izzi. Come on, come on. Let's warm you up. 170 00:23:03,990 --> 00:23:05,651 Careful. 171 00:23:05,859 --> 00:23:08,259 Okay. I'll get it. I'll get it. 172 00:23:09,362 --> 00:23:11,262 Careful. Iz? 173 00:23:14,367 --> 00:23:15,334 Stop it. No. 174 00:23:16,303 --> 00:23:18,203 Get inside. Stop it. 175 00:23:18,405 --> 00:23:19,872 Serves you right. 176 00:24:14,694 --> 00:24:16,992 Is she a redhead? 177 00:24:18,198 --> 00:24:19,165 What? 178 00:24:23,770 --> 00:24:25,829 I left it in surgery. 179 00:24:26,373 --> 00:24:29,206 If you can't wait, you can't wait. 180 00:24:32,345 --> 00:24:34,438 I'm joking. 181 00:24:34,748 --> 00:24:38,650 -I'll make some coffee. -Wait. The sponge. 182 00:24:42,756 --> 00:24:44,883 I want you to heat it. 183 00:25:15,255 --> 00:25:17,382 Outside, before, you couldn't feel the cold. 184 00:25:18,558 --> 00:25:19,718 Tommy. 185 00:25:21,528 --> 00:25:24,053 -I'm calling Dr. Lipper. -No. I'm afraid. 186 00:25:26,633 --> 00:25:27,657 Jeez, I'm sorry. 187 00:25:32,972 --> 00:25:35,270 -It's been happening for a while. -What? 188 00:25:35,475 --> 00:25:37,602 I've been losing sensitivity to hot and cold. 189 00:25:37,811 --> 00:25:40,279 -Why didn't you tell me? -Because I feel different. 190 00:25:40,513 --> 00:25:44,506 Inside. I feel different. 191 00:25:44,751 --> 00:25:47,015 Every moment. 192 00:25:47,220 --> 00:25:49,188 Each one. 193 00:25:52,325 --> 00:25:53,917 Tommy? 194 00:26:05,405 --> 00:26:06,599 Oh, Jesus. 195 00:26:07,707 --> 00:26:09,334 Don't worry, don't worry. 196 00:26:09,542 --> 00:26:12,375 All right? I'm here. I will always be here. 197 00:26:17,684 --> 00:26:20,278 Listen, I'm not really sure this is... 198 00:26:38,538 --> 00:26:40,267 Gotcha. 199 00:27:39,399 --> 00:27:41,026 -Hello? -Alan. Tommy. 200 00:27:41,234 --> 00:27:42,462 Tommy. How's Izzi? 201 00:27:42,669 --> 00:27:45,604 -What's the earliest you can see us? -Let me check my schedule. 202 00:27:45,805 --> 00:27:47,466 It's time for you to read it. 203 00:27:47,674 --> 00:27:48,641 Hey. 204 00:27:48,842 --> 00:27:50,707 -How's 3? -That's your earliest? 205 00:27:50,910 --> 00:27:54,573 -I'm in surgery till then. Is it urgent? -No, that's fine. Thanks, Alan. Bye. 206 00:27:55,448 --> 00:27:57,575 -We're gonna see him tomorrow. -Start it. 207 00:27:57,817 --> 00:27:58,943 Tell me what you think. 208 00:27:59,185 --> 00:28:01,915 -But it's not done. -Not quite. 209 00:28:05,592 --> 00:28:07,059 Don't answer it. 210 00:28:09,162 --> 00:28:10,720 -Hello? -Captain. 211 00:28:10,930 --> 00:28:12,454 -What's wrong? -Get down here. 212 00:28:12,665 --> 00:28:15,190 -What is it? -Donovan. I've never seen anything like it. 213 00:28:15,401 --> 00:28:17,426 -Is he okay? -He's fine. Perfectly fine. 214 00:28:17,637 --> 00:28:19,764 -What's happening? -You won't believe me. 215 00:28:19,973 --> 00:28:22,441 You gotta see it for yourself. Come. Come right away. 216 00:28:24,277 --> 00:28:26,472 No, I can't now. I can't. 217 00:28:36,055 --> 00:28:37,989 To Donovan. 218 00:28:38,558 --> 00:28:39,957 -What's going on? -Show him. 219 00:28:40,159 --> 00:28:41,922 I came around 1 to check up on Donovan. 220 00:28:42,128 --> 00:28:43,925 -Where is Donovan? -That's him. 221 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:47,927 What? It can't be. 222 00:28:54,841 --> 00:28:57,002 His scalp's almost healed. There's hair growth. 223 00:28:57,210 --> 00:29:01,169 -I didn't believe either. And it gets stranger. -Antonio had me run some tests. 224 00:29:01,414 --> 00:29:04,315 Donovan responded well. Really well. 225 00:29:05,485 --> 00:29:08,784 Pulled up videos of him pre-op. He's testing twice as well as last week. 226 00:29:08,988 --> 00:29:10,580 An increase in neural activity... 227 00:29:10,790 --> 00:29:13,657 ...throughout all the areas usually stunted by normal aging. 228 00:29:19,566 --> 00:29:21,227 -And the tumor? -No change. 229 00:29:24,437 --> 00:29:28,737 The growth patterns are normal. There's no positive or negative effect. 230 00:29:28,942 --> 00:29:31,706 -We should tell Dr. Guzetti right away. -No. No. 231 00:29:41,054 --> 00:29:42,749 Antonio... 232 00:29:43,990 --> 00:29:46,550 ...prep a new cocktail. Stick with the same substance... 233 00:29:46,759 --> 00:29:48,351 -...but add-- -What? 234 00:29:48,861 --> 00:29:50,829 -We're moving forward. -Wait a minute. 235 00:29:51,030 --> 00:29:56,730 This could be a medical first. A revelation. We gotta pursue it. Duplicate the findings. 236 00:29:56,936 --> 00:30:00,497 You can monitor the monkey's growth, but our focus remains tumors, not aging. 237 00:30:00,707 --> 00:30:01,901 -I know, but we-- -Stop. 238 00:30:02,108 --> 00:30:05,475 I want the next subject prepped and ready for surgery. 239 00:31:05,772 --> 00:31:07,262 Is everything all right? 240 00:31:07,473 --> 00:31:10,772 Yes. Everything's all right. 241 00:33:07,693 --> 00:33:08,921 Inquisitor? 242 00:33:12,765 --> 00:33:13,857 Enter. 243 00:33:18,838 --> 00:33:20,738 The heretics. 244 00:33:20,940 --> 00:33:25,240 They have confessed and ceded their lands to your Holy Office. 245 00:33:25,611 --> 00:33:27,772 They await your judgment. 246 00:33:28,481 --> 00:33:32,247 Yet another slice of her nation is mine. 247 00:33:35,288 --> 00:33:39,554 Soon she will be powerless against me. 248 00:33:40,860 --> 00:33:44,296 Queen of nothing but her sins. 249 00:33:44,931 --> 00:33:46,956 What will you do with her? 250 00:33:47,166 --> 00:33:50,693 She too will confess, and then... 251 00:33:51,604 --> 00:33:54,072 ...she too will die. 252 00:34:30,776 --> 00:34:32,801 Captain. 'Tis the queen. 253 00:34:33,846 --> 00:34:36,007 She is surrounded. 254 00:34:36,249 --> 00:34:38,717 The inquisitor demands blood. 255 00:34:44,757 --> 00:34:47,157 Then there is no more time. 256 00:34:52,565 --> 00:34:54,590 What is our response? 257 00:34:55,001 --> 00:34:56,696 Go now. Warn the queen. 258 00:34:58,271 --> 00:34:59,636 And you, where are you going? 259 00:34:59,839 --> 00:35:02,307 -He must be cut out. -She has forbidden it. 260 00:35:02,508 --> 00:35:06,035 There is no other choice. This is our only hope. 261 00:35:23,529 --> 00:35:26,726 Stay. Stay. 262 00:35:47,186 --> 00:35:52,453 Our bodies are prisons for our souls. 263 00:35:53,526 --> 00:35:59,624 Our skin and blood, the iron bars of confinement. 264 00:36:00,633 --> 00:36:02,863 But fear not. 265 00:36:03,369 --> 00:36:06,065 All flesh decays. 266 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:10,532 Death turns all to ash. 267 00:36:10,743 --> 00:36:12,734 And thus... 268 00:36:13,446 --> 00:36:16,381 ...death frees every soul. 269 00:36:19,251 --> 00:36:20,479 You... 270 00:36:20,686 --> 00:36:22,711 ...the condemned. 271 00:36:22,955 --> 00:36:25,321 You have confessed. 272 00:36:25,758 --> 00:36:30,491 You admit to protecting a queen... 273 00:36:31,564 --> 00:36:34,727 ...who twists the word of God... 274 00:36:34,934 --> 00:36:38,870 ...and drowns all Spain in sin. 275 00:36:39,672 --> 00:36:44,200 Your queen seeks immortality on Earth. 276 00:36:44,410 --> 00:36:45,934 A false paradise. 277 00:36:46,145 --> 00:36:48,306 This is heresy. 278 00:36:49,048 --> 00:36:51,243 She leads you towards vanity... 279 00:36:51,484 --> 00:36:54,214 ...away from the Spirit. 280 00:36:54,420 --> 00:36:56,354 But this is foolishness... 281 00:36:57,056 --> 00:36:58,614 ...for death exists. 282 00:36:59,525 --> 00:37:06,089 The Day of Judgment is irrefutable. All life must be judged. 283 00:37:20,880 --> 00:37:22,643 -Why are you here? -Come quickly. 284 00:37:22,882 --> 00:37:26,147 -No. Leave. Protect the queen. -She sent me. She demands your return. 285 00:37:27,953 --> 00:37:29,011 Not before he dies. 286 00:37:29,989 --> 00:37:31,616 No, Tomas. Leave him. 287 00:37:31,857 --> 00:37:33,518 She desires a private audience. 288 00:37:34,760 --> 00:37:40,164 But fear not. She will not be in hell alone. 289 00:37:40,366 --> 00:37:44,393 I will make sure her servants are waiting. 290 00:38:37,123 --> 00:38:39,785 Faithful servant, why do you cry? 291 00:38:39,992 --> 00:38:43,291 To see Spain brought so low... 292 00:38:43,496 --> 00:38:47,694 ...with an enemy thriving within her borders, feasting on her strength. 293 00:38:48,400 --> 00:38:51,028 The shame is too much. I failed her. 294 00:38:51,237 --> 00:38:53,705 Dare not pity Spain. 295 00:38:55,941 --> 00:38:57,602 These times are dark... 296 00:38:58,644 --> 00:39:02,580 ...but every shadow, no matter how deep, is threatened by morning light. 297 00:39:04,083 --> 00:39:05,744 Of course. 298 00:39:06,385 --> 00:39:07,852 This loyalty of yours... 299 00:39:08,821 --> 00:39:12,587 ...inspires you to protect Spain at any cost. 300 00:39:13,859 --> 00:39:16,623 But killing the inquisitor is suicide. 301 00:39:18,030 --> 00:39:20,726 Europe would have my head. 302 00:39:21,367 --> 00:39:24,393 I, for one, am not ready to die yet. 303 00:39:24,904 --> 00:39:27,202 -Are you? -I will die for Spain. 304 00:39:30,643 --> 00:39:32,941 I know, conquistador. 305 00:39:33,145 --> 00:39:34,669 I know. 306 00:39:34,914 --> 00:39:38,611 And this bravery of yours, it may save us yet. 307 00:39:40,085 --> 00:39:41,643 For Spain has a plan. 308 00:39:43,455 --> 00:39:44,888 There is hope. 309 00:39:46,659 --> 00:39:49,127 -There's hope? -Father. 310 00:40:08,948 --> 00:40:12,679 I am Father Avila, of Her Royal Franciscan Order. 311 00:40:12,885 --> 00:40:15,217 Our allegiance remains with Spain. 312 00:40:16,121 --> 00:40:17,281 Father. 313 00:40:17,856 --> 00:40:18,880 Guards, leave us. 314 00:40:24,463 --> 00:40:25,430 Conquistador... 315 00:40:26,365 --> 00:40:30,495 ...I am going to tell you the true reason why the inquisitor pits cross against crown. 316 00:40:33,405 --> 00:40:34,872 One year ago... 317 00:40:35,074 --> 00:40:38,635 ...Father Avila returned from the jungles of New Spain... 318 00:40:38,844 --> 00:40:43,543 ...with a secret so great, it promised to free all mankind from tyranny. 319 00:40:45,084 --> 00:40:48,747 Spain desired this treasure above all things. 320 00:40:48,954 --> 00:40:52,048 But the inquisitor feared it with equal measure. 321 00:40:52,725 --> 00:40:54,920 When I refused to give up my quest for it... 322 00:40:55,127 --> 00:40:59,291 ...he responded with this violent coup to bring Spain to her knees. 323 00:41:00,332 --> 00:41:01,629 But we have not yielded. 324 00:41:03,035 --> 00:41:06,061 And now we will defeat him. 325 00:41:14,079 --> 00:41:15,671 This is our hope. 326 00:41:17,783 --> 00:41:18,772 A dagger? 327 00:41:19,018 --> 00:41:21,384 Used in religious rituals. 328 00:41:21,587 --> 00:41:24,181 I took it from a dead Mayan priest. 329 00:41:27,126 --> 00:41:29,287 The marking on the hilt... 330 00:41:31,196 --> 00:41:32,220 Do you see it? 331 00:41:40,239 --> 00:41:42,070 It is a map. 332 00:41:42,808 --> 00:41:46,369 A map to the Mayans' greatest secret. 333 00:41:46,578 --> 00:41:49,672 Greater than Chichén Itzá, greater than Yaxchilán. 334 00:41:49,915 --> 00:41:53,715 Greater even than Tikal. Here, in the center... 335 00:41:53,919 --> 00:41:56,854 ...in the core of the once-great Mayan civilization... 336 00:41:57,056 --> 00:42:01,288 ...we will find a lost pyramid. 337 00:42:02,528 --> 00:42:03,495 No. 338 00:42:04,797 --> 00:42:07,630 Not lost. Hidden. 339 00:42:08,267 --> 00:42:12,294 A hidden pyramid of the Mayan myths. 340 00:42:12,504 --> 00:42:18,636 The myths tell us of a holy pyramid built upon the navel of the earth. 341 00:42:18,844 --> 00:42:22,302 The birthplace of life. 342 00:42:22,748 --> 00:42:25,376 A special tree sprouts there. 343 00:42:26,752 --> 00:42:30,882 They say whoever drinks of its sap... 344 00:42:31,056 --> 00:42:32,353 ...will live forever. 345 00:42:35,594 --> 00:42:37,858 Eternal life? 346 00:42:38,964 --> 00:42:41,592 As Spain's fate hangs at the whims of a merciless enemy... 347 00:42:41,800 --> 00:42:44,792 -...you dare taunt us with pagan yarns! -They are not yarns. 348 00:42:47,172 --> 00:42:49,037 Remember... 349 00:42:49,641 --> 00:42:51,871 ...our own Bible confirms it. 350 00:42:52,077 --> 00:42:55,808 In Genesis, there are two trees in the Garden of Eden. 351 00:42:56,048 --> 00:42:59,711 The tree of knowledge and the tree of life. 352 00:42:59,952 --> 00:43:02,921 When Adam and Eve disobeyed and ate from the tree of knowledge... 353 00:43:03,155 --> 00:43:07,091 ...the Lord banned them from the garden and hid the tree of life. 354 00:43:39,224 --> 00:43:40,987 Could it be? 355 00:43:46,365 --> 00:43:47,798 Could it be? 356 00:43:49,535 --> 00:43:51,696 Kneel, conquistador. 357 00:43:57,543 --> 00:43:59,010 Let in the morning light. 358 00:44:16,495 --> 00:44:20,022 The beast runs amok in my kingdom. 359 00:44:20,732 --> 00:44:23,132 He has isolated me. 360 00:44:23,702 --> 00:44:28,162 And now he is sharpening his talons for one more fateful push. 361 00:44:30,142 --> 00:44:34,238 But salvation lies in the jungles of New Spain. 362 00:44:50,829 --> 00:44:52,956 Will you deliver Spain from bondage? 363 00:44:53,999 --> 00:44:56,763 Upon my honor and my life. 364 00:45:07,312 --> 00:45:10,247 Then you shall take this ring to remind you of your promise. 365 00:45:15,254 --> 00:45:18,087 You shall wear it when you find Eden. 366 00:45:18,724 --> 00:45:20,316 And when you return... 367 00:45:21,326 --> 00:45:23,157 ...I shall be your Eve. 368 00:45:26,798 --> 00:45:29,631 Together, we will live forever. 369 00:45:46,285 --> 00:45:47,877 Iz? 370 00:45:50,822 --> 00:45:52,517 Izzi? 371 00:46:18,083 --> 00:46:19,141 There you are. 372 00:46:19,618 --> 00:46:22,280 -Hey, what are you doing here? -Babe, we have Lipper at 3. 373 00:46:22,487 --> 00:46:25,615 This is an actual Mayan book. 374 00:46:25,824 --> 00:46:27,758 Look. It explains the Creation myth. 375 00:46:27,960 --> 00:46:31,088 You see, that's First Father. He's the very first human. 376 00:46:31,296 --> 00:46:32,490 Is he dead? 377 00:46:33,565 --> 00:46:36,659 He sacrificed himself to make the world. 378 00:46:37,869 --> 00:46:39,894 That's the tree of life, out of his stomach. 379 00:46:40,105 --> 00:46:42,539 -Hey, come. -Listen. 380 00:46:42,741 --> 00:46:46,643 His body became the tree's roots. They spread and formed the Earth. 381 00:46:46,845 --> 00:46:50,713 His soul became the branches, rising up, forming the sky. 382 00:46:50,949 --> 00:46:53,110 All that remained was First Father's head. 383 00:46:53,352 --> 00:46:57,152 His children hung it in the heavens, creating Shibalba. 384 00:46:57,623 --> 00:46:59,853 Shibalba? The star. 385 00:47:00,058 --> 00:47:01,025 Nebula. 386 00:47:02,094 --> 00:47:03,061 So, what do you think? 387 00:47:03,895 --> 00:47:06,489 -About? -That idea. 388 00:47:06,698 --> 00:47:09,599 Death as an act of creation. 389 00:47:12,437 --> 00:47:14,667 Stay together, guys. 390 00:47:15,974 --> 00:47:18,568 I'll pull out the car and meet you in front. 391 00:47:42,100 --> 00:47:43,533 Iz. Iz! 392 00:48:08,827 --> 00:48:09,794 -Hi. -Tommy. 393 00:48:09,995 --> 00:48:11,622 Hey. 394 00:48:13,131 --> 00:48:15,122 Tommy. 395 00:48:21,773 --> 00:48:23,502 You're all right. 396 00:48:26,311 --> 00:48:27,369 I'm close. 397 00:48:27,579 --> 00:48:30,548 No. There are options. 398 00:48:30,749 --> 00:48:32,512 We will have to make some choices. 399 00:48:32,751 --> 00:48:34,378 Alan? 400 00:48:36,855 --> 00:48:38,083 You had a minor seizure. 401 00:48:38,290 --> 00:48:41,623 The growth in your brain stem's back and it's growing faster. 402 00:48:41,827 --> 00:48:44,261 -The next time... -No. 403 00:48:45,097 --> 00:48:46,564 No. 404 00:48:46,765 --> 00:48:48,164 We had a breakthrough. 405 00:48:48,867 --> 00:48:51,665 I know I can translate it to help you. 406 00:48:51,870 --> 00:48:53,701 I just need a little more time. 407 00:48:53,905 --> 00:48:57,534 Okay? There's hope. There's real hope. 408 00:48:58,043 --> 00:49:01,342 -Tommy. -What? What, baby? 409 00:49:05,550 --> 00:49:07,347 I wasn't afraid. 410 00:49:07,552 --> 00:49:10,817 I know. You're very strong. 411 00:49:11,223 --> 00:49:13,487 No. 412 00:49:14,326 --> 00:49:15,850 No. 413 00:49:16,061 --> 00:49:17,153 What? 414 00:49:17,362 --> 00:49:19,796 When I fell... 415 00:49:21,700 --> 00:49:24,362 ...I was full. 416 00:49:26,738 --> 00:49:28,831 Held. 417 00:49:30,542 --> 00:49:33,670 I know. I caught you. I held you. 418 00:49:40,152 --> 00:49:44,384 It's okay, Iz. Everything's gonna be all right. 419 00:49:52,531 --> 00:49:54,396 There's time. We have time. 420 00:50:24,763 --> 00:50:27,391 We need to examine the region for increased neural kinesis. 421 00:50:27,599 --> 00:50:29,089 What the hell's going on? 422 00:50:29,301 --> 00:50:33,397 -I brought in Dean Katari and Dr. Handel. -I'm sorry, what are you doing here? 423 00:50:34,940 --> 00:50:37,807 -Antonio and Betty were just showing-- -Donovan's latest scans. 424 00:50:38,009 --> 00:50:40,842 Synaptic growth increased another 13 percent. 425 00:50:41,046 --> 00:50:43,844 His brain is identical to scans from years ago, when he was 6. 426 00:50:44,482 --> 00:50:45,540 And the tumor? 427 00:50:51,389 --> 00:50:52,822 Exactly. Please? 428 00:50:53,058 --> 00:50:54,525 -Tommy. -Please! 429 00:50:56,094 --> 00:51:00,963 Perhaps you should wait for me in my office. Manny. I'll be right there. 430 00:51:01,166 --> 00:51:04,693 -Thomas, I'd like a word in private, please. -After surgery. 431 00:51:17,282 --> 00:51:19,045 First cut. 432 00:51:22,153 --> 00:51:26,715 Tommy. Dr. Lipper just called. He said Izzi's doing better. 433 00:51:26,925 --> 00:51:29,052 They're gonna move her to a regular floor. 434 00:51:45,610 --> 00:51:47,510 When we're done, I want you to prep Cain. 435 00:51:54,019 --> 00:51:56,453 I'll get her. She'll take care of it. 436 00:52:16,675 --> 00:52:19,371 What do you think you're doing? 437 00:52:19,911 --> 00:52:22,072 You don't abandon results like that. 438 00:52:22,314 --> 00:52:24,305 Repeat the procedure. Get a confirmation. 439 00:52:24,549 --> 00:52:27,279 Confirmation the tumor is unaffected? She'll be dead by then. 440 00:52:30,288 --> 00:52:31,915 Tommy. 441 00:52:35,627 --> 00:52:37,356 She had a seizure. 442 00:52:40,699 --> 00:52:41,961 I'm so sorry. 443 00:52:45,103 --> 00:52:47,196 -How's she doing? -She's stable. 444 00:52:48,707 --> 00:52:49,867 Who's with her? 445 00:52:52,110 --> 00:52:53,907 -She's alone? -She needs to rest. 446 00:52:54,112 --> 00:52:57,707 Tommy, no one invents new drugs overnight. No one. 447 00:52:57,949 --> 00:53:01,077 You're not being rational. You can't fix everything-- 448 00:53:01,319 --> 00:53:04,914 -Don't tell me what I can and can't do. -Your wife needs you. Why are you here? 449 00:53:05,123 --> 00:53:06,784 Why the fuck do you think I'm here? 450 00:53:17,502 --> 00:53:18,469 Oh, shit. 451 00:54:02,647 --> 00:54:06,310 -Thank you. -You're welcome. 452 00:54:14,459 --> 00:54:17,986 -Is that Tommy? -Yeah. I'll go get him. 453 00:54:25,036 --> 00:54:26,162 I'll leave you two alone. 454 00:54:28,773 --> 00:54:30,570 Lillian, I'm sorry about before. 455 00:54:34,913 --> 00:54:36,904 She's amazing. 456 00:54:39,851 --> 00:54:43,343 Oh, and could...? 457 00:54:44,322 --> 00:54:46,187 Could you have Henry rescan the animals? 458 00:54:48,426 --> 00:54:50,724 -Okay. -Thanks. 459 00:54:53,765 --> 00:54:56,563 -Hey. -Hey. 460 00:54:57,469 --> 00:55:00,461 Brought your manuscript, in case you wanna work. 461 00:55:07,345 --> 00:55:09,176 How you feeling? 462 00:55:09,981 --> 00:55:11,107 Good. 463 00:55:15,653 --> 00:55:17,348 Sorry. 464 00:55:20,692 --> 00:55:22,523 What about? 465 00:55:30,602 --> 00:55:32,593 There's been progress at work. 466 00:55:35,006 --> 00:55:37,873 My conquistador. 467 00:55:38,076 --> 00:55:39,634 -Always conquering. -No, no. 468 00:55:39,844 --> 00:55:42,540 -Something amazing. We tested-- -That's for you. 469 00:55:44,649 --> 00:55:47,140 It's for me? What is it? 470 00:55:47,585 --> 00:55:49,485 Open it. 471 00:56:10,842 --> 00:56:13,174 Pen and ink. For writing. 472 00:56:21,553 --> 00:56:24,750 It's all done except the last chapter. 473 00:56:26,958 --> 00:56:30,450 -I want you to help me. -How? 474 00:56:32,230 --> 00:56:33,356 Finish it. 475 00:56:37,302 --> 00:56:39,065 -Finish it. -The--? 476 00:56:39,270 --> 00:56:41,602 -I don't know how it ends. -You do. 477 00:56:42,941 --> 00:56:43,965 You will. 478 00:56:45,076 --> 00:56:46,338 Stop it. 479 00:56:53,051 --> 00:56:57,147 -Remember Moses Morales? -Who? 480 00:56:57,889 --> 00:56:59,447 The Mayan guide I told you about. 481 00:56:59,657 --> 00:57:01,022 -From your trip? -Yeah. 482 00:57:02,493 --> 00:57:06,452 The last night I was with him, he told me about his father, who had died. 483 00:57:07,031 --> 00:57:08,589 But Moses wouldn't believe it. 484 00:57:08,800 --> 00:57:11,394 -Izzi. -No. No. Listen. 485 00:57:11,603 --> 00:57:14,197 Listen. He said... 486 00:57:14,405 --> 00:57:19,342 ...if they dug his father's body up, he would be gone. 487 00:57:20,645 --> 00:57:23,808 They planted a seed over his grave. 488 00:57:24,048 --> 00:57:26,516 The seed became a tree. 489 00:57:27,552 --> 00:57:31,648 Moses said his father became part of that tree. 490 00:57:31,856 --> 00:57:34,723 He grew into the wood... 491 00:57:34,926 --> 00:57:37,156 ...into the bloom. 492 00:57:39,264 --> 00:57:42,256 And when a sparrow ate the tree's fruit... 493 00:57:43,401 --> 00:57:46,632 ...his father flew with the birds. 494 00:57:47,939 --> 00:57:49,804 He said... 495 00:57:52,076 --> 00:57:55,739 ...death was his father's road to awe. 496 00:57:57,682 --> 00:57:59,843 That's what he called it. 497 00:58:00,952 --> 00:58:03,352 "The road to awe." 498 00:58:04,789 --> 00:58:09,021 Now, I've been trying to write the last chapter... 499 00:58:09,227 --> 00:58:11,661 ...and I haven't been able to get that out of my head. 500 00:58:12,330 --> 00:58:14,195 Why are you telling me this? 501 00:58:15,133 --> 00:58:18,398 I'm not afraid anymore, Tommy. 502 00:58:29,414 --> 00:58:31,678 I asked Lilly... 503 00:58:32,550 --> 00:58:34,575 ...if I could be buried at her farm. 504 00:58:34,819 --> 00:58:36,616 Oh, stop it! 505 00:58:39,023 --> 00:58:40,422 I want you to be with me. 506 00:58:40,625 --> 00:58:43,685 I am with you. Look. 507 00:58:44,696 --> 00:58:46,721 I'll always be with you. 508 00:58:49,467 --> 00:58:50,934 I promise. 509 00:58:56,140 --> 00:58:58,574 Will you stay with me tonight? 510 00:59:00,945 --> 00:59:03,106 Yeah, I'll stay. 511 00:59:11,155 --> 00:59:12,918 I'll stay. 512 01:00:02,840 --> 01:00:04,603 Don't worry. 513 01:00:05,510 --> 01:00:07,444 We're almost there. 514 01:00:11,749 --> 01:00:16,083 Through that last dark cloud is a dying star. 515 01:00:18,956 --> 01:00:23,154 And soon enough, Shibalba will die. 516 01:00:23,861 --> 01:00:27,092 And when it explodes, you will be reborn. 517 01:00:29,567 --> 01:00:31,797 You will bloom. 518 01:00:37,875 --> 01:00:40,241 And I will live. 519 01:01:10,174 --> 01:01:13,507 Don't worry. We're almost there. 520 01:04:03,114 --> 01:04:06,208 Thank you, Lord. We are here! 521 01:04:09,553 --> 01:04:11,384 Circles. 522 01:04:12,623 --> 01:04:14,591 He leads us in circles. 523 01:04:16,627 --> 01:04:20,028 Only we are left. All of your countrymen are dead. 524 01:04:20,231 --> 01:04:23,758 He killed them all, with this blind quest. 525 01:04:26,871 --> 01:04:28,133 It's time. 526 01:04:28,339 --> 01:04:29,931 Time to stop him. 527 01:04:51,328 --> 01:04:54,161 Captain. We are lost. 528 01:04:54,832 --> 01:04:58,199 The Franciscan and his tales are false. 529 01:04:58,402 --> 01:05:01,428 There is no hope for us here. 530 01:05:02,273 --> 01:05:04,207 There's only death. 531 01:05:05,209 --> 01:05:08,269 -I've mapped a course back to the ships. -Coward. 532 01:05:10,614 --> 01:05:12,172 Damn the maps. 533 01:05:13,751 --> 01:05:15,514 No! 534 01:05:17,288 --> 01:05:19,688 We are close, and I will find it. 535 01:05:19,924 --> 01:05:21,357 Captain! 536 01:05:21,559 --> 01:05:22,821 Captain! Captain. 537 01:05:23,027 --> 01:05:26,428 Father. What is it, Franciscan? 538 01:05:26,630 --> 01:05:28,063 In the jungle. 539 01:05:28,265 --> 01:05:30,995 -Yes, Father. -The markings on the hilt. 540 01:05:31,202 --> 01:05:32,829 -On the dagger? -It is the same. 541 01:05:33,037 --> 01:05:35,232 -The same? -The same as on the stone. 542 01:05:55,860 --> 01:06:00,320 Your choice. Die now, or by my side, fight to live. 543 01:06:12,176 --> 01:06:13,700 You fool. 544 01:06:13,911 --> 01:06:16,505 -Captain. -Father. 545 01:06:18,382 --> 01:06:19,406 Take it. 546 01:06:20,851 --> 01:06:22,375 We are here. 547 01:06:22,620 --> 01:06:26,056 -Where? -The temple is there. 548 01:06:30,761 --> 01:06:32,592 Sorry, Father. 549 01:06:34,064 --> 01:06:37,431 For you, there is only death. 550 01:06:38,169 --> 01:06:40,433 But our destiny is life. 551 01:07:07,198 --> 01:07:09,962 You shall wear it when you find Eden. 552 01:07:10,534 --> 01:07:12,297 And when you return... 553 01:07:13,170 --> 01:07:14,933 ...I shall be your Eve. 554 01:07:25,382 --> 01:07:27,247 Iz? Iz! 555 01:07:28,619 --> 01:07:30,917 Jesus Christ. 556 01:07:33,357 --> 01:07:34,984 Oh, come on, come on, come on. 557 01:07:35,693 --> 01:07:37,923 Oh, don't. Please. Please. 558 01:07:40,598 --> 01:07:41,565 Step aside. 559 01:07:41,765 --> 01:07:43,858 -She's in defib. Pulse thready. -I'm bagging. 560 01:07:44,068 --> 01:07:45,126 -Sir. -What's the rhythm? 561 01:07:45,336 --> 01:07:48,169 -Get the family out. Get him out! -Sir, please! 562 01:07:48,372 --> 01:07:49,669 -Give me the pads. -Charging. 563 01:07:49,874 --> 01:07:50,841 Pulse thready. 564 01:07:51,041 --> 01:07:52,065 What's the pressure? 565 01:07:56,447 --> 01:07:58,244 Oh, God. 566 01:08:19,670 --> 01:08:20,637 Tommy? 567 01:08:23,274 --> 01:08:28,234 I know. I know. I've never seen anything like it. 568 01:08:28,879 --> 01:08:30,779 -Antonio didn't reach you? -What? 569 01:08:31,015 --> 01:08:34,109 It's Donovan. The growth is shrinking. 570 01:08:34,351 --> 01:08:37,514 It's like the disease is cured. 571 01:08:39,690 --> 01:08:41,248 Izzi. 572 01:08:41,926 --> 01:08:43,450 Izzi! 573 01:08:46,730 --> 01:08:48,664 Izzi. 574 01:08:52,770 --> 01:08:55,204 -No, no, no, no! -Sir. Please, sir. 575 01:08:55,406 --> 01:08:58,432 Sir. Sir, it's too late. 576 01:08:58,642 --> 01:09:01,236 I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Sir. It's too late! 577 01:09:03,547 --> 01:09:05,606 -Stop him. Let him go. -Get off! 578 01:09:39,717 --> 01:09:40,877 No. 579 01:09:42,953 --> 01:09:43,920 No. 580 01:09:44,488 --> 01:09:47,821 No! No, no, no! 581 01:09:48,025 --> 01:09:52,553 Don't die. Don't die. Don't die. Don't die. No! No! 582 01:09:52,763 --> 01:09:55,561 No! 583 01:10:02,706 --> 01:10:04,401 Don't die. 584 01:10:23,794 --> 01:10:25,853 It seems to me that we... 585 01:10:27,765 --> 01:10:31,724 ...struggle all our lives to become whole. 586 01:10:33,303 --> 01:10:36,295 Complete enough when we die... 587 01:10:37,941 --> 01:10:40,205 ...to achieve a measure of grace. 588 01:10:43,180 --> 01:10:45,546 Few of us ever do. 589 01:10:46,984 --> 01:10:51,512 Most of us end up going out the way we came in, kicking and screaming. 590 01:10:57,494 --> 01:11:02,625 But somehow, Izzi, young as she was... 591 01:11:03,600 --> 01:11:05,864 ...she achieved that grace. 592 01:11:06,070 --> 01:11:09,767 In her last days, she became whole. 593 01:11:09,973 --> 01:11:11,372 She saw her... 594 01:11:13,510 --> 01:11:15,307 Tommy? 595 01:11:19,049 --> 01:11:21,483 -Tommy. -Just stop it! 596 01:11:27,658 --> 01:11:29,785 Death is a disease. 597 01:11:29,993 --> 01:11:31,426 It's like any other. 598 01:11:31,628 --> 01:11:33,721 And there's a cure. 599 01:11:34,565 --> 01:11:38,126 A cure. And I will find it. 600 01:11:52,950 --> 01:11:53,882 No! 601 01:14:28,171 --> 01:14:30,503 All these years... 602 01:14:31,875 --> 01:14:34,036 ...all these memories... 603 01:14:36,880 --> 01:14:38,780 ...there's been you. 604 01:14:50,894 --> 01:14:53,454 You pulled me through time. 605 01:15:05,242 --> 01:15:06,800 Dr. Creo. 606 01:15:24,094 --> 01:15:26,153 Dr. Creo, we heard you were back. 607 01:15:27,297 --> 01:15:30,528 Update me on everything we know about that tree. Every detail. 608 01:15:43,180 --> 01:15:44,613 I'm okay. 609 01:15:44,848 --> 01:15:46,179 Everything's fine. 610 01:15:48,652 --> 01:15:51,985 The Donovan breakthrough's our starting point. It's just a starting point. 611 01:15:52,189 --> 01:15:54,157 All right? Let's build on it. 612 01:15:54,391 --> 01:15:56,757 Stop aging. Stop dying. 613 01:15:56,960 --> 01:15:59,485 Stop dying. That's our goal. 614 01:15:59,696 --> 01:16:01,891 Scans, cultures, charts. 615 01:16:02,099 --> 01:16:04,033 Let's get to work. 616 01:16:09,406 --> 01:16:11,397 Come on, let's get to work. 617 01:16:39,836 --> 01:16:41,531 Shibalba. 618 01:16:51,415 --> 01:16:53,280 We're here. 619 01:17:19,543 --> 01:17:21,636 We almost made it. 620 01:17:26,583 --> 01:17:28,448 I'm sorry. 621 01:17:30,020 --> 01:17:31,612 I'm sorry. 622 01:17:31,855 --> 01:17:33,686 Finish it. 623 01:17:37,761 --> 01:17:38,955 Stop it. 624 01:17:39,262 --> 01:17:41,321 Stop it! 625 01:17:43,200 --> 01:17:45,225 What do you want? 626 01:17:46,636 --> 01:17:48,228 Leave me alone! 627 01:17:50,440 --> 01:17:54,399 Please, please. I'm afraid. 628 01:18:38,154 --> 01:18:40,622 Will you deliver Spain from bondage? 629 01:18:43,894 --> 01:18:45,691 I don't know. 630 01:18:45,896 --> 01:18:48,057 I'm trying. I don't know how. 631 01:18:48,465 --> 01:18:50,490 You do. 632 01:18:51,468 --> 01:18:52,526 You will. 633 01:18:55,972 --> 01:18:57,906 You do. 634 01:19:00,710 --> 01:19:02,371 You will. 635 01:19:12,622 --> 01:19:15,716 I'm not afraid anymore, Tommy. 636 01:19:20,730 --> 01:19:22,857 I'm going to die. 637 01:19:27,737 --> 01:19:30,035 I'm going to die. 638 01:19:30,473 --> 01:19:33,237 Together, we will live forever. 639 01:19:35,078 --> 01:19:36,773 Forever. 640 01:19:37,180 --> 01:19:39,011 Forever. 641 01:19:59,302 --> 01:20:01,167 Forever. 642 01:20:10,914 --> 01:20:14,077 We will live forever. 643 01:20:20,657 --> 01:20:22,454 Finish it. 644 01:20:24,561 --> 01:20:26,222 Okay. 645 01:20:29,566 --> 01:20:31,830 -What are you doing here? -Take a walk with me. 646 01:20:32,035 --> 01:20:33,127 I have too much work. 647 01:20:33,336 --> 01:20:35,964 - It's the first snow. We always-- -They're waiting on me. 648 01:20:37,540 --> 01:20:39,235 -Come on, Tommy. -Please, Izzi. 649 01:20:42,078 --> 01:20:43,568 I'm sorry. 650 01:20:43,780 --> 01:20:44,747 I am. 651 01:20:46,216 --> 01:20:48,548 I'll see you tonight, okay? 652 01:20:54,491 --> 01:20:55,583 Izzi. 653 01:20:55,792 --> 01:20:58,488 Hey! Dr. Creo. Antonio's on his way back. 654 01:20:59,429 --> 01:21:02,057 Donovan's open and ready. His vitals are steady. 655 01:21:05,201 --> 01:21:07,761 Come on. Let's go. 656 01:21:10,540 --> 01:21:13,031 Dr. Creo, where are you going? 657 01:21:14,544 --> 01:21:17,604 Izzi? Izzi. 658 01:22:28,585 --> 01:22:31,076 No! 659 01:22:36,559 --> 01:22:37,526 Finish it. 660 01:23:43,126 --> 01:23:44,457 Behold. 661 01:25:29,732 --> 01:25:31,791 Oh, God! 662 01:26:07,537 --> 01:26:08,731 My queen. 663 01:26:10,907 --> 01:26:13,501 Now and forever. 664 01:26:13,710 --> 01:26:16,076 We shall be togeth-- 665 01:29:34,277 --> 01:29:36,268 Bye, Iz. 666 01:29:50,326 --> 01:29:54,126 -I finished it. -Is everything all right? 667 01:29:54,330 --> 01:29:58,391 Yes. Everything's all right. 668 01:30:13,400 --> 01:30:21,100 [ © anoXmous https://thepiratebay.se/user/Zen_Bud/] 669 01:30:21,500 --> 01:30:29,300 [ © anoXmous https://thepiratebay.se/user/Zen_Bud/]